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Posts posted by Boater

  1. <br />Hi<br /><br />For some reason my laptop will not pick up any wireless networks in Range.<br /><br />I do know a setting has been changed on my laptop my a friend, but he cannot remember what he changed ( basically he was trying to get my bluetooth to work )<br /><br />Any advise how to get my wireless working again?<br /><br />Tx<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Hi this is just a thought as you do not describe exactly what is happening but if you can get access to an internet machine, try downloading network stumbler (I think it is at www.netstumbler.com). This will tell you if your wireless device is recognised and what APs it can see and their signal strength. If your wireless device is not working go to Control Panel - System - Hardware - Device Manager - Network Adapters, can you see your network card, if not try re-installing drivers. If your card is there and is not working try right clicking on adapter and choose uninstall from menu then reboot and Windows (assuming you are using Windows) will go through the 'found new hardware' routine and you can re-install your drivers. Hope that helps


    Thanks alot for this... wireless is now working! :o

  2. Hi

    For some reason my laptop will not pick up any wireless networks in Range.

    I do know a setting has been changed on my laptop my a friend, but he cannot remember what he changed ( basically he was trying to get my bluetooth to work )

    Any advise how to get my wireless working again?


  3. on most occasions, the letters or parcels that are sent to me normally arriving at the main bangkok sorting office 3-4 days after being posted from the UK, but then take upto 15 days to get delievered within Thailand :o

  4. Hi,

    I have just returned from the Embassey in Singapore

    This is a bit strange, as the above is True, but seems to be only for certain people from certain countries

    IE, the man in front of me needed to show his Ticket from Singpore to Bangkok and also the above total amount of Money, and alot of people where refused.

    But with myself and another English in the Line, as soon as the person at the Desk saw we had British Passports, there was no questions asked, no need to see the flight ticket and no question of funds available!

    Strange... but worked out ok for me :o

  5. normally in this situation, i just ask for a chicken curry :o

    or, take a look around at what other people are eating and just say Same Same...

    has work for me many a time

  6. Miniburi - this was a very good post, and when i am next in Bangkok i will seek them out and donate.

    Nick2k - I have lived in Thailand long enough to know Thais are terrible in anwering back emails, especially if you sent them an email in english asking to help them , as they probably did not understand....

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