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Posts posted by Boater

  1. A blonde woman was speeding down the road in her little red sports car and was pulled over by a woman police officer who was also a blonde.

    The blonde cop asked to see the blonde driver's license. She dug through her purse and was getting progressively more agitated. 'What does it look like?' she finally asked.

    The policewoman replied, 'It's square and it has your picture on it.'

    The driver finally found a square mirror in her purse, looked at it and handed it to the policewoman.

    'Here it is,' she said.

    The blonde officer looked at the mirror, then handed it back saying, 'Okay, you can go. I didn't realize you were a cop."

  2. Investment 1,9 mill. until start 2011 (about 30 months) = more than 60.000 THB per month

    A good investment, :D

    So one is going to need to clear about 4000baht a night to cover expenses and break even. Can't be done. Went past there 'bout 11pm tonight, there was only one person in there. Persumably the cashier, I didn't look too closely. People really should do the maths before renting a bar, the only people making money here are the landlords

    i second that, the only person along that road making any money is the Landlord that owns all the units!, most of those bars are not even pushing 2000 THB a night :o

    doing the maths add says turnover of 1.6m that works out at 4383 per day every body knows may june quite seasonso they must be busy the rest of the year

    but then you also have to take to account that you have to pay for the stock, rent, water, electric, wages, girls accomodation, girls food........... so after, if you where taking 4383, you would only be left with 1500 odd THB :D

    But saying that, most bars along that strip for the last 3 months have been no where near making that.

  3. hi Visionquesthai,

    My car came fitted with LPG, but they are about 20 - 40 K to install. I would recommend getting it fitted in Suratthani.

    But it is a good option, as LPG is only 11 THB a litre!!, and hopefully the filling station will come to samui :o

    Good Luck

  4. A Husband takes his wife to play her first game of golf. Of course, the Wife promptly hacked her first shot right through the window of the biggest house adjacent to the course.

    The husband cringed, "I warned you to be careful! Now we'll have to go up there, find the owner, apologise, and see how much your lousy drive is going to cost us."

    So the couple walked up to the house and knocked on the door. A warm voice said, "Come on in."

    When they opened the door they saw the damage that was done: Glass was all over the place, and a broken antique bottle was lying on its side near the broken window.

    A large black man was sitting on the coach asked, "Are you the people that broke my window?"

    "Uh..yeah, sir. We're sure sorry about that," the husband replied.

    "Oh, no apology is necessary. Actually I want to thank you.

    You see, I'm a genie, and I've been trapped in that bottle for a thousand years. Now that you've released me, I'm allowed to grant three wishes. I'll give you one wish, but if you don't mind, I will keep the last one for myself.

    "Wow, that's great" the husband said. He pondered a moment and blurted out, "I'd like a million dollars a year for the rest of my life."

    "No problem," said the genie. "You've got it, it's the least I can do. And I'll guarantee you a long, healthy life and now you young lady what do you want?" the genie asked.

    "I'd like to own a gorgeous home complete with servants in every country in the world," she said.

    "Consider it done," the genie said. "And your homes will always be safe from fire, burglary and natural disasters!"

    "And now," the couple asked in unison, "what's your wish, genie?"

    "Well since I've been trapped in that bottle and haven't been with a woman in more than a thousand years, my wish is to have sex with your wife."

    The husband looked at his wife and said, "Gee, honey, you know we both now have a fortune, and all those houses. What do you think?"

    She mulled it over for a few moments and said, "You know, you're right. Considering our good fortune, I guess I wouldn't mind, but what about you honey?"

    "You know I love you sweetheart," said the husband. "I'd do the same for you!" So the genie and the woman went upstairs where they spent the rest of the afternoon enjoying each other. The genie was insatiable.

    After about three hours of non-stop sex, the genie rolled over and looked directly into her eyes and asked, "How old are you and your husband?"

    "Why, we're both 35," she responded breathlessly.

    "No kidding." He said, "Thirty-five years old and both of you still believe in genies?

  5. Published: Today

    FEARS of a world oil shortage grew yesterday as it was revealed production fell in 2007 for the first time in five years.

    The world’s proven oil reserves also fell — while consumption rocketed.

    BP, publishing its annual Statistical Review of World Energy, said 81.5MILLION barrels were produced daily last year, down 126,000 on 2006.

    At the end of 2007, the world had proven reserves of 1,237.9BILLION barrels, down 1.6billion barrels on 2006.

    Meanwhile, the world consumed 85.22MILLION barrels of oil daily in 2007, up 990,000 on 2006.

    On that basis — assuming no more reserves are found in future — the world would RUN OUT of oil 40 years from now.

