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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Time to chime in! Got my iPad yesterday, 32 gig wifi version. Love it! Gotta ration myself or I'll spend the whole weekend on it, haha.

    for you guys out there who know, what do you find is the best vid converter for iPad specs? I used handbrake for iPhone, but the tez won't be up to snuff methinks. I'm downloading the new format factory to see if they have an update for iPad. Help would be appreciated!

  2. Do you think the death penalty can be used for most of the red shirt leaders? Just dig a ditch, throw them all in, and bury them alive. That or throw them out of a helicopter over the ocean....

    that is a stupid comment tominbkk.

    i live in a small village in ubon, where the people are mostly reds although only 2 went to bkk and returned after 3 days back in april. but the problems the people here have been brainwashed by thaksins populist policies and that is REAL...so what does this mean? it means alot of the reds are normal people who are generally from the country and are simple people(no offense). so you cant just say kill the leaders or these simpletons (paid by thakin etc) will be told to fight for the cause again and again...

    also thailand is very corrupt even in a small village of 250 people there are vote buying schemes. my wife told me she got 500 baht for voting! so people here think its normal to except money to follow like the poor sheep they are... :)

    peace to thailand...the poor/rural people desevre more, there are REAL poor people in this country

    Ummm, I said red LEADERS. I realize that the flock cannot be blamed for following the leaders, money and a promised utopia led them to BKK, and the govt. was very kind to fund their way back home.

    At least prison for life, and take away all their money, so it can help pay for the devastation their irresponsible leadership has caused Thailand.

  3. Completely absurd! I am an adult with little to fear from the Red Shirts, or anyone else in Bangkok. Once again, the Thai government chooses to treat its citizenry and the others living here as if we are all 12 years old. Why is it that every "solution" from these guys tends towards the lose- lose category? Incidentally, I walked around last night at 10PM. It was quiet, but there were still normal people out and about. One taxi even tried to pick me up for a fare.

    Good way to get shot. good luck!

  4. " Human Reaction towards the lost of love ones who are being murdered openly without humane justice. "

    ....snip diatribe....

    I do not blame a soldier, facing molotov cocktail throwing, M79 launching, pistol wielding and building burning thugs for doing what they have to do to regain the safety for the vast majority of Thai people.

    Civil protests are extremely well tolerated in Thailand. But when the leaders of protests start threatening to burn down buildings, derail public transportation, and killing people, it is another matter indeed and the government has every right in the world to crack down as hard as they need to maintain the safety of its civilians.

  5. If a picture speaks a thousand words this one sums up the hypocrisy of those reds who claim the protesters where peaceful


    Was this what the daddy holding his kid on the barricade wanted him to see?

    You bet it was....gotta train the little reds to enjoy death early.....


    As Nuttawut said, the Reds considered the rally to be very entertaining for children.... :)

  6. I agree that the Red Shirt leadership were foolish in not accepting Abhisit's compromise without trying to attach ridiculous conditions, but fail to understand how their surrender yesterday meant they abandoned their followers. Were they supposed to encourage their followers to fight to the death?

    This is a stupid and irresponsible editorial.

    the moment the Red leaders were in danger themselves they either scurried away like cockroaches or eagerly made themselves the army's bitches. This in total contradiction to their continuous "fight to the death" chants that they brainwashed their not so bright flock with. Unfortunately,when the Red leaders finally decided to chicken out with their promises/threats, they had brainwashed enough of their flock to want to kill, maim, destroy and otherwise act recklessly, without any thought of human compassion. The Red shirts have changed their followers into animals.

  7. 1/How do the red supporters justify the burning of buildings?

    How can they...just animals doing what animals do.

    2/Is the burning of TV3 and threatning to burn the Bangkok Post the rede idea of freedom of the press?

    The Reds see destroying as their right. They have no care about anyone else. Selfish, Greedy, Animals.

    3/How many woman and children were killed today by "a murderous Govt and Army that targets woman and children?"

    2 or 3. They knew the chances, and decided to take them. The govt. was extremly concerned for them and gave them a couple dozen warnings and chances to get out of harm's way. You can see footage of the Reds putting babies on top of the barricades to use as shields. Disgusting.

    4/How do you explain the paper circulated by the red leaders that showed soldiers killed by terrorists in the south in 2007v and labled as those shot by the Army for refusing to go against the reds?

    Typical Red Shirt propaganda.

    5/ The fire brigade were shot at to prevent them putting out one of the fires, do you think this is a good thing?

    Horrible and awful. Think how you would feel if you or your friend or relative owned a shop or owned that building. disgusting!

  8. Time to set aside the blame game and prey for peace..........

    On the contrary, it should never be forgotten what the red shirts have done to the country. Shame on them and their tyrant leader Thaksin.

    Thank you Abhisit for finally taking strong action. I just wish that this had been done a month ago. better later than never though.

  9. Would you call that boy looking over the tyres a human shield.I suggest you print something factual.My thioughts would have been,he is showing the boy to the soldiers to show that he is there.


    If someone had said the boy should not be there i would have agreed but dont spout crap on here

    Your CRAZY! No excuse for putting innocent child in line of fire. Did he ask to be there? In the U.S.A. they cite you for not having a child in a car seat!!!!

    Agreed, all it would take is a soldier to not see the clearly that it was a child and to shoot. I think the father actually wants his child to die, then he can carry the body around with big crocodile tears. Disgusting redshirt f###!

  10. I am stymied at how they plan to really proceed though. I don't see how they can move in from here. I also think that Sae Daeng's ronin will open fire on the hostages inside the red compound if the government moves in, in a bid to discredit the government.

    I hope they have a plan that can give some safety to the grannies and children.

    agreed, we've seen already how quickly the red shirts can make a decision to kill their own to further Thaksin's cause. I feel sorry for the government and army to have to try and put down these animals.

  11. Is that according to an interview or during an interview?


    BANGKOK — A renegade Thai general was shot in Bangkok on Thursday as the military planned to encircle the barricaded encampment of antigovernment demonstrators.

    Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol, 59, better known as Seh Daeng, was allied with the protesters. He appeared to have taken a single bullet to the head during an interview with The International Herald Tribune.

  12. Could we get back on-topic please?

    The UDD asked for Suthep to surrender to the police, but he's surrendering to the DSI instead.

    But why would he want to surrender to the police? As far as I am aware, there are no charges against him, and no warrant against him! Please explain.


    I would prefer the Red leaders to submit themsleves to the police first...they are the ones with multiple arrest warrants already, not Suthep. Especially after the Reds decided to storm a hospital for chrissake and threaten sick people, children, and even cancer patients, some of whom died later because of the trauma they inflicted while the reds were threatening them in the hospital!

  13. Weng and his minions are just trying to prove that they are worthy of Thaksin's love and re$pect. They know very clearly now that if they aren't up for a proper govt overthrow then there are even more villainous thugs led by Seh Daeng waiting to take over. Their frantic meetings in their trailer are to discuss plans on how to best give Thasksin the 'happy ending' he so badly wants.....

    Yes women dont have the right to protest and bring their kids because nobody to take care of em.

    Only males aged 19-25 have the right to protest .

    Yeah yeah blast them all . Some lunatics here ...

    It isn't a matter of simply protesting, but when a woman or child in a crowd starts throwing molotov cocktails at soldiers trying to disperse a crowd, the soldiers then may need to resort to a more violent means to break up the crowd. Hey, you play and you pay....no regrets, the crowd knew exactly what they were getting paid 1000 baht a day for. I feel bad for the soldiers who have to put up with these country bumpkin dimwits who are so easily lead like sheep to slaughter by red leaders and Thaksin.

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