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Posts posted by Paagai

  1. since ages it is known that this establishment is extremely rascist towards Farang. PERIOD

    it is stunning me that there are still Farang patronizing their premises, when there are plenty of other more pleasant joints (at Nimmanhaemin, for example)

    If they were racist they'd just have a no Farang policy, period. They're actually very welcoming of some Farang who get VIP treatment whenever they go there. I think it's more certain Farang stereotypes they don't want!

    Hot tip: If you REALLY WANT to pay 300 Bt to get in go wearing a football shirt (especially an England one) :)

  2. In my experience this is unnecessary as, at least where I live, some public workers (I assume either Tessaban or Power Company) come down the street every few months ruthlessly removing any vegetation within the proximity of power lines. Suggest a call to your local tessaban would be a good start.

  3. I'm sure many will disagree with me here and say gay people should always protest against homophobia in whatever form it takes. But, in the case of the CM Gay Pride, I think the best thing to do wtih the Red Shirts is ignore them, I don't believe that protest was anything to do with gays or lanna culture but just an excuse for another demonstration to maintain their momentum on behalf of their puppet master. At that time they were protesting about everything, and anything with the protesters being paid to be there. Ignore them and deny them the oxygen of publicity they so desparately crave...... well, at least until next year :)

  4. If the place was set up for gay rice farmers then i wouldn't object that much - but it ain't.

    You kidding? Mandagay on a Friday night is like a gay rice farmers convention :D (well, OK maybe the gay offspring of local rice farmers :) )

    "Son, time to come home and help with rice harvest!" "Oooohh laaaa, sorry Pa, too busy doing my hair and makeup, and that strong sun would ruin my white skin, Jiaow"

  5. :) Doesn't the OP have a strange nickname for someone wishing to take his partner to a church?

    My signature already provides my best contribution to this thread, except:

    Boy....I’m glad I went from being religious the being a non theist many moons ago – it’s all a bit too much like fairies and goblins at the bottom of the garden for me. :D

    What's wrong with Fairies and Goblins? I guarantee you they exist: I often find several of both species in MY garden :D Or worse still sometimes Fairies who look like Goblins (especially the morning after............. they seem to metamorphize over night)! :D

  6. Saw a place called 1-2-Come - Massage for Men by Men, might be OK, not really sure if it is gay or not.

    :D:):D Come on, with a name like that and "For men by Men" and you're not sure if it's gay? But the OP is safe either way as it doesn't have a sauna.

    The Fitness centre at the Centra Duangtawan Hotel used to have a Sauna, steam room and large Jacuzzi (as well as a good gym and a pool) but I haven't been for a while. There's a Sauna in Santitham plaza next to the swimming pool that's definitely not gay, but its very Thai.

  7. A flame has been deleted. If this thread cannot remain civil, it will be closed pending updates by members. Please do read the forum rules and the subforum guidelines.

    Well, here's a civilized update :): Adam's still not open, maybe another two weeks? Cockpit (or whatever they're going to call it)still not open too, maybe its a man thing :D

    Metro bar is getting busier plus lots of eye candy hanging around now in anticipation of the great opening upstairs. Soho is always busy but a mainly Farang crowd. Radchada is closed for rainy season as the owner is caring for a sick family member.

    Talk of the town is the very ambitious Lanna Lavender hotel project (A new gay hotel taking over the old Japanese hotel next to Chiang Mai Ram 1 Hospital on the corner of the moat with Huay Kaew rd). They promise several new entertainment venues including go-go and caberet shows, gay massage, cocktail bar, rooftop terrace, pool etc. Complete self contained gay resort that will totally transform the fortunes of the tourist industry in Chiang Mai as thousands of pink visitors flock to this new five star attraction. Pattaya and Bangkok take note - lock up your young men :D Also, a great place for sagging old queens to convalesce in style after that little nip and tuck job next door :D

    Paradise bar is apparently moving to a new location on Loy Kroh road, rumours are that some of the other Night Bazzar bars will relocate to the Chang Puek area soon, but still just a rumour for now.

