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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. Never been to Fabrique, a couple of guys I know work there and tell me I wouldn't like it :D so many better places to go until dawn :D Apparently a hangout for the Karoke bar girls - not my thing :D

    Go to Mandagay every so often, never paid to get in; always with a group of Thais and know several of the staff too. The owner's door policy is quite simple: they don't want the lone Farang wallflowers nursing their bottle of Heiniken while trying to hit on uninterested passing girls. Or even worse, those Farangs who are older than John Travolta but still think they can out do his performance in Saturday night Fever. Not pretty and you know who you are :D Backpakers are just trouble, and nurse the bottle of Heineken between several.........

    Mandagay is a Thai place for Thai people, we need to respect that. Farangs who go with a group of Thais, stand respectfully round a table with bottles of whisky :D , don't grope the ladies, run a healthy Check Bin and understand what a tip is are always :) Sweet!

  2. And I'm happy with that because it was planned, known and agreed in advance by all parties. The implications of the earlier post are that Thai agents and Thai wives combine to plot these things without the knowledge of the farang husband.

    Like you, I doubt whether that happens.

    For those viewing this thread with the rose tinted glasses it's time to wake up and smell the coffee! :D

    I know for certain it goes on; my friend and the girl at the Kankanok sales desk in Kad Suan Kaew still exchange smiles and Wais whenever we pass by, and that's a year or so after the event :)

    Has it ever happened in the past, undoubtedly, does it happen as a matter of course on a regular basis in a significant percentage of transactions, no. To suggest otherwise implies that all Thai females married to farangs are on the take and I simply don't believe that is the case and strongly suspect that incidents are isolated and few.

    Come on, TIT, with 3000+ posts on TV you can't be a newbie. Don't be so naive!

    If a large developer like Karnkanok uses this type of sales incentive once, you can be sure they do it on a regular basis, where its useful to close a sale. We're talking real estate business, not exactly renowned world wide for its moral integrity!

  3. And I'm happy with that because it was planned, known and agreed in advance by all parties. The implications of the earlier post are that Thai agents and Thai wives combine to plot these things without the knowledge of the farang husband.

    Like you, I doubt whether that happens.

    For those viewing this thread with the rose tinted glasses it's time to wake up and smell the coffee! :D

    I know for certain it goes on; my friend and the girl at the Kankanok sales desk in Kad Suan Kaew still exchange smiles and Wais whenever we pass by, and that's a year or so after the event :)

  4. I happened to be on the soi where West used to be and there was a sign on the gate saying that West would be reopening on Niemanhamen Soi 5

    Conflicting information on this thread about the new loaction. Have they actually opened two places? I've heard the one off Huay Kaew - where drfang describes is called West 2 so I was wondering...... Drove past it a couple of nights ago and its definitely there and open, though seemed to be extrremely small compared with the previous location - taking downsizing to the extreme.

    This location is definitely not near Warm Up so what is patopenchiangmai referring too? Also, the location is not on "Niemanhamen Soi 5" though the old market area can be accessed from Soi 3, and from Siri Mangkhalachan Road, next to Soi 5 so perhaps this was some face saving "Spin" to make the location sound like its still in Nimanheminda area? Dunno.

  5. I am actually going to hire young Thai kids/students to trade the companies money. The trader would receive a small salary and then % of profits. I think there are enough college students in CM area to accommodate the business. The most important thing is having a reliable international internet connection.

    This has got to be a joke. Anyone who knows anything about day trading knows that this is impossible.

    Why would you say this? Please explain? This business model is working all over the world. Do you think it is impossible in CM or in Thailand in general?

    Go to Hong Kong, Singapore or KL and I'm sure you'd find plenty of bright student types with good english skills and sharp enough thpught processes to do what you want. Unfortunately the Thai education system is not renowned for producing prolific quantities of this type of person. The few that have had a top level education (one which challenged them and taught them to think and ask questions) have enough of daddy's money not to need to be sitting in front of a computer at 4 a.m. for a "small Salary".

    The above is a generalization but you should get the idea its not going to be easy. Bangkok would probably be easier than Chiang Mai.

    Does anyone have any experience in CM with a business international connection that is working well?

    Nope, but plenty of experience of the not so good ones! We are currently considering CAT as mentioned by mrsouza. CAT have the advantage of providing the international connections for thailand so in theory you get more direct access without going through another ISPs infrastructure first.

    BTW, I believe these are the offices mrsouza refers to: www.theofficeplus.com Nice but expensive as I recall.

