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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. SMS I get from Bangkok say the floodgates were opened THREE MINUTES AGO at 4pm Bangkok time and you can expect water levels to continually rise from this point onward up to 1 meter deep.

    Bangkok sent that to you personally? Or was it from an agency/person and not the city itself......just looking for some credibility....way too many people shouting too many false alarms. Disinformation is thick and heavy these days.

  2. I have a question:

    My house is close to the Watcharaphon/Navamin area...what do you think the chances are of flooding in that area? Nobody here seems to have any clear idea whatsoever if we would be in a flooding zone or not, they all just say we have to wait and see. I have been using the flood maps and Google earth to try and track things, looking at distance and elevation, as well as klong locations, and I feel fairly confident it wouldn't reach to my area, but I guess, who knows? The government certainly doesn't.

    tom, have you seen this google map? http://www.google.or...flood-2011.html

    Select check mark: bangkok risk area and flood barrier. I am in your neighbourhood. Ram Inthra km.8, next to the end of Nawamin.

    Watcharaphon does not cross Nawamin, does it??

    We should be fine for now, but on the eat side of the Kanchanipisek, it is more risky.

    Thanks Evil, I actually live very close to you as well. As I suspected, I'm fairly certain that I'm quite well away from the flood threat, at least for the moment. It's funny, in my Moo Ban either people have set up sandbags and blocked themselves into their houses ( about 20%) or they have not done anything at all. I have made some small accommodations that would keep fairly low water levels from getting into my house, but if it got more than half a foot high I would be royally screwed.

    You would think that this is all fairly scientific, and that they would know quite precisely where the water would flow by having knowledge of the canals, flow of the rivers, rainfall, and elevation. It just seems to me that nobody really can't predict anything, until it happens.

    Again, thanks for the reassurance of my own thoughts. Hope everyone else is staying high and dry that can, and those that are wet can get dry soon.

  3. I have a question:

    My house is close to the Watcharaphon/Navamin area...what do you think the chances are of flooding in that area? Nobody here seems to have any clear idea whatsoever if we would be in a flooding zone or not, they all just say we have to wait and see. I have been using the flood maps and Google earth to try and track things, looking at distance and elevation, as well as klong locations, and I feel fairly confident it wouldn't reach to my area, but I guess, who knows? The government certainly doesn't.

  4. What if the boat thing does work just a little? every little helps.

    Why dont you get off your <deleted> instead of moaning and go out and help people??

    Can't.....The government requires a work permit for any volunteer work, as people who tried to help after the tsunami learned. So all the farangs can do is sit on the sidelines.

    +1 Had a friend get in trouble for precisely this during the tsunami. a pity.

  5. Thanks for the information, but other than that, its is really pointless to have a subject that cannot be discussed as a thread in a discussion group -- literally a contradiction in terms.

    I fully understand the difficulties faced by Thaivisa and its moderators, and will just say that I look forward to the day when all things can be openly discussed in Thailand.

    Excellent point....if this is a no discussion allowed topic then just lock it from the beginning....?

  6. I wish they had a spokesperson who issued alerts, warnings and evacuation notices and updates for the city. They need to have a procedure in place for issuing reasonably reliable information and a system of accountability.

    Yes, indeed, the misinformation going around last night caused much unnecessary panic and stress. Shame on the government for not controlling their information better.

  7. Not long time ago,right at the beginning of SukhumvitRd there was mansion with grassland in front belonging to Mr.Nana and white goats grassing there.

    Yes,you could say so: one million people village with low rise everywhere,gardens,fields no urban facilities,klongs everywhere.Thai poster in CNN "trulythai" used this phrase - village,and he knows better.

    Thai people today deserve more then sheer mockery you serve them in this thread,they need at least moral support if not your cheques.

    I had no intention mocking. Just trying to set the record straight. If a Thai poster on CNN says it was a village you believed him/her without doing your own independent research?

