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Posts posted by jayjayjayjay

  1. i saw a place next to/south of the bakemart on 106 to lamphun with helicopters in the window.....

    No sure where bakemart is. Is it up close to Rimping or down near 89 Plaza(next to MaePing police station?). I know the 106, just not where Bakemart is. Thx

  2. Pattaya/Chonburi would be the most logical choice with all the existing industrial estates the eastern seaboard has to offer, Kanchanburi........dont think so, far too close to the Burma border!!

    I think this is being discussed on another TV topic?

    Pattaya might be farang central but it is a ridiculous suggestion for a capital. Canberra in Australia is 250 km from Sydney to romantic capital. A new capital could be founded in dry land centered between Lopbuir, Saraburi and MuekLek. Still central, but far enough out to have access from every direction including east, west, north and south...

  3. Nobody has yet to quote from Thai law to state the actual legal position. I think it will be hard to find. Given the average intelligence of police here I doubt most of them would know the actual law either. Doesn't mean they aren't going to chart you off, but the reality is you would follow a cop commanding you to do so! Problem is it's not always to a police station. An old staff membe go hitup in Sukhumvit 22 last year. His wife is a cop also but these guys took his phone and threatened to place drugs on him. 20,000 baht to clear the problem!

  4. I used to go to a shop selling medium quality radio controlled models on Chang Klang Road, but apparently after loosing stock in the September floods he closed. I'm looking for a new place to shop, hopefully a specialist rather than department store toy shops!!!!

    Anyone know of a place in Chiang Mai?

    Thx JJJJ

  5. I have bought and used a dehumidifier specifically for controlling the humidity in stored "seeds". In this case we could not compromise temperature, but needed to get the humidity below 35-40%. I have no idea where it was purchased, but it was in Thailand. The unit was a commercial unit, I think it was in the 30-40k price range and dehumidified the inside of a sealed 20 foot container. The container had a chilling unit, so we were able to play with temp to some degree. It was used in a factory setting where we had over 1500KVA connected, so I have no idea what it cost to run??????? But they are available :-)

  6. It appear that few if any of the poster understand the Thai word-swap used in the song, however the result is pretty obvious watching the video.

    "Cun Hoo" - means itch ear..... obvious, but when sung, the crowd sing in unison and add "Nee"... "Kun Hoo Nee"

    In the Thai language, the "H" and the "N" are swapped....... this is purely in the crowd, not unlike what western crowds do for some old songs I recall.

    When sung this way, it means exactly watch you see in the video, another part of the anatomy, namly what is scratched is itchy. But, purely listening to the song without a video the song is not the least in conflict with the normal attacks from the Ministry of Culture.....

  7. I too can vouch that Thai Airways craft now are crap. I have flow with numerous airlines in the last couple of years to every corner of Asia. Garuda have better seats and services that Thai now. The seats are old and dirty. The food is so so, and the general comfort level sucks. They have gone from Royal Silk to Royal Squallor...

    I honestly feel they need a quality experience outside (Westerner) to lead the organization. Thai is so full of cronyism they can not see the damage they are doing from within. It goes from top to bottom. Thai people are fooled into believe Thai Air is the quality airline it once was, but with the aging fleet, aging seats and aging air hostesses, the entire organization is due for fresh blood.

    Either you haven't read my post #18, or you know things on the inside of TG that we are not privy to. Kindly enlighten us why you think the (relatively) new management is not good, as he is addressing all the issues that you are mentioning.

    Edit: Initially forgot the word "not" in the last sentence.

    I had not read your post #18, as I do not read every single post. But I did feel the need to express my opinion. Funny, as I have been an ROP (not an affiliates member) since 1995/6, I honestly can't remember. I had a huge amount of flying Asia/USA '97 -2002. During this period I flew nothing but Business class once of month, often more than that to the West Coast and then on to other destinations with United. In 2002, an ROP officer told me I had more points than any single member. That alone has not been influential on keep me exclusive to Thai. If the new management can understand that the comfort and 5-star service offered by middle eastern airlines in not eventually met in upgrades by Thai, then it will never reclaim the Royal Silk title it once really was. I still stand by my statement of cronyism, and it will take a long and dedicated effort to work this out of the organization.

  8. I too can vouch that Thai Airways craft now are crap. I have flow with numerous airlines in the last couple of years to every corner of Asia. Garuda have better seats and services that Thai now. The seats are old and dirty. The food is so so, and the general comfort level sucks. They have gone from Royal Silk to Royal Squallor...

    I honestly feel they need a quality experience outside (Westerner) to lead the organization. Thai is so full of cronyism they can not see the damage they are doing from within. It goes from top to bottom. Thai people are fooled into believe Thai Air is the quality airline it once was, but with the aging fleet, aging seats and aging air hostesses, the entire organization is due for fresh blood.

