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syd barrett

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Posts posted by syd barrett

  1. Guiness Update in Pattaya

    There is a bar on Pattaya Klang named 'Brascos' that sells Guiness during happy hour 11am-11pm at 150 baht per pint. A Chang costs 35 baht.

    It is located next to that outstanding Indian Restaurant Ali-Baba.

    Its Boscos and the Guinness is excellelent there .Coming from Dublin i know a good Guinness .Yes its 150 baht ,up till 11 pm then 170 baht after .

    Agreed, I was there today and was amazed at the quality of the Guiness. Tastes even better than Shennannigans at 'The Avenue' and is 70 baht cheaper PER pint!

  2. Maybe because Thai food is too salty, too fried, too sweet, too hot, overcooked, or lacks a variety of fresh veggies? And a Thai cook can only cook Thai food one way, rather like a Thai barber can cut hair only one way. You can put in a special order, like "no chillies," but it will often be ignored.

    And too much MSG which causes heart palpatations in some people.

  3. robins nestaurant soi buakhao was the last place i had a sunday roast .. thort it was pretty dam good at 3 course buffet (240bt i think ),, lots of good meat to choose from and eat as much as you can. before i ate at thesportsman that also was very good.

    The Robins Nest on Soi Bukhow. There is also a Robins Nest on Soi Diana, are they both doing Sunday Roast's and are they having the same standard and management?

  4. You probably correctly gathered , I do not drink beer . Should I suffer from head-aches or hang-overs caused by drinking (anything) as is expressed by many on this forum , I would quit , why would I constantly refer to the 'Good time ' I had when in fact I had done myself an injustice , or at least , my body . :o
    I buy beer lao off the shelf here in Cambodia when my friend visits , problem in Thailand ? .

    If the beer has that much varience , why are you so concerned where they sell it ? Just do not do your body such a diservice .

    Is it just us or do you also make your friends suffer your self-righteous attitude?

    Ha ha, yes dumball's posts are a bit odd. Perhaps he is on the wagon and is missing the 'pop', because they all do......!

  5. As the worldwide recession is just beginning to hit Thailand, causing redundancy and unemployment crime and drug use will increase.

    So far crimes against farang have mainly been cowardly attacks such as handbag/gold snatches. Plus the mugging of women or elderley farang men or lone drunken men.

    I expect that during the next two years, crime will rise exponentially and become more violent. Gangs of Thai men will commit more armed robberies, more violent burglaries, street crime muggings will increase at night, then as things escalate there will be some fatal attacks on farang tourists and publicity of these attacks will create a bad image for Pattaya.

    At that point, Pattaya law enforcement might try to clean up the streets of young drug crazed Thai men who's only aim in life are drink, sex, drugs and crime.

    I think the next two years will be very grim for Pattaya crime-wise. Although local news agencies are gagged to just two crimes per day 'against farang' it is unlikely that they will be able to supress crimes of murder and/or extreme violence.

    I think that the quality of female 'company' will become more corrupt. I expect more druggings and robbery, egged-on by their Thai husbands/boyfriends.

    I also expect a massive rise in the amount of drugs available. China (itself in recession) will flood thailand with amphetimines and 'ice' which is cheaply made in chemical factories. In times of financial hardship illegal drug use increases.

    So a bleak outlook. Thanks for asking.

  6. It's probably because beer can be spoiled by being stuck by light whilst being stored. You don't have that problem when it's in a can instead of a bottle. Many of the commonly skunked beers (such as Heineken and Stella) tend to be better in cans than in bottles on account of that, but it's not just beer in green bottles that get wrecked by light exposure. I doubt that the % alchohol really is more variable when the beer's in bottles than cans though.

    I agree light and temperature will make beer deteriorate with age. Even the beer in the fridge in 7-11 has spent considerable hours in cardboard cases on pickup trucks or in warehouses without air-con.

    I think that the tins of beer hold up better taste-wise.

  7. This is an interesting question. Do tourists in fact have an equal distribution between North and South?

    Ask the nits at the ministry of tourism!

