I'd like to know where MAN(chester UK) figures. It's dirty & full of disgruntled employees who vent their dissatisfaction on those who pay their wages.
I thought it was the Navy. They ban you from taking photos of landing & taking off in case they reveal classified information. Those making this edict have never heard of Google Maps or Google Earth!
It is a career dream of many Thais to get a sinecure as a Civil servant in an A/C office where they get to lord it over the public whilst achieving nothing.
Or ancient sites described as archaic.
How did Sri Lanka get there? The place is bankrupt with gangs of prowling unemployed men following tourists (especially those with women in the group). You can't even buy Duty Free anything in the airport if you want to use up your local currency!
Can anyone help? One year ago my State Pension was stopped. I did not notice as my UK bank is difficult to log into. I believe they may have sent a proof of life form to either my UK address or my Thai one. Either way it never got to me. I have found an email address which only deals with Changes of Circumstances but the only reply I have had is instructions on how to get my identity confirmed by having a VIP witness my passport.
I am 81 and my circle of acquaintances is smaller and getting smaller with each passing year. None of them work in the prestigious jobs specified as being suitable to sign. They owe me over 5000 UKP. Has anyone any ideas on how to rectify this state of affairs without travelling to UK? Anyone got an email address to which I could write?
Mike Bell
1st; stop broiling chickens on every corner in 35 degrees of heat after marinating in Carbon Mon-oxide for three hours.
2nd; stop public bonfires burning rubbish including all Wats.
3rd; make it a criminal offence to leave your car engine running for half an hour whilst stopping for noodles.
4th; ban ALL speaker vans touring every town deliberately holding up traffic. This includes all political outpourings.
It used to be crooked dealings by bent coppers were running at two cases a week; now, it seems 2 MPs a week are being found to be guilty of corruption.
'Serious Breach of Ethics?' There are no Ethics in a ANY walk of Thai society.