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Posts posted by jonclark

  1. '...This will help eventual 3G licence holders to provide the schools with what they need....'<br><br>So that will be teachers then.<br><br>Seriously though a good idea, but give that most schools have aging teachers who are fast approaching retirement age and have little interest in IT or changing their tried and tested teaching methods, I doubt many teachers have the motivation or skills to exploit 3G. <br><br>In the day when i taught the only people who used IT in the class rooms were the Western English teachers, still this should make their job a bit easier. Most Thai teachers stood at the board, talked and wrote with the students copying. <br><br>Most schools need new motivated well trained teachers to replace those leaving. Not a gimic so the MoE feels on par with Singaporean schools<br>

  2. One thing i don't get about this article, is that the article states that' the machines are installed at 20 locations.' Like an ATM right? [no pun intended]So, the policeman needs to either set up their check point adjacent or very close to the ticket machine for it to be effective, cause i can't see a policeman at a check point on say Rama 9, pulling someone over, taking their details, then going to the nearest (hypothetical) machine on say Suk 71 and uploading the data of the offense.

  3. " ...the Siamese government initiated an ingenious method for revaluing the currency. The baht was allowed to rise when the price of silver increased relative to that of gold, but any declines were simply ignored...."

    Anyone think TAT follow a similar train of thought with tourist arrivals. Any decline in visitor numbers are ignored thus allowing arrivals to continue to increase

  4. Lt Gen Wuthi said the data collected would be reported to every ambassador, which would give them confidence "that we are trying to serve and protect their nationals". "We have to identify who the people are, and where they are staying," he said. "If you remember when the tsunami struck Thailand in December 2004, we had some problems with the identification of victims. We had no information or any data on them. With this method, we will have information on almost every tourist, making it easier to identify them if something happens."

    My dear immigration officer - Most tourists killed in the tsunami had no id on them cause they were at the beach or in the sea, or running quickly away from the sea in their trunks or bikinis which don't have a pocket for your passport.

  5. How will this affect tourism?

    It is up to the hotels to report info. to authorities and has zero to do with tourism

    Unless you read about this rule being enforced you will not even kn ow about the rule,

    nor will you know if the rule is being followed by the hotels or whoever else

    Agreed that the tourist has to do nothing and most people here on a two week summer break won't even know it's being done it's all the responsibility of the hotel etc. as it should be. I however wonder what the grey area covers as there is potential for 'expat residents' to be classed as tourists which they aren't as in general expats who live here have different patterns to daily routines than tourists as we work and travel for example far more frequently and stay in friends or relatives houses rather than resorts. Is this type of activity under the remit of this policy?

    It seems immigration has dug deep and dusted off some old legislation clearly past its sell by date and decided it's still good. Unfortunaty with all the political squabbles no decent review of immigration policy is likely for some years to come.

  6. Just a couple of points

    1) Why haven't the the hotels with contamination been shut down.

    2) Have recent guest and hotel staff been told of the contamination so they have the option of getting a check up?

    3) If the elderly and smokers need to wear masks entering a contaminated site. How do they know the site is contaminated?? Did the hotel put up a sign in reception advising of Legionnaires??

  7. Most villagers do not waste any water. In my village all rainwater is collected off the roofs through guttering and stored in giant pots for use all the year round. Only occasionally during the dry season is the tap turned on but used sparingly as it costs money. A semi reliable water supply only arrived about 5 years ago and up till then they survived on what nature gave them. It is rich people that don't understand the value of water and are responsible for most of the waste.

    Never a truer word said. The general attitude among many of the richer folk is that if they can afford to pay for it, they'll use as much of it, as wastefully as they wish. Often wonder why so few people have the old water trough at the bottom of the roof drainpipes, which my grandfather had around his house to collect rain water to water his plants. Interesting to note how much knowledge and wisdom has been lost in these modern times.

    Water could well turn out to be the one factor which limits human population size.

  8. The root cause of all water shortages is not the lack of water, but rather an ever increasing population placing ever increasing demands on a limited amount of freshwater. The human population has doubled since 1974. In Thailand, the population has risen from approx 35 million to 65 million between 1970 - 2010.(UNEP) The amount of freshwater in circulation globally however has remaind the same, about 3% of total water volume including the frozen stuff at the north and south pole. Combined with human population growth, globally peoples diets have become more 'meat rich' and consider that 1kg of beef requires 100'000 liters of water (directly for the animal and also to grow crops for the animal to eat) compared to 1'900 per kg of rice or 500 liters per kg for potatoes, (Botkin and Keller 2006) Is it any wonder we are running out of water!

  9. This is the problem that Abhisit/Korn and Suthep and the Democrats are going to have in the coming weeks, months and years.

    In the heat of the moment their propaganda in the media overcome real news and real truth, as was portrayed on AJ/BBC/CNN and many other real news outlets.