    The low-level living, if that was indeed the case, in the Bangkok 'village' probably exacerbated the situation for them. I'd bet it was the 'economic' capitol of Thailand then, as it is now, and its flooding is not to be trivialized by referring to it as a 'village', especially when so many people were affected.

    Posts such as yours, which do not cite sources, misrepresent history and often ignore reality, contribute to making Thai Visa a waste of energy, IHMO.

    +1 Rawr! :)

  8. Then take for instance businesses like a major Sukiyaki restaurant chain, which requires its staff to dance, sing and look happy for customers, regardless of whether they feel like it or not.

    The horror!! Where is the international outrage?

    Sure, it's ridiculous, but when they are hired I am sure that they are told part of their job is to do some silly little entertainment once in an hour. Nobody is forcing them to take the job.

  9. I never saw any real sport being pursued in a serious way at Thai schools... so I disagree that sport comes before learning in Thailand. In my country the best schools academically are usually also the best sport schools. Sport is nothing here... I never even saw inter-school sports, only the once a year inter-house sports day. My High School had better sporting facilities than even the Universities do in Thailand.

    My international school is in a league with about 18 other inter schools. We have three seasons, about 25 teams total that compete. Good stuff!

  10. I was there tonight at 7 pm and there were queues of 4-5 people at EVERY check out, never seen in Carrefour previously.................................................Maybe it was because there were only 8 from the 40 available check outs opened.

    Yep. I get teed up when after completing my shopping in 10 minutes I have to wait 20 minutes to pay for the stuff. On a few occasions I have witnessed a farang say "f***** this for a game of soldiers" or something in that vein, and walk out of the store leaving the loaded trolley to be dealt with by the staff. Thankfully I have been trained by my wife to silently chant 'keng inside' as at times I feel like following the same routine.

    I've done that once or twice. 2 out of 20 lanes open, 15 people in each line....and workers everywhere oblivious. I always feel a little bad if I do that, but it is outrageous really and I hope gives them a message. One thing about Foodland, they are very good int eh check out area. For variety, price, and service, Foodland wins me over time after time.

  11. Told by a Doctor:I have high cholesterol so he advised limiting eggs to 2 a week.

    BTW,Ducks eggs have 4 times more cholesterol than chickens eggs,Goose eggs 6x plus.

    Foods higher in cholesterol don't necessarily give you high cholesterol. You get high orchestral when your insulin levels are too high, which is caused by too much sugar/starch.

  12. If you are trying to lose weight, nothing is worse for you than white rice..except maybe candy.

    Ditto white bread and white noodles/pasta. Aside from calories these are extremely high on the glycemic index which means they cause a big surge in insulin (followed by a drop..so you get hungry again sooner). Insulin promotes fat storage.

    A switch to brown rice, even at the same calories, will work wonders. You'll stay full longer, have less craving for sweets, and burn fat more efficiently.

    For sure more fiber in brown rice, but most of the nutrients are bound to the fiber and for the most part aren't digested. The better thing to eat is black or red beans, or lentils, but understandably not so easy to find available in restaurants (but easy to cook up a batch at home).

  13. In Thailand, it's manageable but it's quite a misery. For me, I am already used to eating bland food with no taste. I give myself three cheat meals per week where I just enjoy whatever I want given that it has no big carbs like bread of any kind, pasta, noodles or rice in it. I often stick with what I cook for myself before going to bed every night.. and reheat that stuff all day: chicken breast.

    I was doing Tim Ferris' 'Four Hour Body' for a few months, got some good cuts from it, but the monotony of the program was what took me away from it. Still, when you are wanting to lose weight and control your food, using a low carb approach and predictable daily meals does a great job of getting you to disassociate from food as something that you are using for anything other than to add nutrients to your system....which can be a very good thing when you have been a compulsive eater, like I was for many years. I have since moved on to adding many more colorful veggies to my diet, to make it more tasty and varied.

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