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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. So please mind your words in future before you accuse me again like you did!

    I didn't accuse you of anything, I was merely expressing my curiosity as to the motives of a first time poster for so comprehensively trashing the place.

    Anyway, I think most people can draw their own conclusions from your reply........... :)

  2. Ding Ding....... (Sound of penny dropping).............. or maybe a recently banned poster who used to use the same type face, and threw personal attacks at anyone who didn't share his enthusiasm for how fabulous it is down at the old Night Bazzar..........

    Though on second thoughts I though he'd said he was never going to post on TV again :)

  3. Newbie pops up and trashes someone's business on his first post. Nice! Wonder what the hidden agenda is? :D

    Perhaps he'll be back next week to tell us how wonderful the New Power Boys at the Lavender Lanna Hotel is after the Grand Opening on Monday. Or maybe not given he seems to have intimate knowledge of the night bazzar (Nuff said about that). Or perhaps the jealous Farang shadow owner of another much less salubrious gay bar that didn't make it? Who knows........ :)

  4. The gay community have added a lot of charn to San Francisco. They are big spenders and like the best of the best. If they want make Chiang Mai a gay hangout, we will probably be all the better for it. :)

    CM is already very popular with gay ex-pats, and the numbers are growing, particularly retirees. The quality of life for gay people living here is excellent and there is a growth in more upmarket bars and restaurants that attract such people, that is also adding character to CM in the same way as in San Francisco. What won't add "charm" to CM is a pile of Pattaya style sex tourist venues.

    Also, one should consider that the majority of customers for the existing venues which offer "extra services" are currently Thai. As they live here, neither that group, nor the ex-pats have need to stay in a gay hotel (well, not for more than an hour :D )

  5. How many rooms does it have? The Sri Tokyo is quite a big place. Will there be enough customers to fill the place up?

    100 plus rooms I understand - given the average visitor to CM probably stays 2-4 nights, that's a lot of new customers to maintain anything like a decent occupancy rate (especially when the other gay hotels in CM are almost empty). But apparently only certain floors will be GAY, not sure if this is correct but I heard they will still keep the Sri Tokyo brand too for the other floors. That's going to work real well, half your hotel is conservative Japanese tourists, and the other half screaming queens, sex tourists and prostitutes. Wow :)

  6. Let me tell you something about Gay Nattee - this is not hearsay -

    Interesting comments, really puts the whole Gay Nattee thing in perspective, I agree with you completely. He is representing himself, not gay people in Chiang Mai. That said he is Thai and his rhetoric is aimed at Thai people, not at us Farangs who's view on the way things work in the world is usually different from Thai people's :) so it may be some of his thinking strikes more of a chord with Thais than we can comprehend :P

    The Lavender Lanna Hotel have obviously invested a lot of money into this venture and they deserve a fair chance. It should be entirely up to us if we frequent this place - and if it is a nice and decent place we surely will. I want to mention here that I am not in any way connected to any gay business in Chiang Mai - and that I am in a monogamous relation ship since more then 10 years - I do not use the services of sex workers but I understand they fulfill a purpose. Believe me Mr. Nattee we are all intelligent enough to choose by ourselves which businesses we patronize and we do not need you to tell us.

    Whilst I'm 100% against what Nattee did, I think some of the Lavender's problems are of their own making. I don't believe many CM ex-pats want to see CM turned into a major sex tourist destination (Gay or straight), it's not what this city is about. One of their advertising Tag lines reads "Chiang Mai, Thailand Asia's biggest resort for gay men". :D:D:D

    Yes, they are investing a lot of money, but in my opinion, the plan has not been well thought through; they are trying to be all things to all people. I don't think the location is a good choice, much too overt and everyone knows it’s in in the wrong Tambon to do the kind of things they are promoting. The promotion has been completely over the top, somewhat a case of trying to make a silk purse out of a pigs ear me thinks. Just compare this with CM's other gay venues, all discreetly tucked away in small sois in the Chang Phuek area, out of sight and out of mind. :D

    I think they've missed an opportunity; if I was investing the money they have I, would have found a quiet location, probably Chang Phuek near all the existing gay venues but outside the superhighway, and still close to Nimanheminda/Huay Kaew areas too. Small 20-30 room resort hotel, nice outdoor restaurant and bar area, with attached swimming pool and maybe gym/sauna/massage discreetly located nearby. On site but kept separate would be a show bar/go-go. Now that WOULD make money........

