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Everything posted by transam

  1. The 2 and 4 wheel evolution of course will mainly end up electric. In a bit over 100 years we have gone from steam/coal, to fluid/petrol/diesel combustion engines to electric. That's the/our future. I am really glad I grew up through the piston engine era, and no, not the steam. ????
  2. Shopee via supply place is in BKK... https://shopee.co.th/USB-Cable-10M-V2.0-M-F-สายต่อยาว10เมตร(สีฟ้า)-i.24537039.297292677
  3. Toyota is the way to go, very reliable, and I can't think of seeing a rust problem on one. I would stay away from Mercs unless you have a very local repair shop who know what they are doing....
  4. I have ceiling fans in all the bedrooms, very quiet and shift the air nicely. Downstairs living area has four ceiling fans, use two daily. A new replacement ceiling fan I bought for my bedroom can really only be used on setting 1, too powerful.. Floor and wall fans are too noisy. Ceiling fans are a must for me...????
  5. My watering hole has had coffee Chang for quite a while, I have tried it, it's OK. I think it was developed for those who start their "getting plastered day", early in the morning......
  6. I believe he now has a foreign passport of some sort....????‍♂️
  7. You forgot your youth then, or were you a choir boy....????
  8. Indeed.....???? Just imagine F1 and Drag racing with no noise, a dismal thought....????
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