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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Check out Boncafe Thailand

    they trade pretty decent machines and their coffee is affordable and good!

    The real italian stuff someone posted already... PAVONI, RANCILLIO.....check this out:

    I have two Boncafe coffee makers, one in Samui and one In Phuket, but they break down alot...

    But said this , Samui Boncafe will be out within 1 hour to fix, no problem and excellent service

    But my coffee machine in Phuket has not worked for 1 week now in Phuket, and still waiting for someone to come out!!!

  2. Hold on.... you want to send 1 million THB for ' Sin Sod ' and then transfer the money back???

    Quick question, is it your bank account in Thailand you are sending the money?????... if not i would not even send the money!!!!!!!... i have been here for 4 years, and have seen this Con about 10-14 times with different amounts of money

    Sorry to seem negative, but as above have seen this to many times, as 'Sin Sod ' is generally never returned and also only about 200 K max..........

  3. not with those sort of weapons... :o

    Does it matter which sort of weapon?

    Read this article : http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/standard/art...year/article.do

    And that's only for the first 4 months of the year.



    Great Link, but without being hacked to death by the Thaivisa PC patrol, most of these Stabbings are Black on Black crime or caused by NON UK citizens..........

    My cousin works for the City of London Police, and on a typical day, they will not even arrest an original UK citizen.....but would have a case file of over 120 arrests in one day!!!..........

    But hey this is the UK for you :D

  4. Just before i got to the end of your post i was going to recommend sizzler.........

    But another good stop off is Molly Mollones Irish Pub along Beach Road, there Portions are hugh, and the food is fantastic, as there ribs, steaks and burger out do Sizzler by far

  5. Inside ICE-BAR is, if so, the answer... but then Thai Staff moves on quite fast and don't think this establishment is shoveling in the cash either....

    with an entry fee of 375bath, when they have customers, they saber the champagne.

    i was told it was 700 THB Entry.... maybe less now low season... but does this include 2 free drinks?

  6. well just got this email now, so anyone want to reply , just pm me :o

    Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu;;;;;;





    http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/02/01 /alaska.airlines.list/

    Dear friend,

    Assalaamu Alaykum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu;;;;;;

    I know that this letter may come to you as a suprise. I got your contactaddress from the Internet when I was searching for a business partner.My name is MR MOHAMED ABUDO. I am the Bill and Exchange Manager of bank of africa(B.O.A) ,Ouagadouguo Burkina Faso.

    In my department we discovered an abandoned sum of USD$25. Million (TWENTY FIVE MILLION U.S DOLLARS). In an account that belongsto one of our foreign customer who died along with his wife and children in a plane crash in a year 2000 plane crash happened in america .

    Since we got information about his death, the bank have been expecting his next of kin to come over and claim his money because we cannot release it unless somebody applies for it as the next of kin or relation to the deceased, as indicated in our banking guidelines but unfortunately we learnt that all his supposed next of kin or relation died alongside with him in the plane crash leaving nobody behind for the claim.

    It is therefore upon this discovery that I decided to make this businessproposals to you and release the money to you as next of kin or relation to the deceased for safety and subsequent disbursement since nobody is coming for it because I don't want the money to go into the bank treasury as unclaimed Bill.

    The request of foreigner in this transaction is necessary because our late customer was a foreigner and a Burkinabe cannot stand as next of kin to a foreigner. I have agreed that 40% of this money will be for you as foreigner partner in respect to the provision of a foreign account.10% will be set asidefor expenses incurred during the business and 60% would be for me, after which I shall visit your country for disbursement according to the percentages indicated.

    Trusting to hear from you immediately.If you know that you are capability of doing this teansaction with me contact me on my contact E-mail with this information that are needed from you,[email protected],

    Your Number........

    Your Country..............

    Your Occupation...................

    Your Age.......................

    Are You capability to handling this transaction with me..........answer........

    Are You married.....answer.....Yes or know.......

    You are to send all this information to my

    Jazaakumullah for your email, Insha Allah


    Yours Sincerely,


  7. I had to double check on the price there!!! but

    <h3 class="entry-header">PORSCHE DESIGN Indicator P6910 by ETERNA</h3> porschedesign_indicator2-thumb.jpg


    Recently I was reading Luxist and one of the readers suggested that Porsche Design should not make pens and instead they should stick to what they specialize in. Well Porsche Design may not specialize in watches or pens, but Eterna and Graf von Faber-Castell surely do. This watch is the Porsche Design P6910 Indicator by Eterna. It costs close to a $150,000 and is the only automatic chrono in the world which is equipped with a mechanical-digital stopwatch display.

    So the price is around 5 Million THB, with a nice mark up of 2.5 million THB....

