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Everything posted by transam

  1. Let's not forget, you are anti-British military, in fact, anti-British.........
  2. Well said, the Trump voters...............have nooooo idea about that stuff.............................
  3. I think he is doing OK, at least he tells it how it is, and is usually spot on, not like a few Trump supporters here who dodge Trump's stuff.........🤭
  4. I never received your previous ones...........😢
  5. Indeed, Chinese with MG bling.............. My chum has a 5 year old MG ZS with only 60kkm on the clock, he took it to MG to trade in, he was offered 180,000 for it, he walked.......😢
  6. You must be still fretting over that elusive yellow book..............
  7. No, I am not American, but I enjoy his show, tells it as it is.....😝
  8. No, I will get the same flack............😂
  9. Tell me, is this a chat thread for all to comment on with what ever views they have on the subject...? As far as I am concerned, what ever is said here makes absolutely no difference to anything, yes/no...? What it has shown me, is blokes who are on the fiddle must attack, which is a bit odd as nothing on here will change anything...... What I don't like is folk making stories up, telling lies even and calling me a liar, which, I will NOT let go. A bloke on here posts a lot with NO Gov. links, nothing, the same bloke that calls me and a member of staff, liars.....🤔 To remind you, nothing posted here changes anything, what ever you do is your business, and up to you......
  10. The only one telling porkies here is you, never a link to support your claims, why is that.....? You also, after calling me a liar, never responded to a member of staff's post about a bloke he knows getting caught, why is that.....? 🤔
  11. You are the one roaming in the flock of sheeple, old bean, not ONCE have you said ONE word against your hero Trump, not ONCE........ Which is very funny............😂 Why is that....?.......No waffle, why is that..........................?
  12. Oh dear............... Well, some folk here are easily pleased, eh, and also have nothing on topic to offer..........😬
  13. Tell me which names were NOT pardoned by Trump that were quoted and commented on by Jimmy...........? Hey, you can only protect your leader by going so far, as you will and do look daft..................🤭
  14. Different police department, ol' chap.........🙄 I hope you haven't bought a house via a company............😱
  15. You are obviously in the know...............😘

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