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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. They have been for 20 years (by me). No change yet; they are still inept, lazy and corrupt with a finger in every nefarious activity whilst doing nothing to address the daily road kill figures.
  2. How many of the unregistered four-wheeled vehicles above have a working meter? My guess is 0%. Isn't there a national, legal requirement to have one? If so, why has it never been enforced here?
  3. The Railway Road has been 'finished' for years. It still floods and is dug up every few months or so.
  4. Taking a lift is very dangerous and there are too many stairs which could cause a coronary. + she was already high enough to do the job.
  5. Lets hope they do a better job of identifying the assailant than they did on the Win driver number 12 who assaulted two women.
  6. Pattaya Plod continues to earn its nickname. They must be the laziest, most inept force in the land, suitable only for ceremonial purposes and photo-shoots.
  7. Now I understand the reasoning behind buying submarines.
  8. It is unsurprising the number of accidents given the amount of roadworks all about town where work proceeds in fits and starts, often remaining dormant for days at a time; and also the penchant for Thai drivers to speed with one eye on their phone whilst drunk.
  9. Thanks for enLIGHTening me. Like many on here I don't know everything, which is often the purpose of a forum.
  10. I've had 800K in a BKK Bank account since June 2019. The bankbook says 1.5000%. After 5 years my bankbook reads 820,602.30! I've never touched it; it's there to make my visa easier. Tax is deducted. I feel sure I am being underpaid.
  11. SOP for Thai police; only inflict the rule of law on strangers, preferably rich ones.
  12. Officials will spring into action now something has happened; nothing is ever done until there's been casualties.
  13. To be divided up amongst the citizens who did their job for them?
  14. On the other side of the coin the same can be said of police. Instead of lecturing drivers imagine the impact on road deaths these police would have if they took to the streets and enforced traffic laws. Pattaya police are photo-cops who only emerge when a camera is brandished.
  15. Sarcasm goes over the heads of children.
  16. Surely this is sufficient to have rented a nice house AND had enough to pay the 'fine' from the IB; how did they decide to raid that particular condo? Surely not Hu's 90 day reporting failure?
  17. Yes 'review' is the wrong word, taken from the article. 'police should sit there looking at CCTV in case something happens?' Of course they should. Prevention is better than cure. Thailand is famous for its kneejerk reaction AFTER an event. To say 'Nothing is happening.' suggests you haven't tried driving for a while. Every minute of every day in Pattaya there are hundreds of traffic infractions. At every change of traffic light there are always four red-light runners + thousands of helmetless motor cyclists. Depending on whose figures you use maybe 50 people die EVERY DAY. Eradicating just some of the speedsters could prevent many of these deaths.
  18. No that's recriminalisation of cannabis due shortly after thousands have invested millions in premises; assistants; stock. Coming to a police station near you.
  19. It is precisely the word NOW that prompted my response. CCTV cameras are ONLY EVER reviewed AFTER an event. I guess you were unable to understand my answer.
  20. Is that how long it takes living in Pattaya to get covered in dust and dirt?
  21. Why don't they hire police officers to watch CCTV all day instead of their phones. This single act might save lives by making the roads safer?
  22. 'Hotel staff called the police to arrest him on June 24 but no officers arrived.' They've not been arriving for the 20 years I've lived here.
  23. It's called satire. How many times have you seen a cop on duty on the roads? How many traffic offences are committed hourly on Pattaya cops' beat? Note the 2nd highest cop in the land has just been dismissed today.
  24. Sounds like a posh kindergarten with 2 x 50" TVs.
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