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Posts posted by tominbkk

  1. All I remember him admitting to was having pornographic pics with him and above aged men dressed in school uniforms, which, though pretty twisted, is in my understanding not illegal. Otherwise all those school girl bars in Cowboy and Pattaya would be closed down, hahah.

    Please show me an article where he was proven to or admitted to doing inappropriate things with the students. I might have missed that report, and cannot find any account of him admitting to that or of him being proven of doing that. There were those students that came forward saying he was planning to have sex with a student and showed a chat with a bunch of things blacked out. But they never came forward with anything more than that, afaik.

    I'm not saying he didn't do those things, but it seems to me lots of guys on this board have overactive imaginations and have created a reality that I don't think existed.

  2. Thailand was once a great place to live but sadly not anymore. The freedoms that used to be are no longer. I personally am just waiting to sell some assets here cant wait to leave after 15 years very sad about the way the country has gone and is going.

    I've lived here since 92. The only freedom taken away that I can notice is that there are only certain times a day you can buy booze and the bars aren't open all night (well, mostly). Other than that? Sorry to hear that you don't feel free anymore, good luck on your next country!

  3. Of course they are! Most are half drunk, stoned or both all day. It really does make TH seem like paradise. Done the research myself some years back. Once one hits the sober trail it all starts to look a bit different though coffee1.gif

    Well you obviously never took living here seriously. Staying drunk and stoned all day in any country will pretty much yield the same results, no?

  4. On topic though, Thailand for all its flaws is still a pretty cool country to live in. The weather is great, the people are generally pretty nice, the pace of life is good, the ease and accessibility with which one can get out and enjoy the country is top notch, the food is outstanding, the women are leagues above western women in almost every sense, and money can be saved pretty easily.

    There are pitfalls sure, but if you take care of yourself, show respect and try to be a good citizen I find you have almost no problems.

    I 100% agree with your last sentence. Get to know your neighbors a bit, be respectful and friendly, care about the people around you. Goes a long ways!

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