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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Seems that their server have no used it's annual vacation days. How long ago was it when PG was down for a week or so?

    This is one of the sites to verify if some websites are really down or if there is local network problem.


    It's not just you! http://phuketgazette.net looks down from here.

    If this has happened before you would think they would have sacked off there server people !

    Sent from my iPhone 6

    using ThaiVisa app

  2. it will not load at all ( all other websites work fine )

    This page can't be displayed
    • Make sure the web address http://www.phuketgazette.net is correct.
    • Look for the page with your search engine.
    • Refresh the page in a few minutes.


    Oops! Google Chrome could not connect to www.phuketgazette.net

    Try reloading: www.­phuketgazette.­net

    Additional suggestions:
    • Access a cached copy of www.­phuketgazette.­net
    • Search on Google:
  3. hit the UK Tabloids now

    Bangkok taxi driver arrested for hacking an American to death with a 12" machete over $1.50 fare

    • Troy Lee Pilkington, 51, was stabbed to death in Bangkok
    • Thai taxi driver allegedly killed him with a 12in machete
    • American expatriate said to have been murdered over $1.60 taxi fare

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2358114/Bangkok-taxi-driver-arrested-hacking-American-Troy-Lee-Pilkington-death.html#ixzz2YSEcCPqa

  4. Do they have ' actual police ' at Samui airport ?

    Sent from my iPhone 6

    using ThaiVisa app

    I have rarely seen them there - but I do not fly that often.

    I think that the only time that I have seen them is when 'someone imortant' flies into Samui.

    Was just a thought as every airport I have ever been to has real police there apart from Samui

    Sent from my iPhone 6

    using ThaiVisa app

  5. So after emailing with Sixt a few times back and forth, they're offering a child seat for THB 1600 for the 74 days. So that's THB 41600 for the car with child seat for 74 days .... I think that's pretty tough to beat in a touristy place like Samui. Still waiting to hear back from Avis, but they haven't been responsive so far, and their website isn't working.

    Given that a couple of the local places I've contacted (like samuinewcarrent) were all more expensive by around 50%, I think I'll stick with Sixt. I've also had bad experiences with small companies' child seats in the past. They were totally beaten up and filthy. Hopefully, Sixt will have something better in stock ....

    Thanks for everyone's help!

    562 thb per day , good deal

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    using ThaiVisa app

  6. NANA – An American family of visiting tourists has been safely brought back to Thai soil after being lost for four hours in the lower Sukhumvit area, police reported yesterday.

    The Waldens, comprising James, 43, his wife Meredith, 41, and their children Didi, 13, and Zachary, 9, were reported in healthy condition at Bumrungrad Hospital after an examination following their escape from the international territory known colloquially as “soi Arab.”

    “It was the most frightening experience of our lives,” said a visibly shaken James. “One minute we’re in Thailand, enjoying our vacation, and then suddenly we’re in some other country full of Middle Eastern people, West Africans, and Indians. It was like something out of a bad science fiction movie.”

    According to police, the Waldens accidental departure from Thailand began when they left their hotel, the Landmark, at 8pm to look for what they had been told was a good place for wood-fired pizza. Mistaking soi Loet Sin 2 for what they thought was soi 11, the family walked deep into a dark neighborhood of construction sites.

    “Jim insisted we were on the right street but I knew something was wrong right away when we turned the corner and saw all those Indian restaurants,” said Meredith. “It just felt wrong.”

    The family then wandered down soi 5 and attempted to enter Gullivers Pub, only to be pushed out by a brawl that was erupting between a drunken pack of British football fans and a hostile group of Israeli backpackers.

    “I didn’t see any Thai people, anywhere,” noted Didi.

    The Waldens then fled into the Nailert Foodland Plaza, where they became disoriented trying to find their way out again. Exiting a fire escape onto an alleyway, they then worked their way deeper into the warren of sub-sois that led to soi 3/1.

    “Everyone around us was African,” said James. “We might as well have been in Africa. And I’ve never seen so many sandal shops in my life.”

    continues here - http://notthenation.com/2013/06/tourist-family-safely-returned-to-thailand-after-harrowing-night-on-soi-3/

  7. Well that's pretty negative Brain.

    So - some doddery OAP's who like to travel and cannot - have bought apartments and units on a cruise ship. Compared to prices in more 'up-market areas of the US cities - these units are quite cheap. Why begrudge them the opportunity to travel? (After all - you have traveled.) This way - they can travel in a safe and protected environment (with medical care on hand).

    So - going of topic slightly - think about the billionaires in India, China, Eastern Europe, the Gulf, Africa etc who are corrupt and steal millions of dollars every month.

    The few people on this ship are a drop in the ocean compared to the 'politicians' in the world. Please try and keep things in perspective.

    On the plus side - I quite like to see the cruise ships sail between the islands, and the money that is spent on 'shore leave' is good for the economy. Remember that there is no such thing as bad publicity. So all in all - a plus for Samui. What did Bill Gates do for the island?

    So - let's not hi-jack the thread in to an 'all that is wrong with the world'.

    Samui will benifit from this trip - and there is less exploitation in this project than in most other places.

    The units are well priced starting at 600,000 usd for a studio , but the monthly cost of upkeep is 20,000 usd ...

    But depending on how long they stay it will be a massive boast to the economy on the inland

    Sent from my iPhone 6

    using ThaiVisa app

  8. Pit Bulls are illegal in the UK and would be put down Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 so not an option,, and OP is asking for option on Samui not UK.

    I was not aware that Pit Bulls were banned from import to the UK..... but I am not surprised...

    They are banned full stop

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