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Everything posted by transam

  1. Here you are, there is more too..............🤗
  2. A disappointed lady...........😌 https://uk.yahoo.com/finance/news/keir-starmer-refuses-meet-99-140000347.html
  3. Wrong, and the odd-ball YOU are supporting knows it's not a made up story...............................😉
  4. I bet you're frozen at the mo, wrap up warm, chap............🥶............🤭
  5. Sadly I was right, 5 notifications, all off-topic cr@p....🙄 Which are all indeed childish personal jabs, nothing to do with the thread.......🤕 Now run along, get down to the park and do something more in line with your age mentality, get on the swings........🤭
  6. I see on my notification list I have 4 from you to read, I just hope they are all not your off-topic cr@p.....😬
  7. More nonsense, now get out there and get that snow off the footpath.........
  8. You dig it out, I have that person who posted it username...........Keep digging.............. More BS from Tiber.........😂
  9. Are you snowed in yet............🥶..................🤭
  10. No, just showing Trump is dodgy, just to get a level playing field..... I should have posted that when Waltz was getting flack for dodging..
  11. Your man........ https://www.militarytimes.com/news/pentagon-congress/2019/02/27/trumps-lawyer-no-basis-for-presidents-medical-deferment-from-vietnam/
  12. Was it the same way he avoided Vietnam.........
  13. Delusional....................
  14. Where has your 'gnarled old granny' come from, and where have you seen them too often......? 🤔
  15. Seems many are on here, sadly............🥴 Mind you, the Harris put downs seem to have waned, perhaps they now realise what they have done voting for you know who..........🤭
  16. 🥱.................Boring, you and others should get over your 'left' thingy.........
  17. How were you created, were the couple of the same gender, or not...........? Link please, as you require one.....🙄
  18. I wondered where I read it, preferential exchange rate for pensions paid directly into a foreign bank account.... On the forms you have to fill in to apply for the state pension opening page.....😁 Oh, and for the Mr.Angry's on here, scroll down to Part 11, have a read.... https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/222516/dg_181245.pdf

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