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Everything posted by transam

  1. Chummy, the UK Government, Labour Party is the Lefty Party, didn't you know that..................😂
  2. The Three Musketeers, Elon-Farage-Trump, all good chums to try and control everything....🤔
  3. And so the lefty excuses begin..........................🤣
  4. What is racist about the truth, as for Thai creeps, I am sure there are, but the thread revolves around farangy creeps............
  5. Of course, you don't, and of course Labour are dealing with it.........😂 3,000,000 signatures say different, chap...............🤔
  6. Has Labour now stopped the boats, I mean, they have had years to plan for it, or has the focus been shifted to attack the pensioners and farmers, and soon the bereaved........? I also notice that your leader, who has lied himself into the big chair, has had a change of personality, his true roots are coming to the fore... Something for you to comment on below........🤭 (PS. Don't come back and say it is not your Party).........😂
  7. Me, telling lies, for one..................🤔
  8. I don't know about your private pastime stuff, but the term "hate or hatred" is completely wrong as you don't know individual's feelings. Me, for instance, I don't hate Trump, I feel a bit sorry for him, as he is well out of his depth but will again have a big stick to go with the big chair, which is a bit worrying for those who cannot see the wood from the trees. Sadly, you don't seem to be able to see the wood from the trees, as your posts confirm...🤔
  9. "Hatred" is totally the wrong word, hatred has nothing to do with stopping an odd-ball getting in big chair, the word you should be using is ..."Concerned"........🤗
  10. Thought that was Trump, convicted for all sorts of dodgy dosh dealings, he also got fined a lot of money for it......Don't hear much about that from you Trump voters......
  11. I know a bloke who paid for his GF to have boob implants, after the op, and every time I saw them, her boobs were on show via low revealing attire, of course I didn't mind, but he eventually did.... They are now not a couple.........😨
  12. I think there are many farangy's that come to LOS to fulfil their weirdo hobbies, thinking they can get away with it here....🥴
  13. Vacant........
  14. You have some front using the word "imbecile".........😂
  15. Depends on if she wants to show them to others...........
  16. You're looking a bit stupid..............🤭

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