  6. I am actually going to hire young Thai kids/students to trade the companies money. The trader would receive a small salary and then % of profits. I think there are enough college students in CM area to accommodate the business. The most important thing is having a reliable international internet connection.

    Ummm, I know plenty of "young Thai kids/students" in CM, most of whom I wouldn't trust with a 100 Bt note to run an errand to the local convenience store! You want them to "trade the companies money"? My advice would be to rethink that one very carefully.

    I'm not saying the right people don't exist, but finding the good one's from the thousands of students here in CM will be extremely difficult. Finding those with really good English skills will be your first problem.

    A reliable international internet connection will be a problem anywhere in Thailand. All the local ISPs have their problems but generally the issues are with the international connections, and the ISPs routing to them, rather than the in country network; it's hard to get around this. You probably want connections from a couple of different providers to ensure reasonable up time.

    For offices you might want to consider renting a shop house as the easy option. You have security concerns and a requirement to work irregular hours - that would rule out most multiple occupation premises. Also consider adding a security guard to your busdget, they are cheap enough here.

  7. Rumour has it the new bar along the road, next to Spirit House will be called Cockpit.......... aptly, if somewhat unimaginatively named if what's been promised is true :)

    Confirmed by the Ratchada website (but mentioned only in the map section with this comment : New bar opening next to spirti house restaurant with interesting boy entertainment!).

    Any review or first-hand report ?

    Not open yet - about two weeks. I started another thread about new bars in CM as this is about Adams, more comments there.

  8. Another new bar is scheduled to open in CM this week. Yum Boi Boi will be located in Santitham Plaza right next to Fit bar (Fun Thai Gay bar). Apparently a Farang has financed a bunch of boys from the night bazzar to open a new bar. According to their website the opening party is tomorrow (23 June) see yum-boi-boi.com for details. It looks like they've put a lot of effort into making the place nice, but wth references to "Thai Schoolboys" and "Hill tribe boys" on the web site I wonder how long they'll be around?

    Not sure this will work so well, the owners of Santitham plaza have strong views on what they want the place to be like, apparently didn't want any bars there, but relented when none of the shops there could make it (at its peak there were about 15 bars on the bar strip, but half have since gone bust too :D ). The owners control what goes on very tightly so not sure what the reaction to the boy whores will be :)

    Apart from a few in the know, thai speaking ex-pats the bars here are Farang free hangouts for Thai students, most of whom will not come back if this bar starts getting the same Farang patrons the night bazzar attracts. The other bar owners will not be happy! There's also the traditonal tribal gang rivalry between the night bazzar and Chang Puek boys; this bar is right in enemy teritory so to speak............ I think its a brave move opening there, wish them luck, they will need it!

    I hear the other new bar opening in a couple of weeks is called Cockpit - next to Spirit house restaurant. This will redefine sleaze in Chinag mai, a friend who went for a preview tells me it has Pole dancing and a room with erm "glory holes" where you can sample the merchandise so to speak......and thats more than enough information for TV, just use you imagination.

  9. Here's what I heard:

    David, the normally affable owner, needed to go home to see his sick Mother. He asked the Thai landlord if he could pay his rent on his return as he was short of cash and the owner sais yes. Nothing was written down. When he returned he was told he was late on rent and needed to get out. Apparently the landlord did the same thing to the property on the corner of 7th and Nimmanheiman. Days before eviction I can't imagine I or my staff would be in very good spirits either. The food was always good and I ate there frequently. The lunch deal was one of the best in town at 3 courses for 160 baht. Desserts were among the best in town. Sorry to see them move and I wish them better luck in a new location.

    :D The same David who has been known to brag about his business empire :) That's funny man, how the mighty have fallen!

    Sorry, shouldn't laugh at the misfortunes of others......... There but for the grace of somebody else's god and all that :D

    Maybe the landlord was from Issan and thought it was the usual scam: "Mother she sick need operation, give money now!" :D

    It would likely explain why the atmosphere was so bad though. Might have done him a favour; face saving way to get out of the lease and go somewhere else if your business is loosing money. Either way, sounds like the story has a few reminders about the risks of doing business in Thailand and making sure you have really deep pockets, especially in the bar and restaurant business.

    If the owner repossesed the adjacent plot too, watch for the new condo/whatever coming soon. I can't believe even the most boneheaded Thai business man would be wanting to loose tennants who pay money in the current economic climate, without having a hidden adgenda. As UG points out, many places going bust, and from what I've seen of many Farang orientated business the last few weeks many more will be gone by the end of low season.

