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Posts posted by Boater

  1. As my friends and I tend to play a bunch of beach volleyball on the weekends, I am hoping it will be o.k.to show up in shorts and sandals.

    I will do my best to wear a shirt that actually has sleeves (short ones).

    Now not really knowing each other yet, lets guess what people will be wearing.


    Donna-flowing flowery type dress

    Vanalli- is actually Robert Smith from The Cure (so we know what he will be in)

    Slackula - will wear a toga

    Patriot - red white and blue, obviously

    Steelpulse - I don't think owns a pair of pants, so will be dressed similar to I

    Fiddlehead - something irie

    ZPete - Zspeedo

    Who'd I leave out?

    well my party outfit is ready


  2. Mini-pump gasoline stations are seen around, I got a quote from the sales office of these gasoline stations.

    I'm woundering if anyone at this forum has purchased one of these units?

    One module unit goes for 150,000 bt with a note scanner. 91 or 95 octane.

    Two module unit goes for 230,000 bt with a note scanner. 91 and 95 octane.

    They can also be leased, I think it would be high monthly cost, low profit.

    Would one need a permit to install this unit from the local gov.?

    are you referring to the Self Service machines i have seen?,

    but how long would it take to regain your investment, as the mom and pop stores still sell via whiskey bottles?

    I have never personally seen this stop off stations busy, but in the right location, i suppose they could be?

  3. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/england/devon/7456458.stm

    Whilst strictly not Thailand related, this is so unbelievable I had to share.

    Would you still drive at 130 baht a litre?

    Whilst strictly not Thailand related,

    for now :o

    when i first came to thailand in 2005, the price of 95 was about 23 - 24, now it is trading at 43 !!!!!, if the oil prices do double in the next 6 months, we will be looking at 130 THB a litre ( or nr there )

    but then we will still be cheaper then the uk, but not as cheap as the UAE

  4. A blonde moves to Beverly Hills, hoping to find an acting job. After a couple weeks with no luck, she decides to go around to some of the rich people's houses and see if she can do some odd jobs for them to make a little money. She finally goes to one house, and a guy and his wife come to the door. "Sure, I have a job for you," says the guy, "You can paint my porch. How much money do you want?" The blonde thinks about it and says "I can do it in less than an hour. Twenty bucks!"

    The guy says "Fine, there's a gallon can of paint and a brush in the garage, let me know when you're finished." So off she goes to the garage.

    The guy's wife says to him "Fred, that wasn't fair, you tricked the poor girl. She doesn't realize the porch runs around the corner all down the west side of the house to the deck. It'll take her the whole day!"

    "Too bad!," he says, "Maybe that dumb blonde will learn a lesson."

    An hour later, the blonde is at the door again: "All Finished! And I had enough paint to put on a second coat! Oh, and by the way: that's a Ferrari you have there, not a Porsche. Duuhhhhh!"

  5. (BangkokPost.com) - Famous fortune-teller Luck Rekhanitade predicted deadly situation will happen on July 2, the day that ex-premier Thaksin Shinawatra said political situation would improve based on astrology.

    Mr Luck said July 2 is the scariest day of all in the past 30 years because conflicts are expected to erupt, which could lead to bloodshed in the heart of the city.

    The situation is predicted to reach its peak on July 6, he said.

    He urged the Thais to reunite and to stop the confrontation in order to prevent the prediction from coming true.

    On Monday, Mr Thaksin blamed the alignment of planets for current economic and political woes. "Be patient until July 2. When Mars leaves, the situation will improve," he said.

  6. We've just returned from Samui and from 7th - 13th June we saw only a couple of hours of sunshine and a hel_l of a lot of rain. Two days in Lamai and 4 in Bophut.

    I was in Lamai between 02-06 June, and it was HOT!, on the 5th June, the car read 42 oc!!, with pure blue skys, but i have heard there was rain ever since, now in Phuket, the weather is clear blue skys and HOT HOT HOT

  7. Donald Rumsfeld is giving the president his daily briefing. He concludes by saying, 'And yesterday, three Brazilian soldiers were killed.' 'OH NO!'

    Mr. Bush exclaims. 'That's terrible!' His staff sits stunned at this sudden outward display of emotion, nervously watching as the president sits, head in hands, almost sobbing. Finally, the president looks up and asks, 'Just how many is a brazillion, anyway?'

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