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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. They only problem I ever had with one of the staff was when I once gave a 500 baht note to the girl at the counter outside to pay for my 300 baht cover. When she walked back with my 200 baht change, she stuffed it into her bra and said "Tip for me", and started walking away. I shouted "hey!" several times and she just ignored me and kept walking. I had to actually chase her across the bar and grab her arm to make her stop. When I told her she couldn't keep the 200 baht, she took it out and thew it on the floor. I couldn't believe how rude she was, that just doesn't happen in Thailand often.

    That sounds like the ladboy who works on the door :) she's harmless really :D

  2. I would like to apologize to all the foreigners who felt that they were taken advantage of by Fabrique Club. As the owner of Fabrique Club and as a thai person who studied in Europe (UK for 12 years) .

    If any Bartenders or waiters DISRESPECT OR TAKEN ADVANTAGE of any foreigners please e-mail me the tag on their uniform to my e-mail address : [email protected] and they will be KICKED OUT & WILL BE DEALT WITH SERIOUSLY (I HATE RICAST PEOPLE because when i study overseas no foreigners has done that to me).


    :) Nice to see a Thai bar owner stepping up to the plate on this forum :D I can vouch for the fact he kicks out those who don't come up to scratch since he just fired one of my littel friends :D

  3. Anyone done it?

    Apparently there are 2 methods, which one ?

    Where to go in CM or Bkk ??

    A Thai Ladyboy friend of mine had their balls cut off in a CM hospital :) (don't ask......... Katoey ting tong)

    I can get the name of the Doctor if that's the second method you had in mind :D:D

  4. Could you please CLARIFY exactly what the rule is? Foreigners get charged 300 THB? what about if they have Thai ID (driving licence?) - and its 300 THB to bring in a bottle? that's what I was charged last night a total of 600 THB before I even had a first drink!

    If you are such a cheap charlie farang that you take your own bottle to a place like this you DESERVE to be charged a lot extra! They do sell whiskey you know.......

  5. :D Thought this thread was about favourite late night venues, not about certain posters delusions that every female Thai university student only fancy guys their grandfather's age.............. :P

    Dunno about others, but I frequent late night joints for copious drinking, having a laugh with friends and watching the furniture fly when the Benmore reaches boiling point :D Whilst occasionally shit happens and we end up taking someone home, my experiences remind me bedding someone at 4 a.m. when you're as drunk as a skunk, is usually uncool, unwise and a waste of time :D:D:D Just go out to party :D well, OK and maybe collect the odd phone number :P

    The direction this thread is taking maybe suggests some people do only go out to pester university students believing a 60 something Farang is second only to adonis in the fancability stakes :D ; the reason why many venues don't like such punters and some posters are reluctant to share the best places. :)

    Hot tip: if you speak Thai and really want to try your luck with students try some of the bars in and around Santitham plaza, JDMarket/Lotus Kamtieng and Muen Dam Pra Kot earlier in the evening.

    P.S. Another good late night restaurant is the seafood place past Park Hotel on Changklan. Then of course there's always the classic Koi Chiang Mai (Spelling?) on Sri Poom.

  6. As for keeping them free of all these distasteful people who come along to ruin your nighttime experience, well mate, it's never gonna change unless you open up a disco on the top of a secluded mountain.

    Ermmm, we already have such a place, it's called Mandagay, the 300 Bt door charge does an excellent job of discouraging "distasteful" people :D

    Though personally I find the places where they achieve the same effect with a baseball bat are more entertaining :)

  7. Plus, what alternative do young Thai women have? Young butterfly boys out to use and discard as many young Thai women as they can during their 2 - 3 weeks here in the LOS? The young guys make it easier for us older ones. It doesn't take money but merely what the young boys are lacking - maturity and kindness.

    I hope you older guys are succesful with your maturity and kindness towards Thai women. Leaves more "young Butterfly boys" for me :):D:D

  8. Certainly there are more positive ways to gain notoriety.


    I guess you don't know me? :D

    Shy I ain't, if you wanna go on a late night tour of CM's off limits Gay venues, you can always PM me and I'll happily take you around :D ! Hope you don't get offended easily and be sure to have a nice wadge of pan Bahts in your wallet. :D

  9. What's the name of that club that used to be where Simon Chiang Mai was located? It seemed friendly enough, if a little dark and loud.

