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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. What a good idea as an alternative to Spain.
  2. Thank you a weight off my mind. I have all these to hand after applying for UK visitor visa; my question is what web-site provides for this application? A good alternative tho' not sure a Thai lady would cope with clouds of midges.
  3. My version of the negotiation; 'we will take you to hospital to have your wounds treated or you can bleed out here.'
  4. Another triumph for Pattaya Plod. I don't blame him; it must be so time consuming when signing documents.
  5. Thank you, Richard. I understand the concept now. As this is Thailand where Thais see nothing wrong with serving/cooking food under the supervision of a couple of house dogs, I myself would not be as confident of the animals' hygiene as you seem. Many street dogs have Thai owners who do all the right thing regarding Vet care but see nothing wrong with kicking their pets onto the streets to mix with un-jabbed hordes.
  6. Hi everybody, I need some help and will try to spell it out. I am awaiting a UK Visitor Visa for my Thai GF. I am 81 & GF is 50. We are going to my daughter's wedding in May & will be in UK for a month. I am aware it is possible to overstay one's welcome at my daughters' houses so thought I would give everyone a break whilst I have a week's holiday in Spain. Is there a site like VFS which I found to be very helpful for the UK Visa? I've been on a number of pages - the application looks to be 4 pages long. I filled it in but unlike the UK one you could not return to it so I lost all the inputted data. I have been told if we leave for Spain we void the UK visa & need some sort of re-entry permit for her? After collecting 47pages of material for the UK visa, I was hoping to attend an office to submit the completed application form & all the supporting documents but do not know where to go. Anyone been through the process recently, as I need some guidance. Thanks in advance.
  7. What is the purpose of a dog cafe? And what sort of demented folk go to them? You might as well sit on the pavement of any soi in Thailand.
  8. Very apt for Pattaya, 'The penis mightier than the sword.' I missed a space somewhere.
  9. Give every Thai cop 1000 baht to arrest the land owner on whose land the 'wild fires' occur. Problem solved at a cost of ONE million.
  10. 'AirAsia launches Takeover Thailand campaign with celeb partner' = The Thai Army.
  11. The admirals are very happy; they've had/spent their inducements. Billions have been spent already (see Srikcir above). Scrapping the whole idea now is not feasible even for a Thai flip-flop government.
  12. Judging by the long tailbacks on Pattaya Tai yesterday, Pattaya is full to overflowing.
  13. Does this mean they need farang sperm donors, only I'm free most weekends?
  14. When police seize these assets, what happens to them after the bad boys are jailed?
  15. Doesn't leave many safe spaces for shelter.
  16. RTP get another day off from not working on all the other days?
  17. When RTP do the illegal re-enactment; another photocop opportunity.
  18. If I watch horror I get bad dreams! 'Beyond Paradise' (old but S2 coming up) is gentle comedy with some characters that we can care about. Saw 1st 2 'Shogun' episodes last night; absolutely sumptuous and the bonus for the hard of hearing (me) is 70% of the dialogue is in Japanese with clear subtitles.
  19. The last word is laughable. None of the three parties above move at more than a snail's pace. There will be committees formed; meetings held; action plans drawn up; all to no avail. Thais like their bass rhythm; their pick-ups are mere boom-boxes; speaker vans are the most ludicrous selling mechanism ever invented creating slow-moving jams alienating potential customers and polluting the area. If the customers are there till turned 2am every night then they can't have a job which has normal working hours.
  20. Were the officials false or his claim to have paid?
  21. 3 minutes from my home. Thankfully I am confident Pattaya police will get to the bottom of it.
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