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Posts posted by Boater

  1. According to the other paper they require to do a full audit and replacement of pirated software in all government offices to be even considered for removal. Other criteria that need to be met include declaring piracy as organised crime and making landlords responsible if tenants sell pirated goods.

    They can seize and destroy all the copied DVDs and watches they want; it has been clearly outlined what is required and so far no significant effort has been made to address these issues.

    True , and how difficult is it to buy an original copy of windows ? And why would most people when it is 100 thb for a copy or 5000 thb for a real version ?

    The best way to start would be to include a real copy with all new laptops and pc bought , like they do in the uk .. As no new computer bought in thailand comes with software

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  2. World best forensics specialists here. No gloves needed, methinks

    No country in the world has forensic people if death isn't suspicious. If police had to do forensics for every death, they wouldn't have time for anything else. When someone dies in the UK, police aren't usually involved, and no-one else treats the room as a crime scene, so why do you think it should be different here. Most likely a suicide. That's life.

    That's rubbish. All deaths are treated as suspicious by first response emergency services until cirumstances reveal otherwise.

    The death of a 23 year old, purely based on age, would arouse suspicion.

    agree here, a 25 year old was found dead near my home in the UK, and straight away turned into a crime scene ( Tap out, men in white overalls ect ect ) turns out he wasnt murdered, but they have to rule that out first

    • Like 1
  3. Overloading is the problem. ^^^

    Does phuket have weigh stations? I haven't seen one.

    I have seen one before I think in phuket . They deffo have one at the ferry port before you depart for koh samui

    Bit these trucks are death in wheels with the grim reaper driving him self

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

  4. How important is it to have a driving license? I know this might sound like a really silly question to those in the know, but when I lived in the UK and was a lot younger I had plenty of lessons but failed my test twice.

    I used to have a car and I'm a confident driver, I quite often drove myself and my boyfriend around (he had a full license of course and I had a provisional) and also quite a few times my friends would let me drive. Later on I moved to London zone 2 and never had the use for a car after that, it was all tubes and buses from then on.

    It's actually quite embarrassing that I still don't have my UK driving license but now I live in Samui and have been driving a bike for nearly 2 years, to start with I just walked everywhere or got a taxi bike. However running a business now means it's time to invest in a car and I know it's quite relaxed on this island but I'm wondering if I should get a license and if I should - how do I go about it?

    Would really appreciate any feedback... passifier.gif

    If you in an accident and there's a fatality you will find out just how important it is. Go to Transport office and take a very easy test.

    Agree here , if you have a crash with a Thai or even foreigner , and neither has a Thai licence , and you do .. Everything is your favour and the insurance company will sort you out as the blame cannot be put to you if the other party is without licence

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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  5. I would have posted in the other threads , but what I have try to get really takes the psssssssss....

    Just tried to book a flight this month for me and a number of guests , and guess what , for the whole of feb the price is 4,710 thb one way !!

    This is a 1/3 of the price of the flight from London ! When on the same dates during feb cost 600 thb one way to Phuket ..

    Money is not a problem , but the question of why more expensive from my travelers ..... Samui is now off the radar to them ... And there biz with thousands of customers will go to Phuket .. We go in 2 weeks

    In my job I can control to some point money spenders to the island , but lost this time

  6. I was coming past the new Banana Walk mall on Beach Road, Patong this afternoon on a motorcycle taxi and noticed a Villa Market sign on the newly finished Banana Walk Mall....... anyone have any idea of an opening date?

    With Makro opening on Nanai Road on 7th Feb and now Villa Market life in Patong is gradually becoming less isolated. No more need to go over the hill every time you need bulk and/or foreign food stuffs.

    Is banna disco still open ? Or have they changed t into a mall ?

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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