    I do wish these guys well, several friends are working there, and they are all nice people :D:D who genuinely want to make it a success :P I'm sure we'll all be along to check the place out, :D maybe it will become a regular hang out, who knows. But I do fear they may be creating a Pink Elephant.

  7. Pim! It is totally unfair to go against Nattee. He is indeed sometimes a little weired but he did a lot for the gay community of Thailand.

    Without him, many things would have been different.

    I guess you are only angry because CITY LIFE, means your company made the internet advertising for Lavender and you see your business in danger. When Lavender is attacked your business is attacked, correct.

    So your real intention is not protecting gay scene or Lavender your real intention is protecting your own business.

    I have no opinion about Lavender and let´s see how it is. If it is good it survives and may be Nattee makes a lot of advertising for them.

    Bad advertising sometimes is good advertising. It makes people interested!

    So please be fair with Nattee. That is all I want to tell here.

    Without him there would have been SNIP..........................

    No hoards of red shirted thugs shouting hompophobic abuse at Gays on the streets of Chiang Mai and violently preventing a peaceful gay parade aiming to promote HIV awareness and raise money for an HIV support organisation. Compared with that act of self promotion I'm afraid his other achievments, however worthy they may have been at the time, fade into insignificance in the eyes of most gay people.

    We all know certain people have a political agenda and ambitions and will use any tricks they can to further it, even if it potentially damages someone elses business for no good reason. Pim has already given a robust defence of her criticism, its hardly fair for you to cirticise her when Gay Nattee is the one who spoke out in public. Whatever happened to free speech? And attacking her business is even more unfair, if you read all Pim's posts on TV you get a very clear picture of where she is coming from, what her agenda is and how it differs from yours. I also have a suspiscion her allegiencies might not be where you think concerning the hotel issue.

    He is really the grandfather of gay movement in Thailand. 555555555 Zappergeck

    We live in a constanlty and rapidly changing world and our grandfathers often get left behind the times with that "when I was a boy" routine....... Maybe retirement would be a good option?

  8. Has anyone been to the Adam's apple yet ? Dirt must be dished.

    Indeed :):D I don't know about dirt but some of the cute things I saw there were very dishy :D I posted more details in another thread here: Adam's Apple Thread

    Quick update on other bars too. Yum Boi Boi has closed, though they are saying they will re-open in October. Happy Dick's/Cockpit never happened. They got as fars as putting up a sign then gave up. A couple of other new places in town are Classic Boys and Dton Fai (Dunno if I spelt that right).

    Everyone is waiting with bated breath for the Lavender Lanna hotel and Power Boys night club to open though this seems to have sparked some controversy locally - see: Chiang Mai Forum - Another Gay Scandal Brewing, Opening of Lavender Lanna Hotel

    Also a new website with regular updates on the Chaing Mai scene is gayinchiangmai.com from the people behind Radchada.

  9. Back to Adam's Apple - is the go-go section now actually reopend?

    Can a CM member please advise.

    OPEN!!! OPEN!!! OPEN!!!! :D:D

    The doors opened last Saturday for the first time and the place was packed! Standing room only and a real squeeze, but the place is absolutely fabulous. Decor, sound and light systems are like something from a high end club in Farang land. Nothing else in Chiang Mai even comes close. Fantastic selection of dancers, over 80 in total apparently (though not all on one night) and they are doing real go-go, not just a host bar with show :D . Show is good too, with some great ladyboy acts as well as the cute dancers. And great to see the return of some old friends along with plenty of fresh faces. A few nice suprises too.... I won't spoil them :D:D

    I heard the first couple of weeks will be low key as they get everything working smoothly, but the grand opening party will be 9 October. :)

    It's been a long time coming, and I for one was sceptical it would ever happen, but Pia the very sweet owner, and his boyfriend have really stuck to their plans, put his money where his mouth is and done a great job. Wish them very good luck. This should certainly re-envigorate the CM gay scene.

    If you don't know about Adam's Apple Club check out their website: www.adamsappleclub.com

    Scorecard: if you are planning another weekend here you might want to wait until after the grand opening. I guess the weekend before everything will be closed as there is a very contentious election for the new mayor (4 October)

  10. To succeed they must attract a large number of new gay tourists to CM; the hotel has 100+ rooms, go figure :) To achieve anything like profitable occupancy, CM would have to offer far more for the sex tourist, in effect becoming the next Pattaya or Phuket.

