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Everything posted by ukrules

  1. In addition to this, you might be living in Thailand remitting millions of Baht every month between Jan 1 and June 20th when you leave and don't return until Jan 3 the following year - making you a non tax resident for the year in question rendering all those millions and anything else you decide to send during the rest of the year non taxable regardless of where it comes from and its tax status. This is why it will never happen as residency isn't decided until the 181st day of the yeat and us foreigners can be highly mobile.
  2. I am very surprised this is still required as it's not required for general entry to the country any more since about May. If you really want to avoid it I would wait a year or two - these vaccines probably won't exist at all by then.
  3. That's inexcusable, I take it you paid extra for the porter service? Edit: I think that's the same company we used when booking but it was in January 2020 so a few years back.
  4. My mother who has issues with her back and carrying luggage always used the buggy service and fast track, she was over 70 anyway but paid for the buggy and the porter to handle the luggage - there's no way she would ever be able to lift her case off the carousel on her own. The porter made sure she found whoever I sent to collect her.
  5. Was it any good? I downloaded it recently buy haven't watched it yet. Maybe I'll watch it tonight
  6. Are you by any chance in the UK or anywhere else in Europe?
  7. You should have done a new 90 day report when doing the extension removing the need to go twice. Here in Hua Hin you don't even need to ask them - they will do it for you if it's due when you get them to do the extension, they're quite helpful like that and they didn't make me queue twice - but it's pretty quiet here compared to a lot of other places, especially in November when I do my extension at the moment.
  8. Well they wouldn't see any ssh connections if it's going over a VPN as they would be hidden in whatever tunnel the VPN is using. So if this happens while using the VPN it suggests to me that the cause is something else not directly related to ssh - at least not on your end. I had a TOT connection many years ago and it used to disconnect/reconnect as well but I think it was more to do with the DCHP lease time between the router and the ISP itself but I didn't bother to dig deeper into it.
  9. He's right, any government making promises beyond their term can have it reversed in a heartbeat after defeat in an election. If the people all backed and wanted Prayuth and his governments plans for the future then they would have voted him back in again as PM. They didn't, but then again they didn't vote for this one either
  10. Many Prime Ministers around the world thought the same right up until the moment they were kicked out of office due to coalition failure. With this parliament there could be many PMs over the next 3 to 4 years
  11. Not if they really want that fancy new consulate they won't - and they really, really want it for some reason.
  12. Thailand Elite, 1 year stamp for each entry and can extend or just leave and re-enter - 1 year, every entry - guaranteed.
  13. No, this happened to someone I know and I know of several others who have been shaken down over the years on a regular basis as well. You're deluded if you think this kind of thing doesn't happen because it does.
  14. He's probably 'working' without a correct work permit, they will come and shake him down every now and again. I've seen this kind of thing before involving someone I know - they are out to get you, working undercover and attempting to catch you out doing the most mundane things which might not be 100% described on your work permit but in the same place of work, etc. For example if you're a chef and you accept someones payment which is a cashiers job - they will wait until there's no staff around and then ask to pay, all undercover looking like a regular customer, then the badge comes out and the money changes hands. They hate us all and will go to extreme lengths to make problems. Best to remember that.
  15. There are different lists for Thais and Foreigners, when talking about foreigners it's talking about a national id card issued by your 'home' government. Also on the list when I checked it a few days ago was a driving license. I did contact support at one point and ask if they would accept a passport but they mentioned that the passport is already being used with the 'NFC' thing. Now the only issue I have is that my driving license sits on a shelf in England and I don't have access to it at the moment so I can't do it. I have a Thai driving license and an expired UK license so I'm going to leave this until some point in the future right now, I can get the license but it's at a relatives house and she's not being very cooperative lately.
  16. They're making problems here where there were none before. The TM30 should be good enough, it's proof positive of where you live.
  17. It's not surprising, people hate paperwork. People also hate dealing with the officious self important loathsome embassy staff who seem to work at all embassies around the world including my own. No visa requirement = massive increases in the number of people who come. I don't go to places where I need to go to an embassy to get a visa any more - those days of kissing the embassys ass and following all sorts of rules / disclosing personal information are long gone for me. If it needs a visa then I don't go unless I can get it online and print it out myself - like Cambodia, simple. The one exception for me is Thailand where I have decided to live, I've got a very long term Thailand Elite membership, which requires minimum fuss, I applied for it online, paid with the bank app and I'm good until 2040.
  18. They're all too old as well, the Senate could do with a good clear out of the geriatrics too
  19. Yes, that's what they're doing here. It's odd as he had zero chance of winning there anyway.
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