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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Video link here

    After reading the thread and what was meant to have happened i was about to say some people do deserve a slap when stepping out of line.

    But he was on the floor being dealt with and then more and more join in just for sport, Thai culture don't you just love it.

    Agree , they fight like packs of dogs ..

    But this guy was a pensioner ! Regardless of weather he picked a fight , you just don't do that !

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  2. It could have been someone in the counting room short change the ATM cartridge.

    That wouldn't be the case , I used to work in a bank and you fill the cartridges yourself and then the ATM counts them

    One thing I notice with thailand is the ATMs are not really that secure , what is stopping someone with inside access from going to the machine and just opening it up ?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  3. Thug who had curfew relaxed by magistrates so he could go to Thailand posts his holiday snaps on Twitter - along with a very rude message to the furious readers of his local newspaper

    • Nathanial McIntosh was convicted of a 'sustained attack' on three people
    • Magistrates relaxed his curfew so he could go on month-long holiday
    • Posted pictures of his holiday branding his critics 'w******'
    • Amateur footballer, 23, boasts of his trips to pole dancing clubs and parties

    A thug who had his curfew lifted so he could go on a month-long holiday to Thailand has posted a holiday photo branding his critics 'w******'.

    Violent Nathanial McIntosh, 23, was convicted of a 'sustained attack' which included kicking and punching three terrified victims, including one woman, in Newquay, Cornwall, last August.

    He admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent at Truro Magistrates in January and was given a 12-week suspended prison sentence and an eight-week curfew.


    Convicted thug Nathanial McIntosh has been boasting of his Thailand holiday after his curfew was lifted


    The father sent an unrepentant taunt with a sunshine snap from the Thailand resort

    McIntosh, who had a previous conviction for assault in 2010, asked magistrates for an amendment as he had already paid for the holiday to the Asian country - and they agreed.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2300427/Nathan-McIntosh-Thug-attacked-people-serves-sentence-luxury-Thai-holiday.html#ixzz2OqXJClLi

  4. First picture of the friends who were killed by out-of-control truck on dream trip to Thailand with their wives

    • Derek Gent and Mike Holmes killed as they walked by the side of the road
    • The pair had been friends for 30 years, their children say in joint statement
    • They had been staying with their wives at a luxury resort on Koh Samui

    The families of two holidaymakers mown down by a truck in Thailand today said the deaths have left a 'massive hole' in their lives, as the first pictures of the pair were released.

    Derek Gent and Mike Holmes, both 68 and from Rochdale, Greater Manchester died in the road traffic accident while away with their wives on the lush tropical island of Koh Samui.

    They had been friends for 30 years, their children said in a joint statement today.


    Tragedy: Lifelong friends Mike Holmes (left) and Derek Gent, who were killed when they were hit by a truck while on holiday in Thailand. Their families today released a joint statement paying tribute to the men

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299850/Derek-Gent-Mike-Holmes-First-picture-Rochdale-friends-killed-truck-dream-holiday-Thailand.html#ixzz2OkE7Qn7m

  5. its now made the UK Press with some more details on the deceased

    Two British men are killed after 'out of control' truck smashes into them on Thailand road

    Derek Gent, 69, and Michael Holmes, 68 died on the island of Koh Samui

    Both men are from Rochdale - their widows are retuning home

    Killed instantly by a pick-up truck as they walked along

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299283/Two-British-men-killed-control-truck-smashes-Thailand-road.html#ixzz2OeOgovmE

    Thanks for the update on this one.

    Unfortunaely the other two links do not work.

    Not to sure why they don't work , as direct from the URL ?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  6. its now made the UK Press with some more details on the deceased

    Two British men are killed after 'out of control' truck smashes into them on Thailand road

    • Derek Gent, 69, and Michael Holmes, 68 died on the island of Koh Samui
    • Both men are from Rochdale - their widows are retuning home
    • Killed instantly by a pick-up truck as they walked along

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2299283/Two-British-men-killed-control-truck-smashes-Thailand-road.html#ixzz2OeOgovmE

  7. Given the scams in Thailand would anyone risk using one of these,the operators could have a field day,they need to be maintained for a start,and it's likely those using it could end up seriously injured,I feel travel insurance won't be covering this.

    I see the appeal but I think anyone wanting to use these already has there head in the clouds.

    They are a European outfit and not Thai , so luckily no scams involved

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    • 'I'll never eat a king prawn again' says Wickens after seeing Thai prawn trade
    • The environment is left devastated and polluted by unscrupulous trawlers

    • Trafficked labourers from Burma and Cambodia work in appalling conditions

    These days we pick up a packet of frozen prawns from the supermarket almost without thinking. They’re healthy, flavour-some and cheap enough to count as an affordable treat, perhaps on a skewer for a barbecue or daintily arranged for a dinner party starter.

    If we give even a moment’s thought about where they come from we probably imagine a sun-burnished fisherman skilfully tossing his nets out into the tropical waters of the Indian Ocean or South China Sea before hauling in his valuable catch.

    Nothing, I’m afraid, could be further from the truth.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2294246/Love-eating-prawns-Youll-right-tell-THEY-fed-on.html#ixzz2NhWUW6gs
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  8. Having witnessed so many deaths and crashes on the roads if samui , and friends being killed , I personally won't ride a bike on samui ... Remember it's not if you will have a crash but when .. Whether it is your own fault through drink driving or being hit by another road user

    Life is priceless , so spening the extra few thb on a taxi ect can save your life or huge hospital bills

    The surprising part of all of this is the roads could be made safer, propert public transport implemented , police catching drink drivers ect ect ... But I don't think it would happen and the same story as above will be repeated week in week after , and it's a shame as riding on the roads here on a bike can be a death sentence

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  9. A reliable source has informed me of a situation:

    “Last week an Asian female tourist got into trouble with the rip out front of Tradewinds Resort.

    Three regular farangs who have been helping with rescues lately went to her

    assistance, one had a large inflatable tube and the girl grabbed it at the same

    time a jet ski arrived and called for her to grab his hand.

    She continued with the farang and was landed back safely on the beach where six Thai jet ski guys

    showed up and began to beat the farang up

    If correct and true that is bloody disgusting behaviour of the Thais !

    Another question would be why ? Where they hoping for some sort of reward from the Asian tourist ?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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