  8. Baan Thai, not far up from the lights on the right, used to be around 5k for a 30-odd sq metre room overlooking the mountain. Has a pool in the middle and is clean but maybe tough to get into... hack into Powerhouse WiFi for free internet :)

    We surveyed several serviced apartments recently as temporary accomodation for new staff on similar budget. Baan Thai was available at about 5K. Others that might work and were available (some mentioned already):

    The Dome

    D.D. Park (Seemed very good value)

    Chiangmai Pacific mansion

    View Doi mansion

    Another excellent new place was off Nimanhemin Soi 17 - don;t recall the name as it was already full :D

    There was a thread on condos in Santitham (mentioned previously) a few months back (do a search), names that spring to mind are the Emporium and Noppakao place.

    For gyms Fitness Thailand at Ikon square used to have good weights but I haven't been there in a while, have heard mixed reports recently though.

  9. It's near the Chiang Mai gay / slum area.. Perhaps some of the people who are partial to that area can comment..

    But perhaps there are members (none come to mind of course) that are looking for a gay/slum environment as their ideal. Actually I didn't know that about Santhithum, is that why Suthep/Nimmenhemin is so popular?

    :D look no further....... :D

    Well certainly the gay centre of CM these days, maybe 20 or so different gay venues of one sort or another between Huay Kaew, Chang Puek road and the superhighway :)

    But the slum tag don't fit no more, rate of redevelopment last few years has been rapid, barely a day goes past without the bulldozers moving in on another old building and a new condo or row of shop houses springs up in its place. The Santitham area has a very large student population and buzzing night life with small bars and restaurants everywhere.

    Many of the old places where Thais went for their weekly extramarital enjoyment have gone. The many short time hotels still do good business :D Some fun underground late night places too :D

    Hot tip: If you really want to harp back to the old days try the shanty town of Karaoke bars along Chang Puek soi 4 around the tessabaan.......... well what would I know anyway? :D Getting back on topic, this is right around the corner from the Loft Residence so if that's your thing a good place to stay.

    To the OP: there was a thread on here a few months back that discussed the Loft and the disavantage of it being right next to Differ - big teenybopper disco open very late. Also discussed several other condos in the area - do a search.

  10. I run a backpackers hostel and cafe in Scotland at the moment it is high season I provide free wifi for people staying in the hostel and a computer in the cafe for non guests that we charge 75 pence for 15 minutes ,on average I have to tell four people a day to bugger of because they come in with their laptops thinking they can use my wifi for free and not buy any food or drink :)

    Amazing :D I would never have associated "Scotland" with the word "free" :D

  11. I'm afraid I've had to take exception to part of your poll, Paagai... my Thai friends (and Thai males I meet, see on the streets, work with everyday, etc.) are not prostitutes. I've adjusted your poll to reflect the subject matter of the article you link to and replaced the use of "males" with "prostitutes," as I assume you are asking our readers to compare their experiences to those of the Chinese.

    :D:D Which was the word I was going to use originally but thought it might upset you guys :)

  12. Anyone own a Pizza Restaurant?

    I have a class of 30 International Business College students... that I want to take out to a local pizza place to practice ordering and communication in English at a Restaurant. Pizza i chose because it matches exactly one of the lessons in the Cambridge book.

    1) I need a Pizza place in the city that can open about 10am

    2) Menu's need to be in English

    3) Have English speaking staff... to practice taking orders from the students in English.

    4) I would like to provide lunch for the students... but on the cheap. For example to feed them cheese pizza only and water... for around 3,000 THB. Some students have money and may order more... but most are poor.

    The idea is to give them exposure to speaking proper English in REAL LIFE situations. If you would like to help.. or know of someone ... let me know. It will be good exposure for your business and it will help students in need.