  10. Arrived at West, the hitherto excellent restaurant that took over Khun Churn's old premises on the corner of Nimmenhamen Soi 7 yesterday for a birthday lunch to find the place empty and no clue as to whether they've moved or simply closed down. Anyone know the story?

    Others have told me the place is closing down. I don't know how true this is but it might as well be shut already. Actually went there for dinner last week, the food was OK but the place was deserted and the staff were the most miserable I've ever seen. Wake up guys, you have one customer, at least try and look like you're pleased to see them! A little smile goes a long way. The owner seemd like a grumpy old man sulking behind the bar, he's hardly going to motivate the staff like that. In summary, terribile atmosphere, shall not be going back whether open or closed.

  11. This is where to log BIB and other scams so we can all be forewarned, but please lets keep it true and no reply. :D

    Many volumes could and have been written on this subject. However, as its all about illegal activities, or rather activities that would be illegal in Thailand if the BIB weren't so enterprising :) I'm not sure how much we can discuss without breaking forum rules.

  12. Came to Chiang Mai in mid-November to live as retiree. Stayed at the Viangbua Mansion while looking for long term place to live. While here in 2006, saw a building across the street undergoing renovation and was completed on this visit. The name of the place is Spirit House. It is run by an American named Steve along with his Thai partner. The atmosphere is laid back with classical music playing and a large number of Thai antiques on display. The menu is handwritten on a spiral notebook and consists of both Thai and Western food. Steve comes by and discusses what is on the menu and any special requirements you might have. He has parking in back of the place. Prices are very reasonable.

    If possible a few more directions to the Spirit House resturant please.

    I am a Spirit House Madrigal Singer. I should say was one up until the senseless murder of a brilliant man,

    David Crisp, our fearless leader. It was him and Steve who thought of having the group and created the

    ensemble of madrigal singers. No easy task, but David knew how to bring the love of this music to the

    front lines. I am still dealing with his death as many in CM are. It would be very hard to follow his act and

    bring back the singers (we decided it was pointless without David's enthusiasm) But it would be great to sing madrigals again. And yes yes yes, Steve is the one of the better hosts out here. Creative in the kitchen and sincere. If you want something different, that is the place, in back of Thinin market off Chang Puak (sorry, my spelling sucks) He make the best pate in CM as well as other off the wall dishes.

    No menu really, he just asks, what you want and goes from there. Outrageous!!! Many thanks Steve!!!

    There is a map here (Scroll down the list to find it):

    Google Maps - Chiang Mai

    It's on Viangbua Road almost opposite Viangbua Mansion. Coming up Chang Puek/Chottana Road from town, Viangbua is the first turning left immeidately after the Tanin Market/Rajapat intersection with traffic Signals.

    Agree 100% about the Pate!!! Truly excellent! I should also refute my previous post in this thread made many months ago, they've got the place far better organised now with Steve concentrating on being the host, which he does so well! Ironically, and sadly, it was David's death that prompted me to give the place another try.

  13. In my opinion, recently Salsa Kitchen has not been as good as it was six months back for both food or service. Had the ribs a couple of weeks ago that seemed like reheats from a few days before with the outsides all burnt and crusty. Some of the mexican dishes are very heavy on the salt too. Service went down hill since the sweet young man who worked there disappeared, or is my view biased because I'm missing the eye candy :D ?

    For my tastes it also attracts the wrong crowd; I don't like places who's customers think the whole restaurant want's to hear their conversation (not too mention the prayer ritual before eating :) ). But that's also why I don't go to the Dukes, perhaps it's a rib thing? Do all rib lovers have a particular type of personality?

    A general comment: the economic situation is having an effect, and might be a factor in the above observations. I've been in a couple of other normally good restaurants recently where the quality of the food has deteriorated, probably due to cost cutting.

  14. Came to Chiang Mai in mid-November to live as retiree. Stayed at the Viangbua Mansion while looking for long term place to live. While here in 2006, saw a building across the street undergoing renovation and was completed on this visit. The name of the place is Spirit House. It is run by an American named Steve along with his Thai partner. The atmosphere is laid back with classical music playing and a large number of Thai antiques on display. The menu is handwritten on a spiral notebook and consists of both Thai and Western food. Steve comes by and discusses what is on the menu and any special requirements you might have. He has parking in back of the place. Prices are very reasonable.

    If possible a few more directions to the Spirit House resturant please.

    There is a map here (Scroll down the list to find it):

    Google Maps - Chiang Mai

    It's on Viangbua Road almost opposite Viangbua Mansion. Coming up Chang Puek/Chottana Road from town, Viangbua is the first turning left immeidately after the Tanin Market/Rajapat intersection with traffic Signals.

