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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Hi

    I have just changed offices with my company, and i have to get a new non - B, as they require me to have a new work permit

    I will be in Singapore next tues AM to get to the embassey, all my paper work is ready.

    But i cannot remember the procedure!, as it has been 2 years since the last time

    In singapore

    1) How much is the Visa?

    2) if i drop of 9 am Tues, when do i get it back

    3) Do i need to take anything, or fill anything in there? Pictures?

    Sorry if this has already been posted, but i know sometimes things change


  2. BANGKOK (AFP) - Thai Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej on Sunday used his weekly television address to give tips on cooking with garlic, hoping to ward off protests by farmers of the pungent bulb.

    The colourful and controversial premier, using ingredients such as shrimp paste, chillies and mackerel, urged people to buy local rather than imported garlic, and rattled off his favourite garlic-infused dishes.

    "I did not come here today for ... a cooking demonstration, but I came here to show these ingredients," said Samak, who was a television chef before his People Power Party was elected in December 2007.

    "I want to ask people to help buy local garlic -- it is perfect for Thai foods. If we are not helping each other, who will help us?"

    Samak's new government is facing the threat of protests from truck drivers, rice farmers, fishermen and now garlic growers, who want state assistance to battle soaring inflation and high fuel prices.

    "I bought the garlic to prevent them from blocking the roads," Samak told the nation.

    Thai truck drivers have given the government until Tuesday to come up with an assistance plan -- or they say they will block roads into Bangkok.

    Local media last week reported that garlic farmers were threatening protests as the price of their product falls thanks to competition from imports.

    Samak is already facing street protests from the group whose rallies in early 2006 helped lead to a coup against former premier Thaksin Shinawatra later that year.

    Last month, the food-loving Samak had to cancel his appearances on two Thai cooking shows after the opposition complained that his culinary moonlighting was unlawful.

  3. I have an idea, but need advice if it is do able or not.

    I am 22 now, and want to save up about £5K then move to Thailand. What is the best/easiest job to get there other than teaching. I would be looking for something which would be easy to leave and come back too. So say I go back to UK for 2 or 3 months just to build up my finances again.

    Thank You For Any Advice :o

    Have you any work experince?

    As there are many jobs for ferangs out there

    i have one :D

  4. Two buddies, Bob and Larry, are getting very drunk at a bar when suddenly Larry throws up all over himself.

    "Oh, no... Now my wife will kill me!"

    Bob says, "Don't worry, pal. Just tuck a twenty in your breast pocket and tell your wife that someone threw up on you and gave you twenty dollars for the dry cleaning bill."

    So they stay for another couple of hours and get even drunker.

    Eventually Larry stumbles home and his wife starts to give him a bad time. "You reek of alcohol and you've puked all over yourself! MyGod, you're disgusting!"

    Speaking very carefully so as not t O slur his words, Larry says, "Nowainaminit, I can e'splain everythin. Itsh snot wha jewthink. I only had a cupla drrrinks. But thiss other guy got ssick on me...he had one too many and he juss koudin hold hizz liquor He said hes was verrry sorry an' gave me twennie bucks for the cleaning bill!"

    His wife looks in the breast pocket and says, "But this is forty bucks.."

    "Oh, yeah... I almos' fergot, he shhhit in my pants, too."

  5. I am coming from England. Thank you all for your replies. Some of our friends from England moved to Samui a few years ago and have booked us a bungalow on the Sand Sea Resort. We will be travelling with one of our friends after arriving at the airport so have all that sorted. I'm just so excited! Think I will probably buy lots of things once I get there clothes wise etc. Thankyou :D

    Have Fun :D

    But i here the weather is no good at the moment in Samui :o

  6. As I've seen interest here about what happens when you have an accident in Thailand, I thought I'd write about what happened to me today.

    I was driving and passed my turn--it came up quicker than I expected. I tried to quickly turn, and hit a motorbike. Most likely it was my fault, though usually I'm aware of thing around me and I have no idea how the motorbike came up on me so quick.

    The riders were hurt, but not badly, so my wife and I took them to be treated. Along the way we dropped off the motorcycle to a mechanic (at the driver's insistence--I wanted to get to a medical facility as quickly as possible, but was not going to strongarm anyone), and went to the hospital. After dropping off the motorbike, the driver and rider got in my car and we took them to the hospital, where I paid for their medical treatment. Afterwards, (treatment took about an hour or less), we asked what other expenses we should take care of, and the rider mentioned the amount the mechanic had mentioned. We gave this amount and some more to cover any unexpected expenses that might arise.

    I am posting this because I thought this information might be informative for some expats in Thailand. If the motorcycle riders had been unreasonable, I would have just asked my insurance company to take care of things, but it never came up.

    did you not have insurance then?

  7. further to this

    Where is the best place for a full english breakfast

    Must include

    Back Bacon

    Pork Sausage

    Hash Browns

    Baked Beans

    Tined Tomatoes

    Fried Bread



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