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Everything posted by transam

  1. What do you think about Thai cops MUST learn English, think a few years back they were given 6 months to do it. I know quite a few cops, our lad is one, he does OK with English because of growing up with me, but I only know one cop who speaks and understands English, he is in the Tourist Police, so he is very busy covering for most of the team, even the boss there doesn't speak English.....???? A few years back a lady was at our place, was doing a master's in English, been at Uni for 4 years, she barely understood a word I was saying, even with me using near perfect English pronunciation. And folk think us oldies should learn Thai/Isaan/Laos....????
  2. I stopped smoking 3 years back, but people near me belching out clouds of vape smoke that I/we have do breath and smell is out of order and illegal...????
  3. Don't be silly, there is a selection of girly and naff smells, think the last one was like burning strawberry's. In Thailand it is illegal to use them, illegal to smoke anywhere near an establishment, think 5 metres away. You probably can't smell them because you are using them, so pleeeeease don't give me all that cr@p....????
  4. Well yeh, he wasn't Thai, wasn't black or an Eskimo.......????
  5. There's a fat Chinese looking bloke turns up at my watering hole, sits down, orders a beer, gets a bag of food out. He sits there with a vape in one hand and a spoon in the other, mixes all three. I look in disbelief through the clouds of cr@p, and wonder why the boss lady does sod all about it. I normally have to move....????
  6. But vaping is a nuisance, clouds of cr@p smelling stuff annoying others. Plus, users look tools.....????
  7. Sadly, she will not be the last, every single day I see birds on the phone controlling the bike with one hand. Nothing will change or stop the practice as there are no police out there to do anything about it, and that goes for all the other road cr@p too......????
  8. Don't be sad @exel, I can't afford either either.....????
  9. Fink it's to do wiv hormones in Pattaya.....????
  10. Then you haven't learned much.......But that's OK, crack on.......????
  11. Well you would say that, as an anti-Brit, Brit, well done........ Oh, aren't the Brits paying France a lot of money to stop it, in France...? Haven't the Brits set up stations in France, manned by Brits, to stop smuggling and capture illegals....?
  12. At least they are on to these people, and I reckon there are a lot of bum burps going on out there. Let's hope they find out where all that money came from and take it away......????
  13. Because they were illegal entering France and not turned away, I would have thought that was obvious, even to an ant-Brit, Brit........????
  14. I have had no problem getting refunds from Lazada, just got 117bht..????
  15. So you dismiss the French who let them all set up camp in France, so they could make the crossing.....? ????
  16. First 4 wheels I had was one of those, think it was a 1959, which saw a bit of action, oh, when parked up......????
  17. I have never ever wanted to make a topic about you ol' chap, if you don't like my advice, then I am sorry....????
  18. So you think folk don't get sea sick on big boats............????
  19. English is THE worldwide communication language, even all the Asian countries have voted to use it. Fly a plane, you use it... Now I am very pleased about that, as I am Langlixic....????
  20. I have had/driven V6 cars since 1972, incredibly smooth, comfortable engines, 9 out of 10 for me, a V8 would be 10 out of 10. Now slightly off-topic truck V6 stuff, but worth a watch...
  21. Do you know what dyslexic means....? If you do, do you run these people down...? Well, I have similar but regarding languages, what do you think about that....?
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