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Everything posted by transam

  1. Yet another dodge............
  2. For many of us, that quote is common sense, the rest of the free World knows it is too......... Of course, Trumps buddies, in Russia and N. Korea, think differently...🤔
  3. Gawd 'elp us................... Sunbeam, you are a Trumpette, so would not understand anything to do with the UK........
  4. Of course not, you will always make excuses for your Labour Party.........😝
  5. You would, your ant-Tory thing, but you fail to EVER point out any balls-up, before or now, by your Labour Party. Us long time readers know exactly your lefty game....... Angela Rayner, second in command of your Labour Party, unbelievable, not a word from you about that......................😆
  6. You, are 'avin a larf......😂 Your Party is already making a fool of itself, and so... You...............
  7. Because she has the 'balls' too..............😉 Your Rayner is totally out of her depth, you just wait till Kemi gets hold of her.............😋 You wanted your lot in, now you live with it............🤭
  8. What a load of tosh from a Trumpette, classic Trump material...................🤣
  9. He had fun in Afghanistan, well, didn't he.........😉 He didn't stop it, did he...?...😋
  10. So you wrote something you cannot back-up, how surprising..........😂 Waffle-on, chap, bars are open soon, for you.............
  11. Have you an obsession with that kinda stuff...?
  12. "Toxic Feminist", can you explain that comment.......? 🥴
  13. 🤣.......Put Kemi face to face with your Angela and see what happens..........🤣 You obviously have never watched Kemi at the dispatch box burying your opposition Party. Oh, I forgot, you don't watch videos, even from the House, they maybe doctored...............🤣
  14. What are you talking about, boy wonder.........?
  15. Reads like you're "losing it"........😂
  16. So why doesn't your hero pay is bills............? 🤔 Why, because he has spent his life shafting folk, the same people he wants votes from............😬 https://uk.yahoo.com/news/trump-campaign-leaving-cities-hundreds-213500502.html But, on the bright side, if he loses the big chair job, the door is open to deal with his conman lifestyle...
  17. Nigel Farage supports and canvassed for Donald Trump's 2024 big chair campaign...... Yes, a fruitcake............🤔
  18. I never forget very strange stuff, you supporting Putin's invasion of Ukraine, to me, is strange.....🤗
  19. Reads like you already have...................🥺
  20. Musk is weird, forget about his money, he's weird....This is embarrassing.......😨
  21. So funny........😂 And I hope you haven't got a balcony..................😱

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