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Everything posted by transam

  1. NG calls every one stupid, it's his trademark............🀭
  2. ...and more, I reckon..............................🀭
  3. He will know, for sure.........................he goes both ways, he told us..........😘
  4. I wonder how you would know how Thai blokes think, I know you know how Thai bar girlies think, because you have been conversing with them for 40 years, but blokes.....πŸ€” I am right in thinking you Aussie blokes don't get involved with buying houses in Aussiland.....?
  5. Oh, no.................😬
  6. For a minute there, I thought your new avatar was of a Jester.............πŸ˜‹
  7. Not long at all, glad you were impressed.......
  8. Oh dear, we have an "I'm alright Jack" member..........πŸ€” Who may have come to LOS to live cheap, which would be............πŸ˜‚
  9. Oh dear, but they are not carpet bombing then.............πŸ˜‚
  10. No war bring back the dead. The aggressors get punished, thought you would have known that. "Give peace a chance"...πŸ˜‚.... There has been peace for a very long time in the region, even with your lot firing missiles daily, Palestinians worked in Israel, visas for them have been increased, yet, their Hamas leaders, backed by similar ilk, Iran, Hezbollah etc, have and are causing the issues, but you never mention anything about that, Mr. Mojo....😊
  11. Yes, odd................πŸ˜‰
  12. I agree, the few terrorist supporters here are just anti-Jew, sticks out a mile, they don't ever think about the 6,000,000 million Jews who were murdered by the Nazi Germans. The aftermath of that was that Israel built a country with its own defences, so it never happens again. Built up their own forces to deal with what ever is thrown at them. The Hamas thing was a hit-and-run, but they made a huge mistake, and will, and are paying for it. Like the Nazi German exterminators of the Jews, they will be found and dealt with.....😏
  13. Yeeh, riiiight, bury the farangy brigade............πŸ˜‚
  14. Can't remember if I posted this....🀭 Worth listening too, or reading...
  15. Kids on bikes with sticks, why do you think 'they really wanted to bash a random farangy'......🀭
  16. Perhaps he was walking on the inside, now come on chap........πŸ™„
  17. So the scooter lads knew that waaaay back up the road, so found a lump of wood to whack the bloke............ How about, the scooter lads wanted to whack a farangy with a lump of wood whilst zooming past on their bike, so they would not risk getting knocked out by the farangy.....
  18. You seem to have over active guessing syndrome......πŸ€”
  19. Good for them, they now know the concerns, and am sure Israel will now introduce more stringent surveillance and emergency procedures. Plus, the backbone of Hamas will be a shadow of its former self when the dust settles...☺️
  20. Seems by your second para I was right............πŸ˜‰ Wheel and tyre dimensions are dialled into the suspension at factory. if you put taller wheels with skinny tyres on a ride that from factory had smaller wheels and taller tyre sidewall, the ride will be cr@p.... As I recall, my ol' 4x4 Vigo had 16" wheels with 265x70x16 tyres, with 29psi all round loaded or unloaded.. 20" with skinny tyres and 38 PSI will be 'orroble, must wear a crash hat for head to roof contact.......😁...
  21. Then the ride will definitely be cr@p........🀭
  22. Oh, you should have pointed that out, as I reckon many of us here don't have those burdens....πŸ˜‰
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