  15. I will be going there this weekend and would appreciate any recommendations. Any pleasant location in the vicinity will be fine - I will have my car. Wireless internet would be nice but not essential. Most of the time I'll be out of the place - driving, exploring, etc.

    Not sure you'll find much by way of accomodation in Song, it's rather small and non tourist(stayed there before, but at a friends house). There is a dam with a nice lake and restraunts quite close to Song, can't recall the name but should be easy to find on a map, no more than 10-15 mins drive. Also some senic spots along the river near the town.

    Should be several accomodation choices in Phrae but I don't have any recommendations. Have fun.

  16. My understanding is that they originally arrested two of them. The third fled to Burma. The police deliberately downplayed his role with the hope he would try and return to Thailand, believing that he was not being actively sought. He fell for it and tried to cross the border, was arrested at the border post and is in custody. Don't believe rumours!

    Believe me, I would be exceedingly happy to know the above was true, but I have niether seen nor heard anything to confirm that it is. Surely, given the high profile of the case the Police would have announced the capture of the third suspect and paraded him before the cameras in the usual kudos grabbing PR Thai style way? Can you point to a single piece of evidence that this guy was caught or is in Jail right now? Or is what you're saying also just a rumour?

  17. In the case of David Crisp's murder, my understanding is that the people who did it have been arrested. There is plenty of evidence against them and they have confessed. I have not heard that they have been tried yet---has anyone else heard about a trial? In view of the evidence and confessions I would expect the trial to be brief. Neil

    Heard some disturbing rumours recently that all may not be as it seems :D alledgedly the justice system is operating true to form :)

    What sort of rumours? Please be more specific. There are plenty of rumours going around about almost anything, most of them with no basis in fact (witness all the unfounded speculation that was written on this topic on Thai Visa after the murder). Do the rumours you are talking about come from a source who might actually know something? My understanding is that this is an open and shut case and the accused are not people with any sort of influence who might be able to affect the justice system. What have you heard that is contrary to this and that is credible?

    My understanding is there were three assailants of which only two are in jail. The third one, who alledgedly slit David's throat, seems to have been forgotten now sufficient time has passed for the case to slip from public attention. I scincerely hope I'm wrong but..............

  18. In the case of David Crisp's murder, my understanding is that the people who did it have been arrested. There is plenty of evidence against them and they have confessed. I have not heard that they have been tried yet---has anyone else heard about a trial? In view of the evidence and confessions I would expect the trial to be brief. Neil

    Heard some disturbing rumours recently that all may not be as it seems :D alledgedly the justice system is operating true to form :)

  19. The going rate for the Thai Yai's who hang around near Kamtieng every morning looking for day work is 200 Bt with ID, 150 without. ... snip ...

    Sawasdee Khrup,, Khun Paagai,

    I have thought of hiring some of those guys who hang out at Kam Tian (the market next to Lotus Tesco on the Superhighway, I assume you mean) to do garden work and such, but the security concerns raised here by Khun Wackysleet and others are also on my mind.

    I have a lot of valuable things in the house (including valuable art objects), live alone right now. People, being naturally curious, are liable to look in through the windows, even if they are not invited into the house, even if they are given access to an "outside" toilet, and supplied with cold water and/or food. I am not exactly in the type of moo baan siuation described eloquently by Monsieur Hulot and also don't want my neighbors knowing exactly what I have. Over the years I have been here I have succeeded in being accepted in the neighborhood, and being perceived as friendly and helpful, but with a certain distance that I feel protects my privacy.


    I think one would be ill advised to take one of these guys off the street to your home, especially one with no ID. Just inviting trouble.

    I posted the rates for information/comparison. Its one thing a construction company hiring these guys to pour concrete on a site when there are foreman, security guards etc, observing. Another thing entirely to take one to your home alone. I've heard stories of people running into trouble with light fingered Tai Yai labours before........

  20. It's the hotel next to Chiang Mai Ram Hospital and only the top one or two floors will be exclusively gay!

    That sounds extremely silly! "Hi welcome to our hotel, You must be a gay person to stay on the top floor".

    Surely it should be the "Top" and "Bottom" floors? I mean just like the hanky code :D That way if you bring a visitor home with you and head for the eleator they'd know what to expect :)

    Or will it be the type of place that leaves free condoms AND lube in every room and has 24 hour gay adult movies on all TV channels? Or maybe Pink and chintz decor?

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