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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. A fare bit of Thai bashing going on here! I don't think the Thai's keep anything quiet. The Buffalo grape vine runs freely through the rice fields. I don't find it justifiable that arm chair critics with IQ's similar to the said buffalo get on TV and put down Thai's when everything that goes on here is well publicized. It might not have been news that got to the TV members ears within the first ten minutes, so I beg to ask, what exactly is suppression in their great opinions.. I say get down to your local market place, learn to read and write a little Thai. Then your ability to communicate with and around locals will take a change for the better.

    "Of course they keep things like this quiet. Thais hate loosing face" and "3?? deaths on the roads over xmas too...not many reports of each individual death...." both very naive cliche statements. If you were able to watch Thai TV!!!! then you would have the knowledge they had programs running the full length of the New Year break covering traffic and traffic injuries and deaths. It was something like commetators of a football match... Aey,,, cheer cheer cheer, and there's another one from Issan, Issan now leads 89 to 84 for Northern Provinces...

    I really don't get how dumb some of TV comments can be these days.

  2. Best is to renegotiate a deal about paying of your debt. If you just stop paying, the costs will only run higher. In the end they will get court orders and will try to execute the court order in Thailand.

    I don't believe you are correct. Do you have any examples of this happening. I know of credit card cases in the UK were Visa/Mastercard debts are sold of to collection agencies, they then try to collect. Eventually after a yea4 or so they will enter negotiation for cents in the dollar discounts to settle. They might end up collecting 25cent to a dollar, in two years time from you. This was not me and I don't know what the persons credit rating is today, but I do not expect they would try to excute a court order in Thailand. Without substantial proof of past cases I would not believe what the poster has said. I do however stand corrected if Mario2008 can give examples.

  3. Over the break I visit my friends 70 rai block of land in BangLan Village 37 km out of MaeMalai on the road to Pai. He has imported newly developed Arabic as his main coffee plants. The Thai Arabic is all stemming from the same original route stock, so is lacking some variety. He is now harvesting and processing the coffee in-house under the brand name Hi Coffee. Udom does all the processing inhouse for drying, dehusking and curing of the coffee with extreme care taken to keep temperatures within what we would consider a western set of specifications. The coffee beans are light brown as apposed to the dark burnt coffee beans you get in the wider available commercial packs. As a result to coffee has an astounding natural creamyness to it, and the aroma is something to die for.. His production is limited, but is growing from season to season.. pardon the pun..

    You can see his website here (I'm not sure of the forum rules but here is the site)


    If you would like to contact them then PM me...

  4. you say she began as your gik, later when you finished with your ex you got together with her.

    I have never known a decent girl who will allow herself to be a gik.

    you should be running from her,thats a trashy thing for a girl to do.

    every one is flaming you over the age, how come when I make age related comments here I get torn apart.

    really she should be ashamed to take you home, to a 20 year old yor as old as hell, ask yourself what kind of girl would do this, do i even want a girl who would bang a man 30 odd years older.

    My GF is 38. That makes her 28 years younger than I. Her father is dead but her mother is living. My GF has never been married. GF just returned from a visit home for New Year. The family including mom all want to meet me. I gave GF 5000 baht as a New Years present and because I felt a little guilty not going with her. With the 5000 she bought a 2500 baht table and chairs for the homestead and spent 2500 on presents which she brought home for me.

    While there her mother took her aside and told her my age made no difference as long as I was polite and well dressed. In other words she didn’t want daughter bringing home a bum.

    I have two unmarried daughters in their 20’s and I feel the same. As long as the guy is polite, well dressed, with a good job and the means to take care of my daughters I don’t care how old he is. Speaking as a father I care much more about his financial and mental stability than his age. One of my daughters is a bit of a wild child and instead of her current tattooed restaurant employee I think she would be well served to find an older bank president.

    On your other question about the desirability of a woman who would bang a man 30 years older. With some of the younger specimens I have observed at night spots I find age to be a minor problem when compared with drug addiction, football obsession and the lack of employment.

    Top post KerryK... 10++++

  5. Pay it and be polite when doing so.

    As for the poster who wrote that car drivers are not often stopped, well that was not the case until Thaksin was elected. I used to get stopped at least once a month, for stupid reasons, and I was never given a ticket but I did have to donate a minimum of 200 Baht..

    I don't get what you are saying. Are you saying you never had to pay cops for anything until Thaksin came into power. I find that very very hard to believe. In 1990 it was happening no different than it is today. The only thing that did change during Thaksin's time is they started to issue real fine thus handing over the proper invoices on a more regular basis, maybe half the time. As the earlier post said, corruption works in our favour sometime, 400 baht is more expensive than 200 baht, at least the last time I had to use baht to pay for something.

  6. Check out today B....., sorry the anti-Christ newspaper.

    59% percent of Thai women cheat on their partners: 54% of Thai men cheat on their partners... ???????????????????????????

    I think this whole fat balding farang with Thai girl drama/story is a bit of a tempest in a teapot! The real cultural Thai issue is woven into the above moral fabric of relationships in the Kingdom!

  7. Time to leave the country boy. You have your principles and they don't work here..... Life is going to be a constant struggle if you think justice can be served. I've seen it time and time before. Go back and enjoy your rules are rules and must abide by the because it's my right "society" and stay there. It ain't going to work here and your just going to get more frustrated with the wrong people.... The right thing.... Leave

    And you probably stayed here for too long. What's wrong with trying to push the country in the right direction?

