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Posts posted by Boater

  1. but there is a quite well structured pecking order on the roads here. The trucks are kings, everybody gets out of the way of trucks. Buses are queens, everybody except trucks gets out of their way. Cars and pickups are mid ranking and get out of the way of trucks and buses but push motorbikes and bicycles around. Motorbikes are almost bottom of the heap and pick their way along the roads between the trucks, buses and cars but do their level best at causing mayhem by cluttering the entire road up. Bicycles simply don't exist. Then there are the minibuses, but these don't fit in as they all seem to be driven by suicidal nutters. In all this the only component of a motor vehicle, apart from the engine itself, that has to function is the horn.

    very well put

  2. Iain, just read the OP, very shocking in deed, and i am glad your daughter is ok,

    to your question above, i highly doubt scotland yard or the UK police can assist, as it is under Thai law and how they work ( pretty crap )

    They would however get involved if the Child was murdered or abducted, ( UK policy )

    So i take it they have not found the person who shoot her?

    Good luck,


    To be honest, we dont know. I am still waiting to give a witness statement.

    Good Luck, but if they havent even taken a witness statement from you yet, that is poor police work :o

  3. Iain, just read the OP, very shocking in deed, and i am glad your daughter is ok,

    to your question above, i highly doubt scotland yard or the UK police can assist, as it is under Thai law and how they work ( pretty crap )

    They would however get involved if the Child was murdered or abducted, ( UK policy )

    So i take it they have not found the person who shoot her?

    Good luck,


  4. got into a taxi today and the nice old driver said "ah, okay, but i am going to go buy a bottle of water in 711" the he precedes to leave the keys in the car... it was the hardest 2 and a half minutes of my life, all I wanted to do was hop in the front seat of the taxi and go joy riding. The looks on people's faces when they open the door and get inside would have be priceless.


    ok, i take it you have nicked a car in your life before?, as a previous post mentioned, this aint the UK, do this and i would rather be arrested by the police, as the Taxi Mafia would probably kill you !

    P.S - are you from Liverpool?

  5. My wife tells me that the Thai government gives Thai Olympic contestants 15 million baht if they win a gold medal. Is this true? If it is true, is it legal? I always thought that the Olympics was an amateur event and that awarding prize money was strictly forbidden. Sure the winners can use their success for financial gains by other means such as sponsorship after the fact, but I always thought prize money was a no no.

    Does anyone know?

    I've just been informed by my husband that it 30million baht if they win a gold medal and that was just after I watched the flyweight boxing which the Thai won.

    Its an Incentive, doesnt harm anyone, and is very good PR for Thailand........

  6. How should one react when one is being intimidated (he pounding hand on your shirt in breast height) and threatened by a (masked) Thai motorbike taxi driver, with his gang on the opposite street site? Fight back, make police report, forget it...?

    How about verbal abuses aimed at you?

    Fight back

    if you want to be killed

    make police report

    waste of time

    forget it

    corect, and walk away :o

  7. I just drove to Phuket and back (done it many times).You have two routes.

    I suggest , Take the Newer Dual Highway (Route 401) you will see a large Green Highway sign KRABI, So after you leave from Donsak Ferry terminal on the Mainland and head towards Suratthani after around 50-60 mins drive heading to Suratthani you will see the turn off. (you have gone to far if you end up in Town) Otherwise If you head into Suratthani then you end up taking the older route which I think is shorter in total distance but takes much longer!! because of traffic, trucks, bad roads.

    The newer route is very straight it has 4 lanes, oh and use Seatran Ferry as they have nicer/comfortable waiting area, air con shops etc. And you can reserve place via atm payment. (otherwise have to be at the Ferry 3 hours before depart) big que

    How do you book the Seatran Ferry in advance? We'll be going other direction first Donsak to Samui. Don't understand how you reserve place via atm payment - can you clarify? thanks

    unless you are a member, the only way to book in advance is via the ATM

    You can only book through the yellow Bank ATMS


  8. I just spent three days on the set, was a 'featured extra' which meant slightly higher pay and not having to stand in line at the wardrobe tent at the end of the shooting day (typically 10pm-midnight). Impressive set, including the casino nightclub interior in Moonstar studio 5. Cusack, Gong Li and Chow Yun-Fat were in the scenes I did.


    Also newcomer Vu Thu Phuong, a Vietnamese model who I'm betting will become a lot more well known after the film's release.


    Also newcomer Vu Thu Phuong, a Vietnamese model who I'm betting will become a lot more well known after the film's release.

    she is hot :o

  9. I dunno about that but i do know those guys at the Bauhaus in Lamai are the rudest bunch of people I have met in a while. Really had a bad time there and would not recommend it to anyone, food was lousy, but then again i am pretty fresh..

    why bring up this restaurant, but the food is good in there, also very well priced.

    I have been 3 times and tried different dishes each time and all were excellent, maybe a little pricey but keep in mind they have live entertainment

    agree on the excellent, but why do people think it is expensive?????? comparing to????

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