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Posts posted by Boksida

  1. Is Chiang Mai an ok-rightlane-all-the-time kinda place? And, what is the speed limit on the highway -- and is it ever enforced? Oh, and if it is enforced, is there a particular style of cop car I should be on the lookout for (the Brownie on the Honda Dream doesn't worry me too much)?


    I've driven over a million kilometres in Thailand and don't find Chiangmai to be any worse than any other place and certainly much better than Bangkok or the Pattaya area as far as police harassment goes.

    On the highway the only police you have to worry about are, not surprisingly, the Highway Police. They have radar guns but tend to set up in the same places repeatedly so after a while you know the danger areas. I have been stopped many times when my radar detector has not shown any sign of a radar gun but I have been speeding at the time. I believe the official speeds are 90kph for pickups and 100 for cars. The amount of latitude involved seems to vary, but mostly these days you have to be exceeding 120 to get stopped. The police are unfailingly polite and even if you have to pay an official (with receipt) fine, it does not exceed 400 baht. Return their courtesy and you are generally fine.

    The "no speak Thai" ploy mentioned by other posters can work but only if you have a license type that makes this believable.

  2. Hi Back again,

    I processed the instructions exactly as suggested - the schedule that comes back is for the whole of AUGUST - no times etc for September. Zilt RWC

    I hope that UBC has not promised something they have no intention of delivering

    Any other thoughts ??

    It worked for me.

  3. I have seen herdsmen of sheep and goats in several countries using a technique that may work with dogs. They simply tie a small apron on the ram, which they seem to accept, but it prevents penetration when the male is up to no good.

    You might be able to get more information on this at this site.

  4. In Chiangmai at least, vitamins are cheaper at Makro than at pharmacies. Even the pharmacies admit this and say Makro is selling at wholesale prices. Another strange thing is that you can always bargain the price down on all products at chemist shops, sometimes by quite a large amount.

    Thanks 'Boksida' I will try and bargain at a few of the pharmacies here in Hua-Hin, but maybe not having a Makro here will put a block on that! It's worth a try though. It would be interesting to know what you would have to pay at Makro if you are in there sometime - the Vit E that I bought were Australian import.

    Fortunately the Minister of Home Affairs just found an old Makro receipt: Blackmores (Australian) 60 x 500mg 629 baht. No name ones are in the 400-500 baht range.

  5. The problem is that there's not a whole lot you can do with a boat in the 50.5 weeks a year that there's no flooding.

    Well, you can take it to Mae Ngat but that's about it.

    Depending on what type of boat it is you could take it on the Mae Ping. When we had the recurring floods in '05 I was living at the back of the Anusarn Markets and seriosly considered selling the bike and bying a jetski. Owner of the Chinese restuarant there had his kids paddling around the car park in little kayaks. The soi outside the arpartment building had over a metre of water and there were some decent rapids happening around the corner of the Welcome Inn Hotel.


    I think Tuskers should change from bottles to cans and Chiangmai members could build one of these on the premises:


  6. In Chiangmai at least, vitamins are cheaper at Makro than at pharmacies. Even the pharmacies admit this and say Makro is selling at wholesale prices. Another strange thing is that you can always bargain the price down on all products at chemist shops, sometimes by quite a large amount.

  7. It was reassuring to find out that Blinky Bill is as big a knob in real life as he is on Thaivisa.

    I don't imagine you have any idea how much unadulterated JOY you have given our dear friend, Herr Blinkmeister, with your comment!

    He lives for this sh_t.


    I can't help it - he just makes a target of himself all the time.


  8. Bought me one of those tiny computer mice three weeks ago. Never do that again! It is just to small for my hands and causes by now serious pain in my right hand...just to let you know......don't buy any of the small ones... :o

    Everybody knows that size does count when doing anything with your hand.

  9. Thanks Boksida.

    I do not have the slightest interest in Rugby, that strange game they play in Sydney. I am from Melbourne and I think Australian Rules is as pathetic as that silly Pommie game, soccer.

    What I want is News, documentaries, foreign movies with sub-titles I can read, science programs and all those great services the ABC provides.

    I looked at the site you provided and although it sounds good they don't give any reception guarantees, I already have two dishes so maybe I could get away with a set-top box and a smart cookie to direct the dish?

    I have found that I point at 166.0 E, so maybe I should try the local bloke?



    The local bloke should be fine. Australia Network is free to air - you just need your dish pointed to it and a decoder. Reception is generally good in northern Thailand and as it is C-band, probably more reliable than UBC. You can get more information from Australian Network and they also actually answer emails. Their website also has programme listings.


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