Thais would get dizzy & fall asleep on these. The National Motto of Thailand is ME FIRST so giving way to traffic coming from the right would be anathema to the general public.
a complete whitewash after a slap on the wrist. Committees are Thailand's stock-in-trade - an excuse for free lunches and travel allowances whilst achieving nothing.
I doubt anyone in the Gov even knows where Egypt is, let alone what the fuss about climate change is all about, given the carcinogenic air which is tolerated in Bangkok & Chiang Mai.
The police decide what laws are to be enforced not the Government. Prayuth declared re-enactments were to be outlawed but the photo-cops ignored him anyway to ensure they got their fifteen minutes of fame.
RTP bring the force into disrepute every time they don the uniform. Why doesn't the National police chief do something? It'll be machetes on children next.
Another five year bonanza for lawyers; at the end of which all high-ups will be cleared of any wrongdoing and a couple of Somchais thrown in the clink for a month.
They use deposits to generate income through interest. If Thailand is a supposed superpower in IT it doesn't cost any more to withdraw cash in your home town as it does in a far-off city.
I had mine installed by a local company. Two weeks later I ran low on gas; the 'engineer' had failed to tighten things up & it was leaking gas every day. No refund so I changed company. How to build clientele - Thai style.
They are the most hated and feared institution in Thailand; the laziest and most inept; responsible for possibly thousands of deaths a year for their collective failure on the roads.
Agreed. When I first moved here I got 73 & managed to spend all of it every month. Now austerity has set in + my UK pension is the same as it was 15 years ago.