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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Agree, it's difficult to know which of these organizations are not only accredited but also which ones spend a very large proportion of the donations on the children and in high value focused work.

    Many years ago I did some consulting work for one organization which has a very high profile global name, their internal continuous very nasty fighting between the staff (verbal and by e-mail) was quite a surprise but the 'icing on the cake' was when they decided to fly a senior manager of their charity from California to Bkk for a photo op and nothing more, all business class and staying at a Bkk five star hotel.

    Worldvisions is notorious for this kind of thing. It's sole purpose is to evangelize, and their workers here have beautiful accommodations and first class flights everywhere. Worldvisions was called out a few years ago for counting anybody in the sex industry 23 years or younger as 'children'. A bit disingenuous!

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  2. Just in case anybody was wondering, I checked out Sportworld at Fahsion Island. They had one model of rebounder, but it was acheapo Chinese version that looked like it would break after about an hour of use. the sample they had out was actually torn in several areas and the springs looked stretched out.

    So if anybody see a better quality rebounder in BKK, let me know!

  3. Been getting rave testimonies from friends on rebounders, looking for a place they might sell them here in BKK. I'll pop by Sports World at Fashion Island this afternoon and see if they have any, but don't recall seeing them before.

    If anybody has seen a selection elsewhere, would appreciate the nudge in the right direction.

    They look something like this:



  4. This is a daughter fighting for the truth about who murdered her father, a brave man fighting for the democratic rights of the majority of thais, assassinated by a sniper. Your responses are quite perverse. If this happened in most other counrtries in the world, people would support her. How about JFK, MLK, etc. Did you get callous, racist or perverse comments about their family? But here on Thai Visa, as I can see, anything goes.

    Sa Daeng was a rogue, insane wild dog that needed to be taken out.

  5. I don't care unless they actively promote their way of life/their "prides" among me or my family. Usually I just ignore, but if they still act - I may espond...mmm....inadequately. Include physical abuse. 1zgarz5.gif

    Most straight people that are comforatble with their sexuality could give rat's ass what other people want to do sexually with others of consenting age. People like you who are sooooo concerned about gay people seem to show an insecurity of their own sexuality.

  6. Hi, get the program Calibre, I've found it does the best job for all kinds of documents, easy to use, and free! Let me know what you think. If has done a great job for me with PDFs and Docs, to convert them to Mobi, which is the best format for Kindle.

  7. I was thinking about this today; I view my manners and the way I behave towards others as being about me; whether I am a well-mannered person. Perhaps Thais think it is about their relationship with that person, and therefore if they have no relationship with that person, they are under no obligation to be considerate or honest.


    Bingo! That's how I see it.

  8. Friends and colleagues all have various feelings about social networking, esp Facebook. I find it very useful to keep in touch with friends and family, and it is also useful as a business and marketing tool. I hate the games on it, and block them all, but some find them diverting.

    Those who talk about the dangers of Facebook need to put things into perspective. It is the same as going to a party. You can interact, have fun, make friends, see old ones, act respectfully, and gain good karma in general. Or you can go around sniping, acting rude, and generally be a dweeb and eventually get in trouble for it. All up to the individual how it (the party, or Facebook) is used.

    With regards to the "Culture Minister", he's just looking for some face time with the press. Guys like that sound exceedingly old fashioned and out of it. If he was really interested to make some change, he would try and discover what the youngsters love about Facebook so much, and then try to find a way that Thai culture could be promoted though it.

  9. I believe it has almost everything to do with relationships. If you are connected by family, friends, work, as the recipient of customer service, or something like that then Thais will generally bend over backwards for you, especially if you are older and are polite and friendly. If they don't know you or have any connection to you or your social network, then basically you do not exist, and courtesy is not required.

    I was just home in the US, and strangers are constantly kind to one another (I don't come from a huge town, bigger cities are more brusque but people are still generally polite). Holding doors for people, engaging in small talk at a bar or in an elevator or in a line at the supermarket, these are common in the US, but not here.

    Anyway, cultures and their norms and codes for social distance vary greatly. A look at Hofstede's Cultural Dimension Theory might be useful for some here if they are having problems understanding why we humans act and think differently around the globe. I would say if there are traits here in Thailand or elsewhere that keep you from peace of mind or just having a good time, it is probably best to move on to a place that will be more copacetic. You aren't going to be changing cultural norms any time soon! smile.png

  10. It doesn't build character, it destroys self esteem and teaches kids that if you have power over somebody else, be it by size or age, you have a right to abuse them how and when you see fit. It seems there are lots of older gentlemen on this board reminiscing back to the olden days of the joys they experienced being beaten by their headmaster. I had a fourth grade teacher who would whack us on the back of the head with his school ring if we were speaking out of turn, it would leave a welt for a couple days (but wasn't something parents could see). If I had a chance to see him again today, even though he is in his seventies by now, I would confront him with it and ask if he would like a blow to his head as a return to the favor. When I was 9 years old we took it in stride, but only because he had the power over us to do such a thing. Sick, really sick.

    It is possible to gain respect from young people without beating them with a stick. I have spent my life in education and know it is absolutely possible. By appealing to their common sense, training them about actions and consequences, and setting punishments that don't involve physical abuse but are in many ways much more effective, you can avoid all of this. Alas, though, it takes time, intelligence, and patience to use these methods, none of which our teachers of yore in the West or apparently the teachers in thailand are evolved enough to comprehend or believe in.

    Please do not put those sick sadistic fukcs on pedestals. They cause nothing but pain and breed nothing but an attitude that violence is the quickest solution to all of your problems. Anyone who feels that punishing boys or girls like what was shown in that video probably also gets off on watching Auswitch videos.

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