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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. A quick audit of his tax records over the last 10 to 20 years should show if everything is all ok, it's not an unusually large amount of wealth.
  2. I'm surprised only by how unsurprised I am that the covid prisons are now actual prisons
  3. They want to open things up to encourage people to come to Hua Hin from the places where there's a real problem. The public health department would no doubt have rejected this immediately.
  4. So there is a list, it's just not a secret list, especially since it leaked - makes perfect sense here.
  5. I'm pretty sure I won't have received my first shot before the end of the year never mind a booster.
  6. When it beomces the same as a 'cold' then it's a cold. We're not there yet though. Data can be gathered from largely unvaccinated countries which have widespread outbreaks of Delta and the next variants which will surely emerge in due course. There are many such countries where hardly anyone is vaccinated and Delta is running rampant over the whole population. Eventually someone will run the numbers and do proper national sero surveys....the only worry is that these numbers will be suppressed for some unimaginable reason.
  7. Wow, such a shock in a country of 70 million people. How many people have heart attacks, strokes or an aneurysm or even just something like an asthma attack while driving each and every day? A friend of mine had a minor stroke once, he was driving at the time, bringing the kids home from school. He noticed something was wrong when he started drooling as he lost control of one side of his face. He managed to pull over, this was a very minor stroke, he was lucky. It happens all the time and not everyone is so lucky as my friend was.
  8. There is pretty much only the delta variant in many regions of the world at the moment. This will change in due course when it mutates again and again, etc. What we need is a variant which spreads like wildfire AND doesn't really kill many people, I'm sure this will come along, it's just a matter of when...
  9. Oh, they'll be back in Thailand, extradition between local countries is pretty easy. They will be in prison before you know it.
  10. Yes, raises a question though. Isn't political protest perfectly legal in Thailand?
  11. Interesting, when people say something's at the lowest point and they give a time frame it usually means it was in fact lower before that time period. Was this metric worse than it is now 4 years ago? Is there a chart?
  12. Oh, I see, makes sense now. I guess they should have vaccinated more people?
  13. It's strange at the moment that Israel is on the list considering the very high number of people already vaccinated. Why is that?
  14. There is a scenario where it falls quickly but it's only something that shows up after the fact. It can run out of enough previously uninfected hosts to infect, the numbers don't reflect that right now, but then again - they didn't reflect that in India either - the subsequent sero survey did show that a massive percentage of the population in some Indian areas were infected although they didn't know it at the time. In fact I read that 67% of indians had antibodies to COVID yet only a tiny fraction of this 67% were tested positive for infection. Source on the percentage : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jul/21/covid-19-antibodies-detected-in-67-of-indias-population
  15. These 'variants' don't seem to last more than about half a year before being superceded by the next generation. I wonder what we will have at the end of the year, and where it will come from. I suspect there is a very strong chance that a new variant will come out of Southeast Asia now it's spreading widely.
  16. Not for the Thais which is all that really matters after all. Also the people aren't as dumb as you might think, they are not happy at all.
  17. It's a good job we've been repeatedly reminded how little tourism matters to the Thai economy over the years, merely a few percent they all said. Belittled on a regular basis, the mighty Thailand does not rely on tourism in any way, shape or form ????
  18. Of course it is, you don't need an 'amnesty' if you're not guilty of something.
  19. Excellent, I look forward to the full reopening of the country at the beginning of September.
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