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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Last year I started a thread entitled something like 'UK Tax Scam'. All of those above claiming the State pension is tax free are WRONG. The sum (92UKP per week in my case) is added to your other income & you are taxed accordingly. My beef was, the tax people assumed I was on a FULL pension (roughly 10K) when, (because of my age) it was half that! (DWP insist they provided the correct figure.) Eventually I received over 7K in overpaid TAXES. (They could only refund me for 7 of the 15 years I had been overtaxed.)
  2. When this was 1st raised, the BP published his assets of 5 million a year banked for FIVE consecutive years despite earning less than ONE million per annum for his 'official' duties.
  3. After Songkran, it's Bonanza time on Soi 6.
  4. The toilets are for foreigners only; Thais will continue to use the grass verges at the side of every road.
  5. I'm gonna move; this is the THIRD time (ever) that Plod has been seen on Khao Noi!
  6. three weeks of water wastage during Songkran.
  7. The raids usually take place just before payday so the employer saves on wages. An (anonymous) phone call is all it takes.
  8. Thailand's Soft Power v Inept Police Force.
  9. The ultimate punishment for a professional photo-cop.
  10. A Boys' Club to which the hoi poloi are not invited. What a farce & typically Thai.
  11. What do they do, that isn't 'suspicious'?
  12. And just in time to coincide with Mr. T's miracle cure.
  13. Well that's a step in the right direction.
  14. Well Saturday traffic was snarled up beyond belief.
  15. 500 metres from my house. I take it there were no police about at that time and on a day with a 'y' in its name.
  16. The final nail in Move Forward's coffin.
  17. Does she work for TAT? She seems to have the right mathematical skills and the compulsory vivid imagination.
  18. Thailand's standing is distorted by having lots of its wealth in the hands of a dozen wealthy families + lots of Generals; whilst a huge proportion of the populace have next to nothing.
  19. I answered a question asked by a polite member of this forum about the number of pension freezing nations (by Googling). Could you explain the differences between apples and oranges?
  20. Will the police show their faces again?
  21. 122 different­ nations around the world – many of them Commonwealth countries including Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa – the state pension entitlement is frozen at the point of departure.
  22. Junkets for the Unelected Election Thieves.
  23. Taxing pensions? Owning houses? Once they have driven the Brits out, who will be next?
  24. I hate my car windows being smeared with paste as eventually visibility is down to almost nil. Maybe a factor in the annual road kill figures?
  25. Damn! I've got 'Visa' renewal coming up next week.
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