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Everything posted by mikebell

  1. Seems easy to me if she is a clone of the latest Prime Minister.
  2. Damn - that's when I'm travelling!
  3. Interpol will contact RTP and in five year's time they'll start looking. Meanwhile the Red Bull brat will be at this weekend's F1 meeting.
  4. No sense of irony here when the very uniform is a daily symbol of corruption. 'Big Joke fights for his name' - I see no reason why his name should not be applied to RTP as a whole.
  5. Until Thailand make Thai fathers financially responsible for their children it will continue to be a banana state and continue to be infamous globally for its level of prostitution.
  6. 'school bullying and seeks justice for her son' - I thought it was going to be another story about Thai teachers.
  7. The rare glimpse I get of any of Pattaya's invisible police force shows them to be comfortably overweight. No evidence of any belt-tightening here.
  8. I have written a quality Thai TV series. I have contacted local agents/companies (even in Thai); I have never even received an acknowledgement.
  9. This is suspicious.
  10. Thip was the only one not in police uniform.
  11. As always, police only move when someone gives them the information; they never do any investigation of their own.
  12. 'Prime Minister of Thailand proposes' ... which one? Nothing will change until the police are made to work for their pay.
  13. The above words could be repeated about any of the many committees formed to investigate shady practices; to allow for six months of free lunches + travel expenses; to publish a bland meaningless report that no-one reads or acts upon.
  14. The whole of Thailand operates like this; there are about ten influential families that control 90% of supply.
  15. He needs to get out more tho' this earth-shaking story came about because he did some shopping presumably without his wife.
  16. Silly & inconsiderate as this behaviour is regularly repeated. All about are young children & workers. I long for the days when they return to their oil platform for another stint at working (presumably without alcohol.)
  17. You've correctly identified the bank. The incident took place a long time ago when UKP was riding high & I wasn't as concerned as I would be now. The withdrawals were all for my normal sum; again only the bank & I knew what that was.
  18. I thought she or her father was PM?
  19. Further evidence of the frailty of Government officials who fear public insurrection. They are not fit for office and lack sufficient braincells to find their way to a cinema. No wonder they banned 'Animal Farm'!
  20. True; like lots of other offences: black windscreens; seatbelts on pickups; helmets; and of course not ONE prosecution against any of Pattaya taxi-drivers for failure to use meters. At least in Bangkok some are wrist-slapped.
  21. Thanks for this; No wonder (farang) prized raw materials are in short supply or horribly expensive! 'Thailand's domestic raw milk supply is insufficient to meet the country's demand,' 'In terms of exports, Thailand's main dairy exports are pasteurized and ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk, condensed milk, evaporated milk, ice cream, drinking yogurt, yogurt and butter' ' majority of Thailand's dairy exports are produced from imported dairy products,'
  22. Moi aussi. I noted a number of ATM withdrawals from places I'd never visited (like Sattahip.) This only came to light when I asked the bank to provide me with the locations of the machines. They said I must have given my PIN to my GF despite her being with me 24/7 & being unable to drive. Only the bank & I knew my PIN. I never got any money back either.
  23. Presumably after loading the bike onto the car? (Pick-up?) Pattaya Plod are on the job and expected an arrest from their list of 1,324,408 suspects living locally.
  24. by taxing foreign pensioners.
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