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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. Your opinion is clearly biased against the red.

    Calling them criminals disqualify your whole argumentation.

    They tried to raid an army headquarters to kill soldiers. :D

    They threatened to derail the BTS while people were commuting. :D

    They threw molotov cocktails into troops. :D

    You wouldn't call these criminal actions? :)

    I would list another hundred things they did but those three are pretty good qualifications for me, especially when a SOE is in place.

    The country bumpkins were lucky they just didn't mow them all down. :D

    Shameless post.

    Sometimes the truth hurts. The government does not want violence, but the red shirt mob is giving them no choice. the spoiled children in red need the spanking they have been screaming for the last 3 weeks.

    Head of the reds, Seh Dang, just said he is ready to kill as many soldiers as he needs to to meet the objectives of the reds. Now THAT is shameless! :D

  2. Your opinion is clearly biased against the red.

    Calling them criminals disqualify your whole argumentation.

    They tried to raid an army headquarters to kill soldiers. :D

    They threatened to derail the BTS while people were commuting. :D

    They threw molotov cocktails into troops. :D

    You wouldn't call these criminal actions? :)

    I would list another hundred things they did but those three are pretty good qualifications for me, especially when a SOE is in place.

    The country bumpkins were lucky they just didn't mow them all down. :D

  3. Your opinion is clearly biased against the red.

    Calling them criminals disqualify your whole argumentation.

    They tried to raid an army headquarters to kill soldiers. :D

    They threatened to derail the BTS while people were commuting. :D

    They threw molotov cocktails into troops. :D

    You wouldn't call these criminal actions? :)

    I would list another hundred things they did but those three are pretty good qualifications for me, especially when a SOE is in place.

    The country bumpkins were lucky they just didn't mow them all down. :D

  4. The propaganda war goes on and on. The army has stated over and over that it only fired into the air. Just about 30 mins ago I saw on French TV a video of 2 soldiers in the kneeling position firing directly into the crowd. They fired about 5 or 6 rounds each from what appeared to be standard M16's before they spotted the camera. Then they hi tailed it out of sight. The comment from the French journalist who shot the video was that the army did not seem to be telling the truth about what happened. He also taped injured soldiers including an officer but they had been injured by flying objects thrown by the crowd. Also watched a video on U-tube (shot by a amateur) where the reds are all dancing and playing music..even joking around with the soldiers....suddenly all hel_l breaks loose from the direction of the main body of troops....you could see the muzzle flashes of the rifles and hear the firing...everybody down...firing continues for several minutes...then you see some reds dragging dead or wounded people off to the ambulances or somewhere. Really ugly The truth is elusive it seems.

    How conveniently you leave out the multiple molotov cocktails hurled into the crowd of soldiers, which is what started them firing in the first place. do that to almost any battalion of soldiers anywhere in the world and see what happens to your sorry a$$!

  5. Is it safe to assume that there is nobody at the steering wheel in Thailand at the moment? Abhisit is unable to enforce the arrest warrants he issued and he's unable to keep peace.

    So hypocritical....when he shows tolerance to the country bumpkins, you state he is not in control. When he cracks down a little, you state he is a dictator. Believe me, his knowledge of running a country flies circles around your knowledge, many times over!

  6. So it is very obvious now that the reds started the firefights last night. You can clearly see black clad 'warriors' in the crowd with the reds, adorned with AK47s.

    If you are a soldier and someone starts firing on you, I doubt you will keep shooting with rubber bullets.

    In fact, it would not surprise me a bit if these warriors of Khattiya were instructed to engage in a little intentional 'friendly fire' techniques to stir up the red mob.....now the reds have bodies they have snatched from the mortuary to parade around town for days on end....what animals! How would you like to be watching TV and see your son's corpse being paraded around like some trophy...disgusting!

