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Posts posted by Boater

  1. Ms? Mrs? now legally a matter a choice in Thailand

    BANGKOK: -- Thai women are free and legally qualified to refer to themselves and be addressed by others, as Ms. or Mrs., regardless of whether or not they are married or divorced.

    Under a brand-new law effective from Wednesday -- under the terms of which all Thai women may be either Ms. or Mrs. as they choose, no matter if they are married or divorced.

    The Administration Department, accordingly, will put on record either single title of married or divorced women as freely chosen and notified.

    However, procedures and laws involving alimony paid to divorced women by their former husbands, and the surnames of children born to married couples as well as other legal obligations remain unchanged. Married couples are legally regarded as one under existing laws.

    -- TNA 2008-06-03

    Even some boys can adress themself as Ms.....


  2. Police suspected that Yuwayama, who stayed alone there, might be under stress because prior to the incident, Yuwayama was seen drinking alcohol, crying and knocking on neighbours' doors

    very sad, and the person or people who saw this did not help?...may she RIP

  3. A nun and a Priest were crossing the Sahara desert on a camel. On the third day out, the camel suddenly dropped dead without warning.

    After dusting themselves off, the Nun and the Priest surveyed their situation. After a long period of silence, the Priest spoke. 'Well,Sister, this looks pretty grim.'

    'I know, Father. In fact, I don't think it likely that we can survive more than a day or two..'

    'I agree,' says the Father. 'Sister, since we are unlikely to make it out of here alive, would you do something for me?'

    'Anything, Father.'

    'I have never seen a woman's breasts and I was wondering if I might see yours.'

    'Well, under the circumstances I don't see that it would do any harm.'

    The Nun opened her habit and the Priest enjoyed the sight of her shapely breasts, commenting frequently on their beauty.

    'Sister, would you mind if I touched them?'.....she consented and he fondled them for several minutes.

    'Father, could I ask something of you?'

    'Yes, Sister?'

    'I have never seen a man's penis. Could I see yours?'

    'I suppose that would be OK,' the Priest replied lifting his robe.

    'Oh Father, may I touch it?'

    The priest consented and after a few minutes of fondling he was sporting a huge erection.

    'Sister, you know that if I insert my penis in the right place, it can Give Life.'

    'Is that true Father?'

    'Yes, it is, Sister.'

    'Oh Father, that's wonderful ... Stick it in the camel and let's get the hel_l out of here!'

  4. I went to Club Lersaung in Surin, they did an OK Lamb roast dinner for 350 THB

    To this question, is there anywhere in Phuket that does a sunday roast buffet? in Samui there is a place in lamai called the red fox which done a fantastic sunday carvery, but i cannot find here in phuket

  5. Say yes i have a wife!!!!!!! Do you have a you have a work permit????????

    I spoke to one of these pests a few weeks ago,not knowing he was a time-share rep,he told me that they get a 1 year visa and a work permit,even though time-share is illegal in Thailand,someone is getting a nice back-hander.

    My friend was one of these touts and they do have work permits.......

    Not to sure on the Time - Share is illegal part those?

  6. Not heared this one yet, but easily can believe...

    But one question pops to mind

    Riding pillion with him was 13-year-old Phraewnapa Laohongse, the daughter of one of the bar staff. She was riding with Hendren so that she could return the bike to the bar.

    What was a 13 year old doing out at 5am working or assiting the Bar???????????????

    These crimes need to stop in Phuket! , the police need to wake up and smell the coffee, or in most cases drink it!, :o

  7. This is a global problem, i read today 4,000 trucks in northern Thailand have been taken off the road to rising fuel costs, the price of a fish and chip supper in the UK will rise 50% due to boat fuel increase and the revert affect in the price of Cod!

    When will this end, can a barrel of oil realy hit 200 USD!, :o

  8. Do you do this and more

    1. Eating out of a plastic bag in the street. - 7?11 so yes

    2. Using toilet role on a table to wipe your face with. - this is 90% of Thai places so yes

    3. Eating with a giant spoon. - hmm yes

    4. Drinking out of a plastic bag - not now as the coke is always flat from these street sellers

    5. Eating of a plastic plate while sitting in a plastic chair - yes....

    6. Missing that Sunday roast your Grandmother used to make and all else that went with it and a good upbringing - for sure!!! if the price of an airline ticket was so high i would be back to me grans every week :o

  9. my apartment comes with the Gold Package as standard, isnt nothing special as all the Movies are constant repeats.

    I have upgraded to Plat Package, as i wanted BBC Entertainment, this is ok, as it keeps me upto date with the UK dramas, but again alot of heavy repeats.


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