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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yep, here is the UK punishment for using a mobile phone when driving... https://www.gov.uk/using-mobile-phones-when-driving-the-law#:~:text=Penalties,proper control of the vehicle.
  2. Hey, the police take care of underage kids on motorcyles to get into their school gates...???? Special Elite Force......????
  3. Of course, but they did have a bag ban....Same as a beer ban, my point is, LOS is no different to farangland in its wrapping department...????
  4. LOS have NEVER had suitable fines, in fact last year they reduced some.....???? You may think I am a dinosaur, but at least l have an idea regarding LOS folk thought.????
  5. Go in any shop in the west and what do you see, Plastic. Plastic wrappers advertising the probably small item inside. Half a century ago, buy a shirt, it's in a box, all nicely wrapped again in tissue or plastic. Go in a farang supermarket now, I reckon 99% of it is in plastic, from a sealed bag to cellophane wrap.. The hygiene thingy. So no, LOS is no worse than farangland, in fact didn't LOS ban plastic carrier bags...????
  6. Doubt it, sensible, collected fines that make folk...????.....will do more than a break with free grub...
  7. What a strange assumption, go to the back of the class........????.............????
  8. Weeeell, I think most of the stuff they do is daft anyhoooo, it's just the way it is, from driving tests, to vehicle tests, to fines and lets not forget lack of police presence to deter daft road users.... ????
  9. I did that with mine, the shock absorption stuff was made of high density polystyrene, trimmed it with a hobby knife then glued the lining back...????
  10. What about human life....? PS. Go read the thread title again, the guy is still alive............????
  11. "No respect for the law", what are you talking about, I have respect for others, I do not play loud music, p_ssed up all day and night annoying my neighbours, ass_oles do that. Where have I upset the law, tell me, my lad is a policeman in LOS, he might get upset with me. ???? Why should I leave the country when I have been here a very long time and never been in trouble with the law, yet.......???? Now go read the thread title, then my posts....????
  12. Why not, many drivers in LOS have guns under their car seat, just in case someone toots them...????
  13. Well yes, it is a Chinese car using a British brand name and Union Jack....???? Shame really, they could have been name adventurous like, "Rick Shaw Rides"....????
  14. I wonder if all these well-wishers would still well-wish if the bloke was p_ssed and loudly boogying outside their house at 3am....Don't fink so, more like...............................????.....................????
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