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Everything posted by transam

  1. "No respect for the law", what are you talking about, I have respect for others, I do not play loud music, p_ssed up all day and night annoying my neighbours, ass_oles do that. Where have I upset the law, tell me, my lad is a policeman in LOS, he might get upset with me. ???? Why should I leave the country when I have been here a very long time and never been in trouble with the law, yet.......???? Now go read the thread title, then my posts....????
  2. Why not, many drivers in LOS have guns under their car seat, just in case someone toots them...????
  3. Well yes, it is a Chinese car using a British brand name and Union Jack....???? Shame really, they could have been name adventurous like, "Rick Shaw Rides"....????
  4. I wonder if all these well-wishers would still well-wish if the bloke was p_ssed and loudly boogying outside their house at 3am....Don't fink so, more like...............................????.....................????
  5. Batteries on our bikes have lasted around 5 years, when they failed there was no warning, no kickstart on the PCX was a pain.
  6. It was free for me and all the folk with me, just pointing it out...????
  7. I like the CRV too, if I had the choice of those two I think it would be my choice.
  8. Got mine free in LOS, I have never paid taxes here either. ???? Our lad's biological father is now in ICU with Covid, his father's brother is dead via Covid, both in there 50's... Oh, his mum and I are still breathing thanks to our jabs and being careful though.....????
  9. Give Viagra a miss if I were you, no cherry picking.....????
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