    You seem to imply that either the hotel is targeting gay sex-tourists, or that the only gay tourists that come to Chiang Mai would be for sex-tourism. Is that right? It sounds biased to me and I'm not gay!!!

    I take your point, I am generalising somewhat but TIT and I think we all know what one of the main attractions is :D

    As far as gay tourism goes there are two main types of customer:

    The single guy/lone traveller who may have come to Chiang Mai to enjoy temples, elephants and ambiance but probably doesn't want to be alone at night
    Whilst carnal pleasure may not be the only reason for visiting, an abundance of interesting entertainment venues will certainly be a factor in most people's thinking.

    Gay couples who come here purely for tourism and don't need any assistance in the bedroom. They may not care about the availability of nightime entertainement, but equally many would surely feel uncomfortable staying with their partner in something akin to a brothel?

    So, if this place is to be sucessful, it will inevitably have a heavy reliance on guests looking for night time entertainment. This becomes a vicious circle: the more the clientele is there for sex, the less other people will want to stay there.

    As to who the hotel is targetting, well I know some guys who will be working in their "Power Boys" night club and let's say I don't think the odd tip for dancing is the reason they want to work there :D Interestingly, the Power Boys website has been toned down and they've dropped the name "Men of Lanna", I guess the protests had an effect.

  11. Moving back towards the original topic......

    There's been much discussion and comment about the Lavender Lanna Hotel among CM gay ex-pats the last few weeks. Whilst most I've spoken to wish this business well and welcome investment in new gay venues, I would say the overwhelming consensus is this project is an accident waiting to happen. It now appears people’s worst fears are confirmed :D

    Their business plan appears fundamentally flawed and its execution seriously lacking finesse. Many of the reasons why are obvious to anyone who knows CM and the Gay scene, some are more subtle. I won’t be explicit, it's not my intention to bash the place.

    To succeed they must attract a large number of new gay tourists to CM; the hotel has 100+ rooms, go figure :D To achieve anything like profitable occupancy, CM would have to offer far more for the sex tourist, in effect becoming the next Pattaya or Phuket. I would be vehemently opposed to that happening, as I suspect would be many others who live here, not to mention our friends in Red. To a certain extent they do have a point, though violent protests aren’t the way to get it across.

    The real problem here is the egos of a very few individuals. On the one side you have the PR machine of the Lavender Lanna, which has been somewhat akin to the proverbial "bull in a china shop". On the other you have Gay Natee and his couple of attention seeking Farang sidekicks, all of whom want to be seen as top dog. Add to this political instability and a highly contested local election and you have the ingredients for a big bang. Unfortunately, its gay people generally who become the whipping boys for certain peoples egos when…..


  12. Any restaurants or bars within walking distance?

    Depends how athletic you are! If you don't have a car or motorbike this place may not be such a good choice. The location itself looks nice, on the superhighway, but set away from the road probably sufficiently to limit traffice noise, but going anywhere you'd be faced with walking along the superhighway every time, or taking your life in your hands trying to cross it! Probably have to walk to Huay Kaew Road for a Songteaw or Tuk Tuk.

    There are a couple of very local Thai restaurants nearby (200-300 Metres) and a brand new 7/11 right on the superhighway. Otherwise you'd have to walk upto 1km or more to something on Nimanhemin. Closest Farang restaurant is probably the Pub on Huay Kaew.

  13. The campaigning is getting OTT, just found a crowd of about 20 Rak Ciang Mai 51 Redshirts outside my gate campaing for Number 2. Was tempted to tell them he was defintiely my favourite as he looks so cute....... but thought better of it :D They've been sat outside for about 15 minutes now, not sure quite why, it's a really quiet street with no traffic and few houses. Kinda strange :D

    Paagai, it wasnt them following you back to yr place when you were wearing your yellow shirt was it? :D

    Right idea, wrong reason, I always wear pink :D

    #2 gives me the creeps,imo its the way his eyes look :)

    Substance abuse?

    I asked the red shirts what they were doing "Rak Thaksin" was the reply :D So perhaps #2 is you know who wearing one of those rubber facemasks as a disguise :D

    Anyway, turned out they'd lost their convoy of Sound trucks and Songtaews, after a while the whole party trundled off speakers blaring, to annoy someone else!