    The drop in production was largely due to lower output by many of the 13 Opec countries, particularly Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and Nigeria.

    SNN1244D_380_505953a.jpg BP ... reports suggest oil consumption is on the rise

    Production from Norway was also sharply lower.

    Higher output from less traditional suppliers like Russia, Canada and Angola was not enough to make up for this.

    The biggest increases in consumption were in booming emerging markets like China, India and Brazil.

    BP chief executive Tony Hayward warned the situation could get worse — but said the problem was mainly political.

    He said: “While resources are not a constraint globally, the resources within reach of private investment by companies like BP are limited.

    “Political factors, barriers to entry, and high taxes all play a role here.

    “The problems are above ground, not below it — political, not geological.”

    Meanwhile BP chairman Peter Sutherland shot down Tuesday’s claim from the head of Russia’s GAZPROM that oil prices will hit $250 a barrel next year.

    Mr Sutherland said: “Personally, I don’t believe in some of the more apocalyptic predictions. I don’t believe we’re in for a spike to $250 as suggested.”

  6. Investment 1,9 mill. until start 2011 (about 30 months) = more than 60.000 THB per month

    A good investment, :D

    So one is going to need to clear about 4000baht a night to cover expenses and break even. Can't be done. Went past there 'bout 11pm tonight, there was only one person in there. Persumably the cashier, I didn't look too closely. People really should do the maths before renting a bar, the only people making money here are the landlords

    i second that, the only person along that road making any money is the Landlord that owns all the units!, most of those bars are not even pushing 2000 THB a night :o

  7. :oWho are the Farangs on bikes who keep asking "Do you speak English?" then "Are you married?", who then bugger off politly when my answer to the second question is "No".

    It has to be a scam of some sort , any ideas what ? Oh, I've tried saying I'm not interested in a time share but they deny this and then buzz off.

    Time shares

    kick them off the bike

    and fight fight fight :D

    then take away their phone

    and send the b's home

    Oh yeah !!!

    hmm, probably not the best Idea..... :D

  8. A Greek and an Irishman were sitting in a Starbuck's cafe one day discussing who had the superior culture.

    Over triple lattes the Greek guy says, 'Well, we Greeks built the Parthenon,' arching his eyebrows.

    The Irishman then replies, 'Well... it was the Irish that discovered the Summer and Winter Solstices.'

    The Greek retorts, 'We Greeks gave birth to advanced mathematics.'

    The Irishman, nodding in agreement, says, 'Irish were the ones who built the first timepieces and calendars.'

    And so on until the Greek comes up with what he thinks will end the discussion. With a flourish of finality he says, 'The Greeks were the ones who invented sex!'

    The Irishman replies, 'Indeed, that is true, but it was we Irish who introduced it to women.'

  9. MOTORISTS were urged not to panic last night as oil prices were predicted to DOUBLE to $250 a barrel.

    That would send unleaded soaring to 230p a litre, push energy prices through the roof and force scores of airlines out of business.

    Russian energy giant Gazprom made the $250-a-barrel prediction at a summit in France.

    Chief executive Alexei Miller said: "The price is going to reach a level never before seen. We think it will reach $250 a barrel in the foreseeable future."

    In Scotland yesterday, an 80-lorry convoy was joined by taxis to protest against fuel prices in a demonstration from Glasgow to Edinburgh.

    Meanwhile, there are fears some garages could run out of fuel as petrol tanker drivers prepare for a four-day strike from Friday.

    Emergency stockpiles have been set aside for police, ambulances and fire services.

    And steps were also taken to ensure supplies around the UK.

    A spokesman for the Prime Minister condemned the stoppage which will hit Shell filling stations — one in ten of Britain’s forecourts.

    Motorists were urged not to cause shortages by panic-buying petrol and diesel.

    But the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform admitted it was "inevitable" some filling stations would run out.

    The 500 drivers employed by Hoyer UK and Suckling Transport, which supply Shell petrol stations, are demanding a 13 per cent pay rise.

    Hoyer insisted its 6.8 per cent offer was a good deal and would give the average driver £39,000 a year.

    Union Unite said Shell made £13billion profit a month and could settle the dispute for around £1million a year.

    Both sides will today hold talks with the conciliation service Acas.


    FUEL sales have dropped by as much as 20 per cent in the last 12 months, the International Energy Agency claimed last night.

  10. Returning from Samui, i found the LPG Gas station nr Soi 1, but the funny story is they do not sell LPG Gas!!!, they only install.... so i ask the question, so is there anywhere i can fill up, nope!, so what is the point of having a LPG fitting station, and advertising LPG gas, when you do not sell :o

    But he did mention they MAY be getting a pump next month :D

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