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Everything posted by transam

  1. Monsoon is a big word for a lot of rain in some climates, but I can assure you that London and its surrounding areas can and does flood on occasions, but London has spent a lot of money to control it over the years.. ???? And remember, 99% of London's electricity supply is underground, water or no water, it usually works fine as transformers are not stuck up a lamp post, they have their own weee residence........????
  2. I am talking about 6 year old EV's in LOS, please keep up....????
  3. That has nothing to do with my question, so let me put it very simple for you, ready....... Who is going to buy a 6 year old EV if it is known the battery bank is stuffed at 8 years old, the battery bank change will cost as much as the six/eight year old car. We all know that modern petrol or diesel cars go on forever and hold their value in THAILAND...
  4. Should have bought a Toyota pickup...6000bht at 150,000km, but now they have a chain.......????
  5. Read my next post. 6 year old car, and cost of battery bank replacement, I reckon they will be worthless...
  6. My point was the cost of battery replacement at around 8 years old, who is going to buy a 6 year old electric car, it will cost as much as the car is worth to install a new battery bank...
  7. Are EV's in LOS unsellable at say 6 years old...?
  8. The OP has asked members to not ask any more questions on getting juice, which to me is a cop out, because the major factor with an EV is to not worry about juice top up.
  9. Wiring in the UK was better than Pattaya's a hundred years ago. The people responsible should be sacked. I worked on electric mains in London over half a century back, not a cable to be seen......????
  10. Why, some readers may not be convinced, including me. ????
  11. Sorry to see you have been burned, but there are ladies out there to help you get over it....Just think positive...????
  12. What a load of rollocks, but in your case, probably correct.....????
  13. I actually know a bloke who did it, way back in 2007, then he did it again in I think 2012, he now lives with a lady in the Philippines....????
  14. Not all of us after landing went straight to the bar girl joints with an engagement ring, sunbeam...????
  15. The thing is, when you pull into a gas station you have 10+ pumps to choose from, filling the tank takes a couple of minutes. Do these EV juice stations have numerous hook-ups to cater for long wait top-ups and multiple customers. No use planning on topping up at a place where they haven't got the infrastructure to cope with multiple customers.
  16. I can just imagine all the MG dealer car park full of folk like you, all queuing up for juice, picnic tables out, karaoke, stalls selling fried chicken and MG ball caps, so could be a bit of a blast whilst waiting hours to crack on.....????
  17. You would make a good shadow deputy leader, you have the same M.O as the present one.....????............????
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