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Everything posted by transam

  1. It seems Whacko the monk would be more suited to prison guard duties, but sadly no handouts there....????
  2. Yes, we all know the weed puffers pooh, pooh anything negative about their habit, but the link below lists possible effects, many are definitely a no-no for driving, plus takes a lot longer to get rid of those effects, whereas, booze is a lot shorter period... ????........???? https://www.healthline.com/health/how-long-does-weed-stay-in-your-system#how-to-metabolize-faster
  3. In the UK, the police have road tests for drink driving and drug driving. So, the police/law obviously know smoking dope is doing similar stuff as booze. If caught drug driving, the court issues similar punishment as booze, lose your licence...????
  4. It should be pointed out to tourists in their home country, as for us LOS long timers, it was a steep learning curve....????
  5. Yes, it is a common trait here, sure we have all experienced it..???? (PS. Brakes)...
  6. Nothing to do with experience if you get taken out by a truck driver that has time to honk his hooter before he takes you out......????
  7. Laos entry visa for UK is $35 or 1500bht, for the USA $40 or 2000bht. A wife passport has never been required at the Sav. consulate. I always took a 20 bht KR2, just in case, they always give it back. I will take a KR2 when I next go, just in case. Never been asked for wife divorce cert, but as it has been mentioned, I will, just in case. I will have a new passport if/when I go, I will take my old one with many Sav. visas in it, just in case....????
  8. Life cert is random, probably computer issued, they even give you an addressed envelope to return it. I did have one every year, for 3 years. I put my phone number on the form for their records, just in case a form has not been delivered, I have phoned them a couple of times to make sure no payment probs...????
  9. Sadly, the Covid dead can't reply to that...........???? But, I reckon they wouldn't bother anyway, even if they could, it would be pointless...????
  10. So a Thai Pass will stop folk getting p_ssed and into trouble.....???? ????...........and you are a Reverend...?....????
  11. C19 is way more contagious than flu and the symptoms can be worse, plus recovery more difficult than flu..
  12. Looking at the length and weight of the posts, if they were laid flat, the weight out the back would have had the truck doing a wheely.....????
  13. Just my guess, the truck is too small to carry the posts flat, they were resting on the raised bit at the back of the cab, they slide down/off, car was a bit close. I can see nothing holding the posts in position, or perhaps it was a piece of string....????
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