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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yes, I have all the fake Nike gear, but our posh coloured number plate isn't........😘
  2. I doubt you could probably do it, insurance companies would probably be not too happy, and I doubt pay out anything to do with electricity and public side walks...
  3. Vulcanization........
  4. Weeeeeeeeeeell, these were the visions I had that would not be allowed in the UK........🤭
  5. No guessing about it, Trump comes to mind......🤭
  6. I doubt that very much, one only has to look at presidency contenders across the pond......😁
  7. I just love the look on the Queen's face, and she's thinking... "I wonder if he knows there will be no fries with dinner"...............😂
  8. Strange the photos in the post I replied to that I can see, have foreign number plates, even one of yours...........🤭
  9. Trump, the biggest embarrassment to the USA, ever................😬
  10. And where has @Tiber gone regarding my blatant lying... Come out, come out, wherever you are...................😂
  11. What has any of that nonsense got to do with Henry...............? 🤔
  12. Yep, as soon as the word gets out folk will think twice before doing a BMT, but as has been pointed out today, they will pounce given the chance.....😬
  13. How about "rejected because you cannot report on a tourist visa"..........Which happened to my friend on a retirement extension, so yes, they do.......🤠
  14. Years back I recall saying on these threads that one day the dots will all line up, the tech thing. It seems to me that time is close upon us, and those who pooh-poohed then, may now have something to worry about, taking notice of BMT and the other bloke that's just shown up "again" to point you in the direction of possible trouble.........🥴
  15. 😂..........I just find it odd folk coming on here having a poke at an owner of a 4x4, especially the "All that extra weight and gears"..............😂 What extra gears............🤭
  16. Is that called, "The BMT Lament"............😂
  17. Who knows, though I would have thought the fraud would be a criminal offence, and could get complicated, imagine those who have been telling porkies for 20 years...😱
  18. I know a bloke who fiddles the pension, claims cold weather payment and other benefits, yet his passport is full of Thai retirement extensions, I asked 'are you not worried about getting caught', he said, 'no, I can cover it with my collateral.' 😵 So there we have it, if you've loads of cash, and you think you will never get caught, it maybe a gamble worth taking..😎
  19. Really, yours are just for the Tesco run then, or a financial decision....? 🤔
  20. How do you know........? 🤔
  21. I gave up, way too complicated written stuff, though his thingy sounds like a fan bearing.......😵
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