    One thing though, let's face it...the action is toward walking street...this means Mikes shopping and RG will see more traffic because that is are which has the greatest density of shops.

    I usually think of the centre of Pattaya as soi 7 and soi 8. The Walking Street end only really wakes up after 8pm but soi 7 and 8 are busy all day long and then a trip to the new mall is convenient?

  8. I was told (reliably) by a publican that Chang cannot control the precise strength of their beer. That is why, despite the 6.4% label, you will see people (especially Thais :o ) OK on one occasion and falling around on another.

    Why would a brewery be unable to produce an exact alcoholic percentage. I thought that such concentrations were monitored closely?

    I think the Chang 'effect' varies due to the different brewing batches. Some highly potent brews containing more congeners, those being the chemicals that cause drunkeness.

    Like so many people I am sure will agree, although Stella Artois is only 5.2% it causes obvious drunkeness, perhaps more than any other lager beer.

  9. The fact is that the airlines will not let you board with less than six months left on your passport. The bottom line, you can buy a ticket, but you cannot travel with only five months to the expiration date. Need to renew the passport.


    What about a Eurostar, London St Pancras-Brussels? Does the 6 month rule apply?

  10. Have you noticed that the taste of bottled Chang beer varies a great deal? It sometimes tastes foul and it sometimes tastes just fine. I used to think that it was the bottle date, which FYI is printed in tiny black script on the neck of the bottle.

    Then I found that tins of Chang (a little more expensive) 330ml style, taste consistently good. They have a sell-by stamp on the base 12 months ahead from tinning.

    I also notice that the potency varies a great deal with bottles: (perhaps some or stronger/weaker than 6.4%). However, again the tins of Chang always offer a consistent potency.

    All things considered, perhaps it is wiser to imbibe tins of Chang rather than bottles. The bottles are recycled, the bottles have no one year shelf life, the bottles have various alcohol volume.

    What are your experiences?

  11. where was it stated that posters will be getting drunk???

    bit of a nob arent you???

    I don't know what a "NOB" means, must be a UK term.

    Knob or nob in English parlance means 'penis'. So I guess that patklang thinks you are a penis.

    By the way what nationality are you? And why do you have such a 'hang-up' about a simple, innocent Guiness beer thread?


  12. All I can say is I'm not old enough to hang with the expats club. Another 30 years and I'll fit right in.

    & for now Jungian....you will stick to the weirdos club? :o

    What's thirty feet long and smells of wee?

    The queue outside the Grand Sole hotel on a Sunday morning.


  13. The world is experiencing a great calamity and it has nothing to do with the financial mess. Diabetes and obesity are real killers. I suggest it's time to rid our minds of this revulsion to walking; it will save our lives! The mall is a wonderful clean airconditioned place to walk. Enjoy it!

    Excellent point! As the weather gets hotter, I will be visiting daily for exercise, walking the perimeter of each floor all the way to the top and then down again.

    I think the new mall is great, mainly because of the banks being all together and the food opportunities on the 5th and 6th floor. Also Food Loft on the 3rd Floor.

    I recently ate at 'Pepper Hot' and the food was superb for less than 150 baht including a soft drink. They have a 20% off offer at the moment.

    The new book/stationery store is good.

    Things will pick up in a few more years, or the baht might suddenly weaken considerably and then the place will be buzzing seven days a week.

  14. hopefully the police will be able to put us all out of our misery and declare suicide or murder,then case closed,topic closed.but then again if murder,who dunnit?time for another thread?

    The results of an autopsy later today will be able to confirm if the head was ripped from the body by hanging or cut with a sharp instrument.

    Plus a positive identification of this man will shed some light on the whole story.

    But it sounds to me like another jilted john. My guess is he is Greek by his clothing and swarthy complexion.

  15. Bunch of retards in this thread. The Thai police would not say it was a murder if it could possibly be a suicide. It is like you guys forgot what country you are in. If they were calling this a suicide is when you could question them, not the other way around. This is the kind of thing they'd love to cover up and keep out of the papers and off of CNN. Tourism is fuc_ked up enough as it is, they don't need this right now.