    Its called "Differ", haven't been for a while but AFAIK its still there, and open til 6

    Another one in the same area is Zanta (Iyara Hotel) on Chottana opposite Radjapat also open til early morning and packed with students. Used to be good in its former life as Rodeo.

    See, Femi fan I'm not selfish after all, I can tell you all the best places :D And don't worry, you won't see me there........ :)

    I go to Zanta and Differ so just as a warning for others so they're not disappointed, they're very Thai with no English speaking staff and they don't sell beer and whisky by the glass is about half the price of the bottle as they're completely set up for groups to buy a bottle and mixers.

    What's the current closing time at these two places? Still 6.00 a.m.? Last Saturday Zanta still had a million motosai outside at 3.00 a.m.

  10. Unfortunately, I've discovered that most foreigners don't like Thai places if they can't speak Thai. They get very paranoid and seem to be convinced at every moment that they're about to be ripped off.

    Kinda the point I was making earlier, you ain't going to fit in most late night Thai only places if you go with a "Loi Kroh" mindset. You have to understand the environment and behave accordingly, some posters here get that, some obviously don't. Part of this thread has got turned into an ageist thing, whilst it was fun banter, age is not really the issue :) , its how you behave and whether you treat people with respect that matters.

  11. What's the name of that club that used to be where Simon Chiang Mai was located? It seemed friendly enough, if a little dark and loud.

    Its called "Differ", haven't been for a while but AFAIK its still there, and open til 6

    Another one in the same area is Zanta (Iyara Hotel) on Chottana opposite Radjapat also open til early morning and packed with students. Used to be good in its former life as Rodeo.

    See, Femi fan I'm not selfish after all, I can tell you all the best places :D And don't worry, you won't see me there........ :)

  12. Dear Paagai,

    Thanks for the update which is timely because I have to spend the last week-end of July in CM.

    Any news, please, on the opening of the new Adams Apple (upstairs I mean)?


    Last I heard about Adams, upstairs will open early to mid August, sorry, probably too late for you! Believe they are busy recruiting many new Issan dancers :D

    Cockpit still hasn't opened, probably still looking for "waiters", apparently they only want large one's and are having difficulty finding them :)

    Club Grooves, formerly known as Doi Boys for many years has now shut for good. :D Freeguy, New My Way and Circle all still doing OK with plenty of Thai customers but few Farangs. Coffee boy closed down a few months back.

    Soho is still OK, La-vie-en-rose is very quiet, but the adjacent restaurant is worth a vist, yum-boi-boi (see OP) is dead, night bazzar is like a museum, or was that mausoleum?

    Plenty of massage places, times are hard but they still seem to be attracting cute staff.

    Hope that helps some more - enjoy!!!!!!!

  13. What are Inside Park and Vit Club like? Indoor/outdoor? Music?

    Any more places???

    "Inside the Park" is an outdoor restaurant, bamboo hut type place, but quite large and nicely done. A bit hidden, can't recall what music they play (Drunk again :) )

    Vit club (Or Wit club?) is on Chiang Mai Land, haven't been in ages. Indoor music venue, used to have Karaoke late on but not sure now.

  14. Another new bar is scheduled to open in CM this week. Yum Boi Boi will be located in Santitham Plaza right next to Fit bar (Fun Thai Gay bar). Apparently a Farang has financed a bunch of boys from the night bazzar to open a new bar. According to their website the opening party is tomorrow (23 June) see yum-boi-boi.com for details. It looks like they've put a lot of effort into making the place nice, but wth references to "Thai Schoolboys" and "Hill tribe boys" on the web site I wonder how long they'll be around?

    Not sure this will work so well, the owners of Santitham plaza have strong views on what they want the place to be like, apparently didn't want any bars there, but relented when none of the shops there could make it (at its peak there were about 15 bars on the bar strip, but half have since gone bust too :D ). The owners control what goes on very tightly so not sure what the reaction to the boy whores will be :)

    Apart from a few in the know, thai speaking ex-pats the bars here are Farang free hangouts for Thai students, most of whom will not come back if this bar starts getting the same Farang patrons the night bazzar attracts. The other bar owners will not be happy! There's also the traditonal tribal gang rivalry between the night bazzar and Chang Puek boys; this bar is right in enemy teritory so to speak............ I think its a brave move opening there, wish them luck, they will need it!