  7. The solution as i said before was very simple . If you are the PM and yu can not negociate or stop a protest except by using live ammunition then you simply RESIGN . There is no shame in that at all . Abhisit is very very much disliked in the country side FYI , he is a golden boy with a pretty face acting as a lap dog to those who are responsible for the misery of the Isaan ppl (3000 baths per month , familly of 4 , try to live on that) and moreover he stole their vote . Had he resigned he would have triggered a political crisis followed by a move by the whole political class to form a governement of national unity and they stood a very good chance to have negociated with the reds . No need elections in 15 days for that .

    It would be irresponsible to resign until the city has been cleared of violent protesters. After that he probably will. It may even be part of the negotiations. However, until the redshirts are willing to negotiate, and the result of that negotiation is the cessation of all demonstrations, the PM cannot step down.

    Unfortunately you make way too much sense for the one track minded red mob. They won't stop until Arisman is made Prime Minister, who can then hand over to Thaksin on his glorious return to his lost billions. May sound ridiculous, but is pretty much what they are asking for.

  8. The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

    The BBC has been biased about Thaksin-related issues for a long time, I trust them for a lot of other things, but not for anything relating to Thaksin.

    You can see in this that during the heat of the battle there was tear gas, but it wasn't there at the start.

    Jeez that guy is a real knob.....

  9. I am ashamed that this man was educated in the UK, as soon as he left there and came to Thailand he straight away adopted the thai attitude of 'fuc_k you, I am rich'.

    He has always been weak and always will be

    At least Abhisit faces his detractors head on, unlike the defacto coward-leader Thaksin, who could give a bird crap about his red mercenary army and what might happen to them, as long as they pave a way for his dictatorial return to Thailand, and save his billions.

  10. Can you imagine if 30000 or so Bangkokians decided to get even by going to a big rice growing area and stomping down all the shoots and destroying the crops for several thousand farmers and families. Then they might learn what it is like to disrupt another person's right to livelihood. At this point they have no idea about that, as they have no ability to empathize.

    Personally, at this point of no return I don't see how a little bit of water cannon and non explosive tear gassing will hurt anyone.

    It's time.


  11. I went to a birthday party for the head of the civil service in Thailand. A relaxed affair, not too posh, but definitely many influential people there (this was about 15 years ago). At that time he was in his mid sixties I would assume by his looks. A young girl, about 14 or 15 presented his cake to him on stage at one point. I asked my friend if that was his daughter, or grand-daughter. No, I was told, that is his latest wife! I was told he gets a new wife every 8-10 years, this was his fourth one, and they all lived together in a compound. Anyway, I doubt he still has that position, don't even know if he is alive still.

    I've heard of many secret clubs, Thai only (usually Thai-Chinese for some reason) where there are houses filled with boys and/or girls for the choosing. There was a huge bust several years ago in a big place in Nonthaburi, about 20 boys were kept in this place, from age 8-16 or so. The mamasan had kept a log too of people frequenting the place, but there were far too many influential names in it for it ever to become public.

    What about the police at Lumpini park, who were serially dragging young girls back to the station and raping them? Or the waterfront police station in Pattaya, where for many years a house of prostitution right next door (boys and girls and young as six, kept in their underwear for the customer to openly fondle). Years and years that place was open and the police did absolutely nothing.

    I guess I'm just trying to say that, though it is a good thing they are making an example of foreigners and punishing them to hopefully keep away others from outside coming in to abuse children, that they aren't actually doing anything to put a real dent in the problem, and if you have money and/or influence and are Thai, or wear a police uniform, then you can pretty well do whatever you please without fear of punishment.

  12. Ok fair enough, but really after all red leaders promised to bring chaos and burn bangkok tot he ground, it is fairly easy to make an assumptiont hat it is them. I didn't hear the government saying they were going to be violent, only thte reds!

    Well the reds start spilling blood, but this time other people's not their own! Shame on them the dirty buggers.

    You have no idea who is behind these explosions, or else you know more than anyone else in which case you should be at a police station providing information. "Shame on the perpetrators" however is something I can go along with wholeheartedly.

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