    :D Please make sure you video the event and place on youtube! Should be hillarious :D Especially the bit where eveyone wants to compalin to the manager (who's magically disappeared) that no one got what they ordered. :D Well, it seems to happen to me every time in CM, irrespective of whether we order in Thai, English, Shan, Chinese or mongolian :)

  13. Is everyone missing the obvious here? :D It hasn't rained much for quite a few days! Actually, rainfall all season seems to have been very light; have had to go back to watering the grass again :)

    A good couple of hours downpour and things will revert to normal. :D

    BTW, I see India is also experiencing problems with the monsoon this year, flooding in some places with dorught in others in an abnormal pattern.

    I guess that I'm at least missing something obvious then. I thought that this old thread was resurrected by a poster who was interested in the pollution of February/March this year, and of the common patterns. That is what I tried to reply to, anyway.

    According to the Pollution Control Department, the air quality in Chiang Mai has been quite outstanding since at least the beginning of May. The reports from the last few days have been no different from that, so there is really no need to "revert to normal".

    / Priceless

    My point was, as your graph well illustrates, that normally at this time of year polution isn't a problem cos it rains often; keeps the air clean and the grass happy Sabbai Sabbai :D Your graph clearly shows the peak in Feb/March, every year, when normally it doesn't rain. Compared with several years previous recollections of late July and now August (normally one of the wetest months) this year it ain't rained much.

    Yes it's poluted in Feb/March and, yes, every year a bunch of TV posters get hysterical about it starting in about December through to about May! Right now is hardly the same situation

  14. You should go to places in Europe where you have to pay to sit down, do you know you can get internet with you mobile phone for not much money, maybe the coffee shops want to be rid of Kee Nok Farang!

    But there are coffee shops in one place in Europe that sell more than just coffee and the punters can sit there all day just staring into space :D:)

  15. Is everyone missing the obvious here? :D It hasn't rained much for quite a few days! Actually, rainfall all season seems to have been very light; have had to go back to watering the grass again :)

    A good couple of hours downpour and things will revert to normal. :D

    BTW, I see India is also experiencing problems with the monsoon this year, flooding in some places with dorught in others in an abnormal pattern.

  16. I've had the experience of a couple of non-franchised coffee shops in/near the Hang Dong Rd area pointing out that after a set time period using Internet Wifi that there is now a service charge. For example, 25 baht per hour after 1 hour of Wifi use - or even if not actually connected to the Internet just for the electricity consumed. I spend a very significant amount of time on the Internet around a variety of coffee shops and it strikes me as an own goal. These places are never full when I'm there and I spend on refreshments. So it's not a case of maximising revenue per table per hour for a revolving door of constant customers. The signs seem to be in English only but I may be wrong. I don't choose to challenge their business models to extract extra revenue. It's their absolute right. This pricing is also common across the UK. The point is I just never return. There's currently so much choice around where owners are only too pleased for custom at no surcharge for extended use of Wifi. But just wondering what readers reckon and whether this type of surcharge is or might be a growing trend in Chiang Mai.

    Cheap Charlie :)

    I hate it when I go with several people to a coffee shop and the only decent sized tables are taken up by single farangs with laptop and papers spread everywhere like they are there for the day, drinking a single cup of coffee :D Whereas customers who are gonna spend a decent amount of cash end up with four people huddled around a table for two. Seems to happen often in CM :D

    You should take the 25Bt as a hint: "it's time to leave!"

  17. As for your accusation towards these religious groups you should also know that they have condemned what happened on Saturday night (along with every single member of the government)

    Tel Aviv spells freedom an dI wish I could feel the same, let"s say, in Pattaya

    Well as you should know, you shouln't everything you read and certainly not citing without explaining the context

    Please don't shoot the messenger! I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I merely posted a link to a news article and paraphrased the comments of the head of an Israeli Gay movement about possible religous involvement, with a caveat. I don't know anymore than what is in the article (which also backs up the nice things you say about Tel Aviv), and nor did I claim to.

    My point was, acceptance of Gay people by many religous groups is still a problem and just because one religous group is accepting, many, many others are not. As PB said above, "change takes decades"

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