All this food will then be converted to <deleted> and strewn about the sois of Thailand to spread further disease. Why can't these brainless twits see that prolonging the suffering of these animals is cruelty not kindness. I squirm when I see temples dripping with gold feeding strays whilst their supporters and their kids go hungry.
Agree with a number of posters above; Plod got a bloody nose when customers rolled over them. Chief is now stamping his petulant feet and raised the price of protection money.
If you are a wild dog lover; couldn't care less about road safety; or a lack of police and rampant corruption in every walk of life here then these bonds are a good deal.
'Just what makes that little old ant
Think he'll move that rubber tree plant
Anyone knows an ant, can't
Move a rubber tree plant
… But he's got high hopes
He's got high hopes
He's got high apple pie
In the sky hopes'
What surprised me was the 'clause 'lone man attacks ...' When have Thais fought one on one? I supposed the surprise element compensates for the missing six others in his gang.
The tourist police are to introduce a high season to prey on the visitors; it runs three days a week excluding weekends/public holidays from Jan 2nd to December 28th.
They only enforce the ones that make them money. It's only a law if the police say it is - observe the helmetless motorbike riders speeding past cops who can't be arsed to do anything.
Agree with Spidermike above. Mums & grannies conspire to produce egotistical brats who bankrupt the family with a few months in a wat; then payment of a sin sot before abandoning his wife/child for another sucker.
My first car was a Honda Jazz. My friend & I inspected it in the showroom. I haggled with the salesman over price & extras then played my trump card; 'How much for TWO?' On delivery we went in & paid for both cars with 1000 baht wads.