  14. Magnumforce doesn't know the difference between Ireland and Northern Ireland, ha ha. The guy has lived in England yes, but he is a fully fledged Thai national.

    Um, As per my earlier post - is this place connected with the "Tiger Tiger "chain in UK, or have they just borrowed the name (and logo :) )?

  15. What date does the actual voting take place? Is it one of those weekend jobs when its best to leave town?

    Sunday, Oct 4th. My understanding is that Saturday is dry, Friday is not. I could be wrong of course.


    Thank you.

    The campaigning is getting OTT, just found a crowd of about 20 Rak Ciang Mai 51 Redshirts outside my gate campaing for Number 2. Was tempted to tell them he was defintiely my favourite as he looks so cute....... but thought better of it :D They've been sat outside for about 15 minutes now, not sure quite why, it's a really quiet street with no traffic and few houses. Kinda strange :)

  16. I don't think it's Brit-orientated dave2, except for the fact that they serve traditional British Sunday roast lunch and apparently traditional British style breakfasts and the manager/owner is English.

    Is this place in any way connected with the real Tiger Tiger brand in the UK (Large chain of bar/restaurant/late night night club venues owned by Novus Leisure)? A shop house in CM doesn't seem quite in the style of the original, except the logo has some strong similarities. Has someone just borrowed the name, Thai style? :)

    Also, is this the place somehow connected to the Martini bar, or do I have that wrong?

  17. This is starting to sound like a stuck record............. but the rumour is Adam's will DEFINITELY open in about two weeks, apparently everything is ready to go, just the last finishing touches to put in place. Their new website is also live - check out adamsappleclub.com

    High season in Chiang Mai should be spoilt for Cabaret shows as the Old Simon Cabaret venue is under renovation and will be re-opened as The Playhouse. The advertising looks pretty camp :D and its a big venue so will be great to have something like that back in Chiang Mai. Power boys at the Lavender Lanna hotel is also promising "three high-energy and quality shows each night starring the stunning Lavender Cabaret with Thailand’s famous lady boys" and I heard Adam's also has some ladyboy treats in store :D

    The new bar next to Spirit Hose is now has a large sign saying "Happy Dicks"; the final name was certainly imaginative :) no sign of the doors opening yet :D There are rumours of a couple of other new gay bars opening in Santitham area for high season too.

  18. It was most disturbing talking to DJ Aom, it appears they have set themselves up to be the arbitrars and protectors of Lanna culture - whatever the hel_l that is...Culture evolves, I wish these people would too.

    Given the clear homophobic attitudes and violent behaviour of these "arbitrars and protectors of Lanna culture" I think it's a brave move for someone to open a Gay hotel with the name "Lavender Lanna". Were they oblivious to what went down earlier this year, or being deliberatley antaganistic? :D

    Kanyapak: If in the future they wish to have a parade they can send us their proposal and if we think that it is polite then we will allow it, and even promote it. We can't have half dressed gay people climbing up pagodas and temples and showing disrespect to our culture.

    I wonder if this hotel submitted a proposal before naming the boys at their Power Boys go-go club "The men of Lanna"? I think they'll get a lot more than half dressed gay people (Well, Ok more likely almost naked straight people pretending to be gay :D ) In my experience of go-go shows, there ain't much respect for any culture :) Isn't that the attraction - seeing the worlds taboos broken right in front of your eyes?

  19. last nights loud music is from the party place between loft and tops. the renovation seems to be a playhouse. they were holding auditions for magic and dance acts this afternoon.

    The Playhouse is opening in the Old Simon Cabaret show location. A couple of friends who worked at Simon have already been for interviews. Not sure exactly what the show will entail - all the publicity I've seen was in a fancy Thai script beyond my reading ability :) But sounds like it will have some camp dance stuff like Simon.

    The "party place" is (or was unless something changed very recently), called Differ - a large Thai style disco behind the old Simon. Popular with young Thai kids and open until 5 or 6 a.m.

  20. As a recent arrival to CM I look forward to the City Life magazine each month. Its certainly given me some interesting reading and this months issue is no exception.

    Pim Kemasingki's interview with Chiang Mai Rak 51's leader DJ Aom has given me a better perspective on her groups aims and philosphies. I will leave it to others, who have been her far longer ,and have a better understanding of local issues, to comment on its content. Any takers ?

    There is already a thread running on this in another forum, including a comment from Pim here: http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=2983862

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