    It costs 20,000 baht to have somebody killed in Thailand if you know who to ask. They weren't trying to send any message they were trying to remove this guy and cover it up. Maybe he pissed off the wrong people, maybe he married the wrong woman, maybe he was on vacation and told the wrong person and pissed off the wrong people in another country, maybe he owned a huge Thai corporation and real estate company and his Thai partner decided he didn't like paying this foreigner 49% of the profit any more, who the fuc_k knows. He got stomped out like a cockroach. Life is cheap in Thailand.

    Let me explain:

    1. The man wrote a suicide message on the bridge.

    2. The man donned a plastic bag with Italian script. He pulled the plastic bag tight.

    3. The draw string of the plastic bag (clearly shown on Thai TV) attached to the 'hanging' nylon rope.

    4. He jumped, over the bridge extending the 'drop'.

    5. The body disconnects from the head, blood spurts out upwards as it swings for 8 seconds.

    6. The body (sporty dressed) finally snaps off to the water.

    7. The head dangles.

    This is not mafia, it is suicide. Why?

    1. The blood spatters.

    2. No criminal risks detection by writing a note, dumping a head and a body.

    3. Lower body was untraumatised when shown on TV.

    Goodnight. Sweet dreams.

  16. now you can get a tourist visa from cambodia, its just 3 1/2 hrs away! (no more 12hr loas trips!) there is a company that leaves for pattaya to poi pet, everyday(almost!) to cambodia. the trip is about 3 days, see the town. the staff goes to phnom pen for you, makes your visa, while you relax in the casino hotel in poi pet. the cost is about 9,000 baht. im going in about 2 months when my current visa expires. (i went to loas twice already :o ). anyone want more info. send me a message. take care my long stay buddies!

    When this works out O.K. then all well and good. But I would not handover my passport to anyone. If they lost it would they pay for the massive hassle to get a new one? police reports, trips to PP, lost TIM card, passport fees etc. etc. No way. They would do a runner you would be in deep ****.

    If you do it, take a huge cash back up and some ATM/Credit Cards.

  17. my contribution is that nobody has mentioned the tippex that was used to write the message - i mean, who carries that around! i.e. not spontaneous message at all. and if it wasnt spontaneous, then you'd expect the guy to have thought about what he was writing and not put that meaningless stuff down. plus how many farangs own tippex.

    The tippex message points towards pre-meditated suicide. Just because it doesn't read well, only means English was his second language. I think most farangs who live in Thailand will have sellotape, a stapler. a hole punch and tippex.

    Also, the rope has been identified as a common brand sold in 7-11 being a very strong nylon rope which would easily tear through a human neck after a long-drop. At the moment the head disconnected from the body, a huge splattering of blood occurred. notice the blood patterns. These patterns correspond to the momentary swinging of the body for a few seconds until the neck bones snapped.

  18. On the Thai news channel, they just showed the mans body being dragged out of the river, complete with black and white pantaloons and wearing a pair of quality training shoes. The small plastic bag placed over the victims head was shown to have Italian writing.

    The writing on the handrail was shown, and I identified immediately the script was Greek/Cypriot and an attempt at an English message.

    I still favour the suicide theory. The head remaining attached by a freak tightening of the rope around a flap of neck skin.

    The murder theory seems unlikely because the body was found in the river, suggesting that decapitation was done elsewhere and that both head AND body were dumped. A murderer would bury the body and suspend the head.

    Plus there was no sign of struggle or blood on the lower body. For example his pantaloon were not damaged, and footwear and socks were normal.

  19. I was in RG Mall today, it was definitely quieter than usual. I only really go to Bookazine on a Monday for my 10% discount. I won't be going less than normal, but I will certainly eat at the new Festival Mall rather than RG.

    People are fickle, they will visit which Mall is nearer to them unless they have a definite reason. Plus I was going past Festival on Saturday and the first set of escalators were not working (in both directions). Which is not exactly inviting.

    The Avenue will probably end up a total white elephant. I just can't see it surviving except for McDonalds.

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