    I hear the other new bar opening in a couple of weeks is called Cockpit - next to Spirit house restaurant. This will redefine sleaze in Chinag mai, a friend who went for a preview tells me it has Pole dancing and a room with erm "glory holes" where you can sample the merchandise so to speak......and thats more than enough information for TV, just use you imagination.

    Dragon King has closed! Cream bar and Cruise bar are on their knees. Secrets appears to have all the customers around. Your postings are very dated.

    So sorry Golden Ball and it's successor, G-Ball, have fallen over. It seems you are not infallible after all.


    What on earth are you going on about? I never mentioned any of the bars you refer to in the above - where did that come from? Are you on something or making a newbie attempt at a flame?

    And what is G-ball? The guys who were behind Golden Ball moved to Radchada Cafe which is still there though I believe only open at weekends during rainy season. BTW, the Radchada website (Radchada.com) has a good list of CM bars which is usually up to date.

    For what it's worth, I wouldn't visit Secret's bar if it was the only gay bar in CM. Cruise/Cream are well known as the sleazeball pedo bars; if that's your thing enough said!

  15. UG, get your morning coffee: what I meant was that the women here might still be interested in a lezzie tuk tuk drivestress, so he shouldn't assume that his double-ticket scenario wouldn't work across the board with women tuktukstresses. He's like totally leaving out women and is completely male focussed. Thats just *SO* sexsthist. <hand-thing>

    :D there goes me thinking only with the brain between my legs again............... :)

  16. please never make the mistake that every farang male who socialises in this excellent city is here for 'the same reason'.

    So sorry, only about 99.9% of them are. :)

    Beg to differ we're not all here for the same thing, well, actually we are, its just "same same but different" :D

    Given the numbers of people attempting to sing hymns at the bible basher's club next door tonight, there seems to be quite a number in CM who are here for another reason. But, then given the stories some of the hill tribe boys tell about the extra curricular introductions to the adult world they received at missionary schools up in the hills maybe not........... :D

  17. My understanding is that they originally arrested two of them. The third fled to Burma. The police deliberately downplayed his role with the hope he would try and return to Thailand, believing that he was not being actively sought. He fell for it and tried to cross the border, was arrested at the border post and is in custody. Don't believe rumours!

    Believe me, I would be exceedingly happy to know the above was true, but I have niether seen nor heard anything to confirm that it is. Surely, given the high profile of the case the Police would have announced the capture of the third suspect and paraded him before the cameras in the usual kudos grabbing PR Thai style way? Can you point to a single piece of evidence that this guy was caught or is in Jail right now? Or is what you're saying also just a rumour?

    I hope they find and convict the true perpretators too, Paagai but it may not happen.

    In the west murder cases may be scaled down after a time if there are no leeds but very rarely are they ever closed. sadly we tend to think it is the same here

    Sad indeed; I wouldn't put the odds of the third guy getting caught as too high :)

  18. I'm not sure of the name but the new club at The President is the new place to go, open till the wee hours.

    Fabrique - this thread is a spin off from another one discussing that venue. You seem to be the only one who thinks its the place to go.

    But for anyone complaining about a foreigner cover charge, my philosophy, if you don't have the money you shouldn't be out.

    If you have money and spend it freely the foreigner cover charge doesn't apply anyway.

  19. The problem is that you want to keep it free from expats other than yourself.

    Why is this a problem? Whilst I understand your point, I for one didn't come to Thailand because it was full of foreigners (anyway you've already guessed why I came here :) ). I work with Thais and socialise mainly with Thais; expats make up a very small part of my social circle. Call me selfish, but I don't see why I would want to advertise to all and sundry about the Thai places I go to with Thai friends. If you want to find these places, make some real Thai friends and you'll soon find you're living in a differnt world to the totally artificial one that exists around Thapae gate (UG: I'm sure I'm preaching to the converted here :D ) It's human nature to want to keep Utopia to yourself once you've found it (take the storyline from "the Beach" as an example).