  9. Germany's GDP in dollar terms is $2.94 trillion

    They are a world leader in industrial machinery, luxury vehicles, and an integral part of the EU's economy.

    Thailand's GDP in dollar terms is $586 billion

    The country does not lead in anything in particular but has a fairly robust manufacturing sector.

    Germany would eat Thailand's lunch any day of the week. Plus the risk of pissing off Germany is that other EU nations can/will follow suit as well as the U.S. getting involved if it gets serious enough to levy international sanctions.

    Debt as % of GDP

    Germany 142%

    UK 400%

    Netherlands 471%

    Ireland 1103%

    Australia 200%

    US 95%

    Thailand 26%

    You forgot to insert a decimal point in the Australian debt, it's actually about 22%. Some of the other figures look way off as well, Japan is the worst and its about 200%.

    This is a list of countries by external debt, the total public and private debt owed to, or invested by, nonresidents repayable in foreign currency, goods, or services as of June 2010. Sorry about Australia. I was looking at Austria which is 200% of GDP. Australia was 95% 31 December 2010.


    "Or invested by non-residents". Not a clear indication of debt. Investment by non-residents who one day may return their investment to a foreign currency is so far from public/private borrowings that it is pointless to use this as a basis for your argument. This just indicates that Australia freely invites foreigners to invest on it's soil, at that the country is a stable place to do so. It does not indicate that it is a country in peril as you were trying to highlight!!!!!!!!

  10. Sato is fermented using yeast.Difficult to tell what its Strength is when home brewed ,but generally agreed to be about 9%.But could be stronger. NO ,it will not kill, but be aware ,it is the same alcoholic strength as many wines, many of which are much stronger.Proceed with caution- but enjoy, Marck ,marck,as I do

    I think a little sugar is added depending on the level of alcoholism of the intended users. I can say it was simply the most dangerous drink I've ever had and that's because it was like drinking a 15% alcohol Orange Juice. It went down so easy.

  11. Does anyone know the name of the deity pictured on the Siamsato bottle? At least I assume she's some kind of goddess... She's a woman with chicken legs. Anybody know what that's called?


  12. I typically drink a couple of beers a few times a week. However, last weekend while doing my shopping, a beverage (to use the term loosely) called Siam Sato caught my eye. I've seen the stuff before but have never tried it, so I decided to buy a bottle. Yeah, I know it's really cheap (under 30 baht a bottle) and that should probably tell me all I need to know, but I guess I wanted to believe that this stuff might be something a little different and maybe even half-decent in an interesting kind of way.

    I took it home and put it the freezer to get it well chilled. After reaching a nice cold temperature, I poured myself a little glass and tried it. I must say that this is some of the foulest stuff I have ever tasted. I figure that it best compares to what gasahol and sugar must taste like when mixed together -- very nasty stuff.

    Anyway, I was just wondering if other people have had any experience with Siam Sato. Is it safe to drink? Is there any way to make it palitable? Can I put in the gas tank of my car? :D Will it destroy my PVC piping if pour it down the drain? :o

    Thee self-made Sato is very good (especially while it is still sweet). I have done it a few times and one can get very badly hammered. There are issues of hygiene, but then everything in Isaan is a little bit rough around the edges.

    The stuff you can buy as 'Siam Sato' is really pretty horrible and in no way comparable. The problem is that Sato is not stable, so I guess they have to wait until all the sugar is used up, which means that parts of it might already turning into vingear -- at least that is the taste. Not recommended!

    Agreed that it is quite nice when still sweet. I don't know if the Sato or Sa-Tor that you had is made as a wine or as a spirit. The Sa-Tor I had was made the same as beer. It had an alcohol % around 13-15%, so had a real kick to it. It does not require any mixing. The best I have been told is Sa-Tor made for and consumed in Saraphee district in Chiangmai, made specifically for Songkran festival...... Having drank it on vary rare occasions, I can not confirm how quickly it will kill, but a 2 L coke bottle full will be sufficient to enjoy a great Songkran afternoons with the locals...

  13. Same thing happened to Tiger Air and they got grounded three weeks ago. Are the Victorians sure their equipment is working right. I recall speed cameras recording a Mac truck doing 180km/hr down a highway. Fortunately for the owner of the truck he was able to prove in court there was no possible way with the gearing in the truck he could have been doing 180km/hr. The case was thrown out.. After this, thousands of speeding tickets were challenged....

  14. Only one question.. who does your immigration visa and do you enjoy the 90 day reporting.....

    I've not found these to be a problem. 90 day reporting is a 10 minute drive and a 20 minute wait max...sometimes much less. No biggie. The yearly renewal takes about 3 hours beginning to end.

    Visa's depend very much on being able to tick the right boxes. Try being not married, under 50 yrs old, not working(by choice or not), and having 50% custody of children with a Thai. No Non-O! Only visa is tourist!

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