    Ha, good luck. Unless your Gandhi you ain't gonna be but a grain of sand on the beach. Police corruption starts the day a cadet enters the force. In his first 3-4 years he has to collect to earn enough to finance a payment to his boss-man to get to the next level. If not he is stuck for life with no gun, no motorbike, no desk and more than likely road duty. When said rise happens to take him to the next level he has the chance to cash in 3-4 years later as he has a few cadets under him. He still has to pay to get to the next level.. etc etc etc etc.....collection doesn't pay-back until retirement, the final shuffle. The reality is you can't and won't stop corruption unless you got 30-40 years without the existing system in place. What you have done is just made his life that little bit more unpleasant to live. It was not I who suggested you pay, so as for your smart-ass comment about being here too long, read what I wrote. It simply says, if you want to enjoy living in peaceful surrounding in Thailand, learn and assimilate. If not, go home. Simple. You want to fight the system, as I said, GOOD LUCK.

    PS. I had a staff member from Canada that came out of teaching and had great aspirations about being successful in business in Thailand. He's back teaching in Canada never to return to business in Asia. Guess why?

  8. Certainly a tough crowd:) And some interesting comments, of course in addition to almost all of you pointing out that you are intelligent. Clearly it was a wrong approach with the the intelligence thing, as it has triggered all your insecurities. Im alienating myself. Sorry for that. Let me start over. Please, dont worry, im not abnormally intelligent, probably just about average (but as far as I can see, not among BKK-tourists). Guess the "Hope i don´t sound arrogant, but I´m sure you know what I mean" did´nt work out":), (OK, maybe i deserved it) Warp Speed: Are Norwegians known to be cheap? Sound like you have som interesting stories? Please share! Hooters: I did the Tuk-tuk and the watch-thing. The indians didnt manage to <Snip!> me over because they dont respect personal space. Turns me off. But I DID get a bunch of suits at one occasion:) Does that count? Or have i forever <Snip!> up my plan to live cheap off BKK expats this time around? Street Cowboy: Seems like you and your squire, "Smokie" are eligble candidates. Can you please give me a quick resumé of your recent accomplishments, and if you have done a test, your IQ-score? Everything above 110 will do, and no, it is not OK adding points with Smokie. Thats cheating.


    SC + Smokie = nope, still doesn't make the 110 qualifying grade :D

    My IQ is 181, I'm a learned scholar who knows not to associate with Norwegians. Someone told me they closed the Oslo library..... Why?.... Someone borrowed the book! 555+

  9. Time to leave the country boy. You have your principles and they don't work here..... Life is going to be a constant struggle if you think justice can be served. I've seen it time and time before. Go back and enjoy your rules are rules and must abide by the because it's my right "society" and stay there. It ain't going to work here and your just going to get more frustrated with the wrong people.... The right thing.... Leave

  10. The last time I checked Taskin is a citizen of Thailand, therefore he is entitled to a Thai passport.

    Passports are usually withheld to prevent nationals from leaving the country where the passport was issued, not withheld to prevent a national from returning to his/her country of citizenship.

    As far as the international arrest warrant goes, it seems no country worldwide is willing to recognise the warrant. Therefore we have to assume the warrant is either political or malicious.

    There are two decent replies to this thread. It is not about whether Abhisit "thinks" he "should not" be eligible, it is whether he is entitled to under law. If you are a citizen you have the right to apply given the correct documentation/proof etc. If the corresponding foreign service does not have the authority to arrest on site any person with an arrest warrant, then they have no choice but to issue the passport according to the legal rights of the citizen.

  11. Thailand may not have to deal with such sensitive financial dealings any time soon

    Thailand might not have to do something soon, but the people never really got a summary of what the '97 crash cost the country and the tax payer. FinOne, BCC and many other smaller finance co's and a few small banks were let to go to the wall, but what assistance did the big banks get? The question bids, where the elite protected?

  12. Pantip.com and mthai.com even teenee.com are much more influential social networking sites about Thailand than ThaiVisa.com is. I don't agree with the figures at all. Why would you toot your own horn without including others. How is @@RichardBarrow a networking site anyway? don't you mean influential people? I'm confused by the story it's not making sense.

    Totally agree with this. Don't forget most of the farangs in Thailand still live in a shell ignoring everything Thai going on around them. Just being married to a Thai some think they are fully knowledgeable on everything Thai... 5555

  13. Again you can oust whoever you like. The fundamental problem is you still have to find ways to stop 17billion cubic meter monster that opts to visit the Chao Phraya for 7 days or less at least once in 50 years. At least once in 2,500 years this monster will bring its partner of equal size. That makes both of them to be as big as 34billion cubic meter, moving to down stream of Chao Phraya in 7 days.

    Theoretically, it is difficult to ensure you can beat all these monsters. Just chose the reasonable size between these two figures. The standard size that most of the cities in the world use is the one that has return frequency at least once in 200 years. I would say for Chao Phraya its intensity is about 20billion cubic meter in 7 days.

    But you can keel haul those that make those visits needlessly worse for the majority of people.

    Such wise words from the ultimate armchair critic.

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