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Everything posted by transam

  1. You missed Trump............πŸ€•
  2. Indeed, and considering the UK's supposed position in Europe, our state pension is rather weak... Interesting link... https://www.almondfinancial.co.uk/pension-breakeven-index-how-does-the-uk-state-pension-compare-to-the-rest-of-europe/
  3. Oh, very funny................NOT............πŸ™„ Leave your own problems at home.....
  4. Corbyn is a buffoon, an IRA supporter, a terrorist organisation supporter, in other words, he's crackers as well as his ex. sidekick Abbott.........😬 Him and his odd brother are of the same ilk, anti-anything.......πŸ€•
  5. Why is a secret..........πŸ˜‰...............πŸ˜‚ But they gave me a yellow book...............πŸ˜†
  6. The stupid point is, because you can't get a yellow book, you HAVE to get resident letters, most of us that have a yellow book don't. Now who is stupid.........πŸ˜‹......?........
  7. It was a life lost, shame you don't think of the lives lost by your hero, Putin........πŸ˜’
  8. Internals and operation are maybe similar, so, tell us all about Electrolux and/or Teka....πŸ€—
  9. I thought they were fined, getting on for half a billion $ for fraudulent operations......😨 Did I miss that it had been quashed...........? πŸ€”
  10. Another photo from your collection........... You should come out of the closet...............😘
  11. They have a factory in Rayong Thailand.....
  12. Member........
  13. Great, think I started with Google, punched in the board part number, it was there, many hits, the Lazada hit caught my eye, the rest is history. I have repaired many things via Lazada, most parts came from China costing silly money, though about 10 days to turn up....☺️
  14. I thought the same, thought a new machine, until I doodled on Lazada........πŸ˜‹
  15. Sorry, off-topic, but my 7 y.o Samsung wash machine packed up, power on, nothing............😒 So, started pulling apart to get to the motherboard, spotted a tiny brown, perhaps, burn mark on it, hmmm, got on Lazada, punched in the part number, it was there, various prices, but found one for 550bht, I thought, no way, it's too complicated, and a new part. Ordered it, fitted it, all working again.............
  16. Indeed, and when you think of the cash that is given away in aid, taking care of immigrants of various varieties, it is peanuts...........πŸ€”
  17. Only because you can't do the job to get one......... You carry on travelling and paying for letters of residence.......🀭
  18. More from your collection, eh............😘
  19. Biden Crime family, and I suppose your leader Trump is not a Crime family.......... But wait...........................🀣
  20. Then why the boring lefty thing, it is a fact, that the Labour Party gets into power then balls things up. Just in a couple of weeks 3,000,000 have signed up to get rid of the Corbynite, IRA defender, that should tell you something......

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