    Back on topic: late night venues. Firstly, many on TV seem to think Thailand's bars are there only to grab the farang dollar, and that Farang's are the only customers that matter (try that argument on a Friday night at Mandagay :D ). Reality: the vast majority of bars in and around CM make a living selling ice, mixers and Chang beer to Thai kids and view most Farangs as something that escaped from the zoo. Many are concerned that too many Farnags will scare away the Thai customers. Think back to when you were twenty, unless you were turning tricks, would you go to a place where you get stared at by a bunch of fat over fifites? Secondly, the late night venue's have a particular set of problems, they are operating illegally and have heavy overheads to allow them to do so. They want discreet understanding customers, not a bunch of tourists who turn up, in tuk-tuks, complain about the prices, the state of the hong namm, the "real" Thai food, then call the tourist non police after someone whacks them over the head for groping their girlfriend. Or worse, several drunken farnags who then start fighting amongst themselves. Just see it from the bar owners perspective - a friend who wons' such a venue has actually got angry with me for bringing other Farangs; most don't get past the door unless they are with known Thai customers.

    I do much better socially as a fat old fellow who speaks OK Thai, than I ever did as a thin, young guy who didn't

    :D Indeed, even a little Thai goes a long way here

  20. or find a tuk tuk with a phone who likes repeat business, the price can even get cheaper that way

    Better still (though this won't work for the majority of you guys who like ladies), there are a few cute gay tuk tuk drivers out there, get their numbers and you get reliable service plus two rides for the price of one :D Believe me, its true..........only in LOS! But a caution to our straight brethren, those lady tuk-tuk drivers, sorry but most of them are lesbians :)

  21. For anyone who may be considering to post any of the lesser known places (the sort you were introduced to by your thai friends and would not have found otherwise), I beg you please to not post them on this forum as I do not want to be surrounded by sleazy old gits trying to cop off with students half their age when I go out this weekend.

    Most of the member clubs I frequent after hours wouldn't let a prick with an attitiude like your's in anyway. 'Nuf said :)

    'Nuf said, indeed! :D

    Two founder members of the zimmer frame club perhaps :D

  22. My favourites are two gay Karaoke places, sorry no names or directions, but probably not to the taste of most on this forum :D Anyway, the lone farang who turns up on a tuk-tuk complete with printed directions from Internet ain't allowed in!

    If this is the same one I'm thinking of (Santitham area), tucked away down some dark sois (small venue with floor to ceiling mirrors on every wall)... then indeed it is hilarious at 5am after a decent quantity of whisky and with a large group of friends, but you need to be seriously intoxicated to enjoy the place - I would not attempt to go there as a lone farang! :D

    Yep, and now with a cute Coyote Boy show too :)

  23. Having had a few replies on the Fabrique thread from people saying there are much better places to go after hours (ie. after 1.30am) in Chiang Mai, I thought I'd find out what they are.

    So for those who stay out all night, where do you like to go?

    Not sure how much we can say here, some of these places are Chiang Mai's best kept secrets :):D those places that operate under the radar certainly don't want/need any publicity and, as threedot says, some of their best attibutes is the lack of Farangs!

    By far the best late night venue used to be Mai Peang in Khamtieng, which now sells flowerpots :D Some of the yabaa fueled gang fights were excellent entertainment :D "Inside the Park" which Mestizo mentions is a more upmarket replacement, but hidden away so not easy to find if you don't know. Few other good places up round Kamtieng too.

    The mainstream places: V-club, Mandalay/The Dark, Bossy, Vit club, Discovery. Should add a health/wallet warning to a couple of those though........

    Plenty of small bars in the Santitham area open late (turn down the lights/music and carry on as normal, often til 3-4 a.m.).

    My favourites are two gay Karaoke places, sorry no names or directions, but probably not to the taste of most on this forum :D Anyway, the lone farang who turns up on a tuk-tuk complete with printed directions from Internet ain't allowed in!

    Hot tip for late night venue searchers: Huay Kaew is the dividing line between two police districts that have totally different concepts of "closing time" and "Entertainment".

    The one place, never, ever, ever: SPICY just so uncool to be seen there! Except in the company of a few ladyboys.......

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