    As the real truth is now uncovered and unleashed and eyewitnesses gather the strength and courage to speak up and not be afraid of being thrown into prison without any charges or bail and labelled as terrorists under the Emergency Decree just because the government wants to label them so the pressure is going to mount on this puppet government who have done the dirty work of the old men who have seized power in Thailand.

    Photo's, VCD's and new names for old banned web sites are ensuring the Thai people are now having access to the reality of the events that happened. They can compare real video footage and photo's against what the propaganda machine has put out and they can see that someone has been telling many lies.

    The truth will come out, and even if its in 1 year, or 5 years or 10 years, all those involved in the CRES, those behind the military and everyone responsible for what has gone on since 2006 hopefully will one day be taken away and have justice served on them for all they have done.

    For the cynics - The Thai Junta could likely today send a message of support to the Burmese Junta saying "Suu Kyi is a terrorist and a potential red shirt backer as she said the Thai government was illegimate" - and could likely ask she be charged with terrorism offences as it seems to be working well in Thailand.


    Levelhead - Whilst this report is no doubt music to your ears i find it hard to understand why these academics give such a one sided view and state nothing of the responsibility of the reds and their leaders for causing this chaos?The governments response was not 100%. But the blame needs to be squared away equally with the reds as well as it was they who provoked the response. They would not compromise. If anyone is allowed to disregard the laws of the land in the name of protest, then any and all action by protesters in future protests is acceptable. I look forward to the next elections and a democrat victory similar to the recent democrat landslide in Bangkok.

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  10. The situation with tourists in Thailand resembles that of the tradegy of the commons. All toursist are simply resources that are to be exploited. What do tourists in Thailand and Yellowfin Tuna both have in common? - They are both on the verge of becoming an endangered species.

  11. This should be very interesting - to follow the money and hear the endless blabbering of excuses from those involved.

    "So what if I made 10.5 million last year while not having a job, you gotta problem with that?"

    After Apartheid ended in South Africa, they had their Truth and Reconciliation Hearings. Over in Thailand, it will be the Truth and Soggy Excuses Hearings - if the culprits show up. Most will avoid summonses and/or simply split overseas.

    In one case, Karnjanapha Honghern, a secretary to Pojaman na Pombejra, and Ekaraj Changlao, a former teacher from Khon Kaen, allegedly withdrew Bt600 million and put the whole amount in a truck. The whereabouts of that money remain unknown.

    I can hear her now; "600 million baht - What's the big deal? I needed some ballast for my pick-up truck for better traction. I needed to air out some other peoples' money, it was getting a bit moldy. Serves the Thai government right for not printing anything larger than those pesky 1,000 baht notes - if they printed ten million baht notes, then I could have fit them in my wallet and there wouldn't be this annoying problem."

    No banks will stock 600 million in cash. Get the CCTV tape as proof.

    Of course they will 600 million is a tiny amount , especially if they gave advance notice of the intention to widraw, . Why do you need CCTV?? The banks will have electronic records of the transactions and no doubt the obligatory photocopy of the ID card for the person withdrawing the amount??

  12. I thought the PM was talking about an amnesty for rank and file reds. Surely that would also apply to Purcell and Savage,? They are not leaders and certainly not terrorists who the PM said would not be pardoned. Doubt that they'll spend time in jail on a conviction. Probably given a suspended sentence, fine and shown the door. After all all they so far have been shown to do was basically 'mouth off' and take part in an illegal gathering. Far more serious crimes were commited by other folk on that day. Savage - bit of a silly boy, got caught up in the moment along with thousands of others, stick him on a bus and send him home to england. Purcell clearly in need of psycological help, is he fit enough to stand trial i wonder??

  13. Whoever wrote this article is an idiot. The western world is laughing at Thailand. They know it is all political motivated, and that Thailand is a failed state.

    Just how is Thailand a failed state?

    There is food in the shops, good transport infrastructure, medical care available to everyone, an education system in place, water and electricity flow with no major problems, it is safe to walk the street. taxes are collected, the police force works (just) foreign companies can invest here, the stock market works, elections, both national and local are held within prescribed time frames.t

    So what is failed about Thailand. Thailand has problems, but so does every country in the world - Think of the US heath care system for example.

    I think your statement about the western world 'laughing' at Thailand is extremely cynical. I think the western word is concerned with recent events and the loss of life. Foreigners and western governments take no pleasure in seeing conflict and death on the streets of Thailand. When Hilary Clinton steps up at a press conference and says " Thailand... Yeah its f*cking hilarious, Barrack and I have been pissing ourselves laughing, watching the events on CNN" Then I'll believe the western world is laughing at Thailand.

    Finally we get to political motivation - All politicians and actions thereof are politically motivated.

    Thailand certainly does not produce or have electricity.

    :):D 100%

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