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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Meanwhile on the roads more deaths occurred through lack of policing.
  2. Cannabis flip-flop will dissuade further foreign investment after being stung in this sector.
  3. There will be a lot of unhappy tenants. Flip FLOP.
  4. To discuss coping with lung cancer from carcinogenic air.
  5. Why did it take this long for medical help to arrive?
  6. In the UK police used to use telephone directories to elicit confessions; in Thailand they use plastic wrap/clingfilm.
  7. I think you missed the irony here.
  8. Of course it is; I've not been back so I don't know if anything has changed as I explained in my 1st sentence. Thank you for your felicitations; I have a good day most days. If you enjoy my work enough to research me, there's lots to enjoy on my web-site.
  9. There was no such response on May 4th when traffic ground to a standstill for TWO HOURS on Klang/2nd Road/Beach Road. Not ONE cop on duty. I aborted my proposed spending, limiting it to two hours of fuel burning.
  10. What gets me is the total lack of concern or shame from, not just those who facilitate this blatant disregard of ethical conduct, but those who work with them.
  11. My experience dates back to January 2023. I tried to elicit some information about parking charges during a holiday to Samui with my daughter from UK. After three emails (in English which are often not answered in Thailand whatever the company) I gave up & my daughter found the required data from UK. On arrival we found the security screening of our luggage to be a joke as much as the youngsters manning the machine did. After a couple of searches they gave up & we wheeled our cases across to another area allowing any terrorist ample opportunity to interfere with it. The waiting area was dirty & unfinished; ridden with mosquitos. Passengers could not buy refreshments from the sole vending machine unless they had a Thai app on their phone; my daughter & husband newly arrived at BKK did not have (nor did I.) After a delightful return journey via Samui airport (all that an airport should be), I collected my car for the return journey to my home in Pattaya. The parking charges were less than I thought though I had to wake up the guard at the (open) gate to pay so he might have been dreaming. The security-minded admirals who ban photos during take-off/landing have obviously never heard of Google Earth/Maps.
  12. Whilst this elite squad of brave officers were apprehending the criminal workers, the centre of Pattaya was suffering untold mayhem in 40 degree heat as traffic tried to decipher the new laws against traffic movement. I spent two hours going nowhere before giving up and going home, spending money only on burning fuel and adding to the air pollution. In two hours I did not see a single policeman.
  13. The Army will not allow it.
  14. Like every soi decorated with dog faeces/urine? It is so Mediaeval.
  15. The writer has a fine sense of humour.
  16. There are none; they've got even fewer cops than Pattaya's Invisible force.
  17. Next they are going to prosecute taxi drivers with non-working meters. Watch out for low-flying pigs.
  18. Standard Operating Procedure by the local Fuzz. Do nowt till you have to.
  19. Officials are promoted or relegated only on WHO they know, not on any failure to perform.
  20. Meanwhile, in Chiang Mai, deaths from Respiratory diseases out number daily fatalities on the road.
  21. No sense of irony! They eliminate all opposition in the name of the King.
  22. I fell for this one when a Monday was tacked on to a long weekend & alleged to be toll-free. They lied.
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