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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. Is the balance of a foreign currency account subject to the usual taxation rules? Considering it seems to lie in some kind of no mans land between being in Thailand and not being in Thailand, does anyone know what would happen if someone transferred a relatively large amount of USD into a USD account, lets say US$500k for example. Is it best to do this at the beginning of January due to the 'money earned during the current year' regulation? I suspect it would be better to keep it outside of Thailand but it's worth checking...
  2. I believe it when I see it - for now I'm filing this under "things that are not going to happen".... They're drip feeding snippets of 'bad news' to soften the blow.
  3. Just ask them, they will likely confirm one way or the other the same day.
  4. Insurance covers emergency treatment, not quarantine hotel stays which are convenient for the local government in the arrival country. If they keep this up the country is doomed when it comes to tourism - I kind of hope they do keep it up for another year or two. It's time for them to reap the whirlwind.
  5. Yes, someone made a mistake here - they accidentally let slip their plans for the future. This was no typo, it's in a plan somewhere. Plenty of people seem to be disparaging the guy from the video, I've never heard of him before but he's reporting what he saw and I for one can very much believe that this will happen but it was supposed to be kept secret for now.
  6. Around here several 7/11 branches have closed permanently for some reason this year.
  7. Same here, my mother used to come every year. She's had 3 vaccine shots this year, the latest of which was just 2 weeks ago. She said she will only return if there's no requirements, if there are any hurdles at all then she's never coming again while they are in place. Sounds reasonable to me. She won't lift a finger, she won't be using any convoluted crappy websites to register at all and she definitely won't be staying in any quarantine hotels, even if it's for only one night. That covid prison thing doesn't sound too enticing either, that will have to go as well. She doesn't care about the bars being open or not, that's not one of her requirements.
  8. Don't worry, they do another test when you arrive, if you test positive then you will be locked up until you test negative. If you're sitting next to someone else who happens to test positive then you're also getting the special quarantine treatment. Oh, and in case that's not enough - you're paying for it - and it's not cheap. Enjoy your holiday! ???? Edit : read this :
  9. It is a serious error for anyone to come to Thailand for the purposes of tourism at the moment, an error which could have some reasonably expensvie consequences and you have zero control over the process. Still if you want to take the risk make sure you have plenty of money to cover the dracoinian imprisonment requirement for those who test positive.
  10. Give it a year or two and Crypto will be back in China more than ever before.
  11. Big gamble visiting Thailand right now, make a list of different countries and what they do when someone tests positive. Go to the places that don't lock you up.
  12. I would not be surprised if they also want to collect a massive amount of import duty and other taxes on it.
  13. Yes, I needed the TM30 at Chaeng Wattana it was on the list of required documents to bring with me. I don't know about the TM30 App as I have a paper one in my passport which I believe I got just after the last time I entered Thailand a few days after my old TE visa was inserted at the airport into my old passport, maybe they will accept the App but I would definitely check with them first. When I moved this old visa over to the new passport they issued a new 90 day report for the new passport and transferred the TM30 over to the new passport as well so they do appear to place a bit of importance on this little TM30 document. I'm sure your local immigration office can put one together for you if you tell them you need it for Chaeng Wattana, if not then perhaps TE can make it happen.
  14. "Everything is under control" - That's what they said - believe it. What's happening now is happening because that's what they want to happen. They're not stupid, they have applied multiple constraints into the system because they don't want mass tourism to return right now. I'm seeing all the signs that the massive winter 2021/22 onslaught of COVID is about to really kick off in most of Europe - when that happens I sepect them to scale back tourism again.
  15. Why is that? It's a massive rejection rate. Is the website simply that bad or are they randomly picking who can come? I find it hard to believe they would be rejecting tourists randomly so something is seriously wrong with the system here - it's not fit for purpose. Fire them all and recreate the system from scratch.
  16. That is anyones guess, do let us know the result please.
  17. I went to Chaeng Wattana very recently and met a TE rep there to have a new visa inserted into my recently renewed passport, the TM30 paper which is stapled in the passport was one of the things required. Here's a snippet from their email : Also before they would book the appointment to meet me at Chaeng Wattana they sent this : So it looks like they most definitely do insist on having a TM30. The interesting thing is that I actually booked into a hotel the night before I went to Chaeng Wattana so I do have to wonder if the hotel also registered me as being resident at the hotel and would it show on the computer system, they didn't mention it if it did......
  18. The biggest oldest bank in the country which is literally representative of all the old money in the county (and I mean all of it) just 'aped' into the cryptocurrency business. If there's one company in the entire country that knows the direction the country is going to take with regard to laws, etc in the future then SCB is it. This is news of such great magnitude that it's hard to appreciate immediately.
  19. Well you can come to Thailand and stay for as long as you want, no restrictions. It's very useful for people under 50 which is me at the moment and it's been working well for the last 7 or 8 years that I've been using it. You do have to do some things which are the 90 day reports, yearly extensions and you will need to go and get a new visa inserted into your passport whenever one expires and / or when you get a new passport, they're very inflexible when you have a new passport issued I got a new passport this year and had a new visa inserted, for me as I live in Hua Hin they insisted I go to Chaeng Wattana in Bangkok to get the visa inserted - that's quite a journey for something that takes about 15 minutes to complete. While I was in Chaeng Wattana they did get me to use one of the fingerprint scanning machines like they have at the airport so perhaps that's why they made me go to Chaeng Wattana, maybe they don't have these fingerprint machines in Hua Hin immigration. I'm not sure what the situation is at the other more major provincial offices so this might depend on where you live (worth checking) - this hassle doesn't exist with the regular retirement options and they can be extended over the years and across new passports without a problem but for the Elite visa it's a pain, especially if you don't live near to one of the places where they issue new visas which for me meant a trip to Chaeng Wattana in Bangkok. So every 5 years I will need to go and get a new visa inserted (making sure to have at least 5 years remaining on the passports validity) as the issued visa expires on the same day your passport expires and once you have a new passport they absolutely refuse to do any extensions of stay until you have a new visa inserted into your new passport - even if the visa in the old passport is still valid - this is an important distinction to make - if you get a new passport one of the first things you then need to do is make a pilgrimage to Chaeng Wattana to get a new visa inserted because the old one is no longer useable and I have been told that I wouldn't even be able to do a 90 day report once my entrance stamps have been moved to the new passport - I didn't test that, they gave me a new 90 day report when I did the entry stamp transfer into my new passport. I still think it's less hassle than gathering bank details every year and maintaining a balance, etc so I will likely continue down this Thailand Elite route after I pass the retirement age by way of upgrading my membership which should then last me until I'm about 66 or 67 years old.
  20. It's possible I got this email but didn't notice it when it came in, they do have a tendency to send emails out which contain remote images hosted on their servers, my mail client doesn't load those at all as they're often used for 'tracking purposes' so I've always had them disabled. Interesting to hear though, maybe I'll use this upgrade route and take my membership which expires in 3 years time + the 6 extra covid months by adding the 15 extra years for another 500k Baht. This comes as a bit of a bonus as I was expecting to pay 1 Million for that at some point in a few years time...
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