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Posts posted by Boater

  1. At first i did not like it, but now i have been using Facebook for over 1 year, i have found alot of friends i have not been in contact with for years.... the only down side is the pester of joining applications

  2. The IRS decides to audit Roger, and summons him to the IRS office. The IRS auditor is not surprised when Roger shows up with his attorney.

    The auditor says, "Well, sir, you have an extravagant lifestyle and no full-time employment, which you explain by saying that you win money gambling. I'm not sure the IRS finds that believable."

    "I'm a great gambler, and I can prove it," says Roger. "How about a demonstration?"

    The auditor thinks for a moment and said, "Okay. Go ahead."

    Roger says, "I'll bet you a thousand dollars that I can bite my own eye."

    The auditor thinks a moment and says, "It's a bet."

    Roger removes his glass eye and bites it.

    The auditor's jaw drops.

    Roger says, 'Now, I'll bet you two thousand dollars that I can bite my other eye."

    Now the auditor can tell Roger isn't blind, so he takes the bet.

    Roger removes his dentures and bites his good eye.

    The stunned auditor now realizes he has wagered and lost three grand, with Roger's attorney as a witness. He starts to get nervous.

    "Want to go double or nothing?" Roger asks. "I'll bet you six thousand dollars that I can stand on one side of your desk, and pee into that wastebasket on the other side, and never get a drop anywhere in between."

    The auditor, twice burned, is cautious now, but he looks carefully and decides there's no way this guy could possibly manage that stunt, so he agrees again.

    Roger stands beside the desk and unzips his pants, but although he strains mightily, he can't make the stream reach the wastebasket on the other side, so he pretty much urinates all over the auditor's desk.

    The auditor leaps with joy, realizing that he has just turned a major loss into a huge win. But Roger's attorney moans and puts his head in his hands.

    "Are you okay?" the auditor asks.

    "Not really," says the attorney. "This morning, when Roger told me he'd been summoned for an audit, he bet me twenty-five thousand dollars that he could come in here and piss all over your desk and that you'd be happy about it.

  3. heres my 2 nips worth

    i was in "'"7" ' ' around the last election

    wanted to buy some beer chang but was told 'can-not'

    staff explained the reason and i helped do up a sign in english

    'no alcohol today - big thai erection' [spelling deliberate to match staff pronunciation]

    my payment for my good deed ... was able to buy my beer chang.

    later i found out the 'unhappy hours' are usually enforced at sev-ven when inspectors are due to call

    info usually provided in advance

    then its back to business as usual

    cheers :o


    this post has been check for punctuat,ion and speling : no errors were found

    'no alcohol today - big thai erection' [spelling deliberate to match staff pronunciation]

    Did you get a picture? this one did make me laugh :D:D:D

  4. When I go through my bouts of sobriety, (and I am on one now) I CANNOT sleep

    You are a lucky guy tmifume

    I have a sleep problem also - I cannot sleep - when I don't drink. I don't know why, because I drink for 3-4 nights per weeks.

    When I do not drink I stay awake in bed. For several hours.

    Why is this?


    As for urinating at night, many people recomment saw palmetto, which is a natural supplement. They claim it keeps you from having to urinate during sleeping. Saw Palmetto is cheap, so you may want to give it a try.

    Because your body is reliable on the stimulants from beer to make you fall asleep, also Cold Turkey may play a part, hence why milk can help.... it worked when you where a baby!....

    Thanks, boater. I might buy some milk tonight, then. Regular 2% or whatever. I'll drink 2 glasses, about 1.5 hours before bed.

    My other option - only ocasionally - is to take 7.5 mg of valium.

    My other option - only ocasionally - is to take 7.5 mg of valium. -

    This is another option i suppose, but be careful as you could get hooked on taking Valium to sleep...

    Agree with you on the valium. I only use the Valium on rare occasion when a big day is ahead, and I need to really get sleep.

    Tonight, I bought Milk. Plain milk with no sugar.

    You say you drink a pint, right?

    A pint is about as big as a big glass of pint beer, so I'll have some milk later tonight, about 1.5 hours before bed.

    I've got to get this sleep cycle back to normal. Thanks.

    let me know how it goes, i normally drink about 30 Min b4 i go to sleep......

    Also you must relax before you go to sleep, IE a movie while drinking milk......

  5. I have a friend who works in Bangkok who is from California. He says the ONLY thing he misses here is good Mexican food. So, I said I'd put a message here, asking about Mexican Restaurants.

    Which is the best?




    I enjoy mexican food alot as well!!, i have tried more or less every mexican food outlet in Bangkok, Phuket and koh Samui.

    My result findings where that a place called El darado in Lamai Koh Samui did the best Mexican food!...


