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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Check this out - https://mwbell2000.wixsite.com/mikebell When I wish to read a novel, I write one.
  2. Shares in Pattaya Sand Company reach a new high.
  3. to be found in every police station in the land.
  4. Agreed - vote buying.
  5. This story is from the same stable as 'Honest cab driver hands back wallet containing one million baht.'
  6. 23 billion = a lot of commissions for the Connected. Pattaya Sand Company rubbing its hands in glee.
  7. How do Pattaya cops arrest any one briefly? Is it the time taken to process the paperwork or collect the 'fine'?
  8. Prayuth said this 8 yeas ago. Thailand is still waiting.
  9. Depends which kitty it comes out of; Drug Money; Luxury cars; Protection money; Blind Eye fund; Road 'Fines'.
  10. Thais laugh at the very idea of work.
  11. How many of the 600,000 above fall into the 2nd category?
  12. The Thai section of this helpful manual has a chapter entitled 'Road to Suicide.' There's a section on the correct way to run a red light and, in the unlikely event of being stopped by a Thai policeman, the correct amount of on-the-spot fines for the offence of driving with a foreign face.
  13. Thanks from me too. I can't believe there's so many FREE books available.
  14. Loved Herbert (The Fog etc.) Went to UK about 3 years back & couldn't believe the cost of 2nd hand books in Charity shops. I bought so many I got dinged for 90 UKP at MAN on the way back!
  15. RTP are not just a laughing stock but a blight on the reputation of Thailand every day they don their uniform. What wallies they look with their Shepherd's crooks!
  16. No worries - RTP will save the day.
  17. Both boxing champions; the Council workers never stood a chance.
  18. That amount of damage looks to have been caused by excessive speed.
  19. every other road user. They are very competitive and will empty their tank to get one place ahead of you at the next red light. It's an IQ thing.
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