    But yes, you do have to be stupid to pay for this as well as rich

    Wonder if the goverment have put a mass order in already :o

  8. EDIT: Wierd, stanny here, posted on my other account. Shouldn't have switched browsers.


    Or have I just misread that comment?

    Nothing wrong with your reading. I didn't understand it either.

    I read it as having two accounts? otherwise I definitely do not understand it.

    EDIT: Wierd, stanny here, posted on my other account. Shouldn't have switched browsers.

    I cannot find the post??? maybe the Mods deleted his account already?

  9. I also have never been a fan of stock markets anyway. I loved Real Estate in England and Spain but sold out 2 years ago. I just open a Jumbo for 200,000 pounds in a off shore Account in the Royal Bank of Nigeria it pays 8 per cent interest a month can any of beat that. Also as foreign the Nigeria Government the tax is 12 per cent after the first 100,000 pounds earned on Interest in the Royal Bank of Nigeria.

    I don't know but 8%/mo is just too good to be true ----like a ga ga scam. May be you actually meant 8% per year? :D


    I check and it is 8% a month. However spoke to Ali Ben Ali lawyer The Royal Bank of Nigeriahe called me and told me if add 200,000 pounds by Sept 11 it will be 9% a month. He also told me no scam. Lucky me Thanks anyway for worring me it could be a scam

    it's not a scam! i checked with Ali ben-Ali and he assured me that Sharia law applies for those who invest 300,000 pounds. that entitles them to have a total of four wives, free vacation trips to the swamps in the Niger Delta and an additional bonus of 2% per month because the expenses for four wives are considerably higher.

    OOPS! i forgot to post the Royal Bank of Nigeria home page. it's RoyNigBank@bullshÍt.org

    But the funniest thing is people actually fall for it!! there are about 5,000 odd cases a year where people actually believe this and deposit there money.....

    I am just hoping the Poster was infact Joking..... :o

  10. On another post i saw where a poster authoratively stated that the PAD actually got more votes than the PPP.

    I have seen this and other references to the PAD party in discussions over this matter where the same posters often refer to the thai population as politically ignorant.

    i think it is rather sad

    I tend to agree that the local population is politically ignorant, if not complacent.

    Go around your office your local staff what is the name of the foreign minister who resigned today and see what you get back as a response.

    Perhaps, just perhaps the poster you refer to meant (in less obvious terms) that the PAD was in fact the Democrats and associated parties.

    I am going to find out now in the office............

    ...... answer. NONE :o

  11. Unfortunately about every 6 months I have to go Singapore. The cheapest, nastiest hotel I can find is usually over US$80/night.

    U sure its the cheapest and nastiest u can find?

    If u need help let me guide u. For US$25 u get a night in the nastiest and cheapest place in Singapore.

    Just go to Geylang :o

    I stayed in a place for 600 THB a Night, there is a chain of the in Geylang...... and the area is not as bad as what people make out

  12. Few months ago, one of my friend had a serious accident with a car tai driver, he was left for dead at a 7/11.

    he was brought to that hospital in emergency and received the care he needs aswell as the regular visit of a bangkok surgeon BUT the taxi driver came to his room with friends and threaten him to pay 25.000 for the damages on the taxi and they took his passeport.

    a part of his feet was missing, just under the achille talon.

    current bill : 1million bath to the hospital(stayed there for two months +) and 25k bath to the taxi driver.

    he won't be able to walk as before but he avoided the amputation...

    What hospital did this happen in, and who was to blame, the taxi driver or your friend?????

    As this is very disturbing, this taxt driver should be arrested and charged for this ( as the hospital must have proof on CCTV )

    But also around 3 years ago, i myself was hit by a taxi on a bike, but as there was no damage on the Taxi, he drove off, i even gave the police his Reg Number, but nothing.... but as i had no insurance at the time ( i do now ) i was taken to Naton Hospital, luckly i only had a cracked shoulder, but as there was no doctor who was trained in putting Pins into bones, it has healed in correctly, thus i need plastic surgery or another surgen to re - brake the bone and fix correctly, but in Thailand would cost to much.....

  13. my mate was stationary and was hit by a drunk thai

    This is why i will NEVER drive a motorbike on the Samui Ring road, as i have seen so many times when people are waiting to Turn , the cars just do not see them and them Hit Them

    But did the Thai not even get arrested for Drink Driving??? or did the Thai not have insurance? as i take it he was driving a Car.. as the insurance company would have paid all for your friend???

  14. Just become a rapper.. your online personality does not really match a Master Pianist

    Sup guys, I'm gonna leave for Thai

    reminds me of an episode of ' Fresh Prince of Bell Air

    I really don't care about reading notes and certification

    I would have thought this was the main qualification to become a master pianist

    Any way good luck with what you chose, if all else fails, just start singing Thai Karaoke Songs.............

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