  6. [/b]I think you may have your prices wrong here, averge cost of seaview land is about 5 Million THB a rai, with North Beachfront land at 20,000,000 THB Per Rai / South Beachfront 15 Million THB Per rai and Chewang beachfront around 40 Million THB a rai. Please note this AVERAGE price. 1 Rai = 1600 SQM....

    So with this where did you find 400 SQM at 24,500,000 THB or 98,000,000 THB a rai?

    In post #1 Sir!

    "Given the strong demand for real estate in Koh Samui, Chaiyagarn estimates that land, especially stretches close to the beach and commercial areas, will touch Bt100 million per rai by 2011."

    100 Mill. divided by 4 (1 Rai= 1600 m2 or 4x400m2) would make it even 25.000.000 per 400 m2! And its "only" 3 years to go! :D

    And then they are just "average" estimates....!

    I wonder how many floors must a building feature or how beautiful and perfect it got to be, to have some sort of ROI in a reasonable time frame...?

    I believe the poster was refering to present time prices and not future prices, as i hope the infurstructure will improve by 2011 :o

  7. 1250 € for 1 m2 of Land on an Island with the most horrific infrastructure, customary tea money demands for almost anything?

    Say I would wish to buy a quarter of one Rai = 400 m2 - it would cost me 500.000 € = 24.500.000 ThB NO House, NO Infrastructure, build yet on it!

    If I would rent for, say 15.000 a month (which rents quite a decent place) this amount of money would rent a place for 1.633 months or 136 years! Double the rental and it would still be 68 years! :D

    :o Someone is telling fairy tales here.

    Anyone aware what 500.000 € buy, incl. proper ownership, in any place in the EU, or Australia, Canada or even in India?

    Yep, Land is being "sold" for highly inflated prices, to whom on what purpose?

    Pushing the price?


    Why are so many "opportunities" still sitting there waiting for a buyer?

    at least 35-50% of Commercial space is for rent/lease and just 'sitting' there.

    Regarding "Company" Registrations to hold landownership, I remember that "Law Office" somewhere down in Lamai holding some thousand pre-registered Companies like "1234 Ltd.Part." gone bust, or better shut down by law enforcement.

    Ah, well...

    Say I would wish to buy a quarter of one Rai = 400 m2 - it would cost me 500.000 € = 24.500.000 ThB NO House, NO Infrastructure,

    I think you may have your prices wrong here, averge cost of seaview land is about 5 Million THB a rai, with North Beachfront land at 20,000,000 THB Per Rai / South Beachfront 15 Million THB Per rai and Chewang beachfront around 40 Million THB a rai. Please note this AVERAGE price. 1 Rai = 1600 SQM....

    So with this where did you find 400 SQM at 24,500,000 THB or 98,000,000 THB a rai?

  8. When I go through my bouts of sobriety, (and I am on one now) I CANNOT sleep

    You are a lucky guy tmifume

    I have a sleep problem also - I cannot sleep - when I don't drink. I don't know why, because I drink for 3-4 nights per weeks.

    When I do not drink I stay awake in bed. For several hours.

    Why is this?


    As for urinating at night, many people recomment saw palmetto, which is a natural supplement. They claim it keeps you from having to urinate during sleeping. Saw Palmetto is cheap, so you may want to give it a try.

    Because your body is reliable on the stimulants from beer to make you fall asleep, also Cold Turkey may play a part, hence why milk can help.... it worked when you where a baby!....

    Thanks, boater. I might buy some milk tonight, then. Regular 2% or whatever. I'll drink 2 glasses, about 1.5 hours before bed.

    My other option - only ocasionally - is to take 7.5 mg of valium.

    My other option - only ocasionally - is to take 7.5 mg of valium. -

    This is another option i suppose, but be careful as you could get hooked on taking Valium to sleep...

  9. When I go through my bouts of sobriety, (and I am on one now) I CANNOT sleep

    You are a lucky guy tmifume

    I have a sleep problem also - I cannot sleep - when I don't drink. I don't know why, because I drink for 3-4 nights per weeks.

    When I do not drink I stay awake in bed. For several hours.

    Why is this?


    As for urinating at night, many people recomment saw palmetto, which is a natural supplement. They claim it keeps you from having to urinate during sleeping. Saw Palmetto is cheap, so you may want to give it a try.

    Because your body is reliable on the stimulants from beer to make you fall asleep, also Cold Turkey may play a part, hence why milk can help.... it worked when you where a baby!....

  10. Try looking at hotels over 150 THB a night :D

    I have never encounter this before.... but have seen outdoor showers and toilets many a time at labour/construction sites

    :D I have seen some of the new 5 star resorts with this outdoor showers, but it is enclosed from all side except the sky!....and maybe Bankok Air! :D

    :o but i am sure they charge 150$usd a night then 150 THB...... these outdoor showers are a deign feature :D

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